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Yandy: "I didn't have this conversation with nobody." Isn't she educated? Check your grammar hoe

Im glad Cardi told Mariah that she looked messy

Yandy lying to MNDC. She did talk dirty about his kid. MNDC didnt know that the paperwork wasnt sent off? Yandy stay playing herself. I believe there is a statute of limitation on this. Paper needs to be filed within 60 days of marriage. Its 7 months; they would need to be (re)married as the paper is invalid

Wow, I didnt realize Cisco was such a bitch. Im far from a fan of those Creep Squad members but that was a punk ass move that he did to Peter and then he started acting super bold

Why is Tara back? We dont need her dumb ass


Trash Can Yan keeps saying she didnt enter into a commitment with MNDC and the government but she went into one with them and God so that makes them married. Huh? She didnt get married in a church. She got married on live tv at a VH1 venue.

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I saw the first episode and it was way too fake for me. I just couldnt. I wasnt a fan of his little ratchet kids bashing Joseline the entire show too




Yandy wont talk to Kim about Juelz but she'll go behind her back adn talk to Juelz about Kim. She's a selfish friend bc  she only wants friends that can help her with her situations. Oh and she's his manager? Figures why he hasnt had a hit this decade

Remy and Papoose were so sweet. They always have the best material. OMG, I was not expecting that scene at the end. That was heartbreaking. I nearly teared up. See they are the best couple and story on the show bc they are real and not fake or scripted. THey are too good for this show

Why are we back t this Peter and Tara bulls--t? Get them off my screen!

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LOL at Erika rolling her eyes when Yandy was tearing up.

The segment with the brothers was beautiful. Its a damn shame it didnt move these women as I doubt this will change anything. Samantha looked stupid saying Yandy tries to act like mother and father and thats her problem. Well MNDC is in jail. The only way his kids are going to get together is through Yandy. he cant pick them up and bring them together from where he's at.

LMAO at VH1 pulling the reciepts on LYING ass Yandy. Mona set her ass up

Bianca looked so stupid on that stage with that bad awful wig.

Major Galore looked beautiful on that stage. Where the heck this beef with Cardi come from? The show didnt even feature any of that so this fighting came out of nowhere

This reunion was such an ugly look for Cardi. She is ruining her image

Why are 80% of the women on all the LAHH franchises bi and/or lesbians? Its like a trend bc everytime you look some chick is admitting to messing with other girls

Amina is still f--king Peter even though he asked her for a divorce on tv. What a dumb bitch

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Looks like her crazy antics worked last year and she got herself an upgrade to full cast member



I love how overly dramatic she was in her recap


Karlie continues to be a bird and look she got yet another career. She changes them every season. She started season 1 as a wannabe rapper and in the latter seasons she's owned a hair salon, clothing boutique and record label. For season 6, she's an author!



Mimi is still gay for pay...whatever. If that Melissa think she can be Mimi's friend and Jos' lover, she is in for a rude awakening


Yay the Kirk story is fake Its already been debunked

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wow, this bitch really called her mother a punk ass ho

WTF is Granny dancing in the streets?

Kirk and Rasheeda are the King and Queen of fake storylines

Mama Dee and Ernest's mother look the same age

Karlie, FF to you a messy nosy bitch

Rasheeda said she's been married for 17 years. She claims to be 34...so she got married to a much older Kirk when she was 17? They was messing when she was 16? Hmmmm...something dont add up. Girl you pushing 40 if not already there

"Im looking at this man that I've known since I was damn near a teenager." If you were married at 17, you were a teenager. Lying ass bitch, you got married in your 20s

Edited by Cheap21
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Tommie is a lunatic and Mona loves her for that reason!  Mad at her mother for not coming to see her in jail.  Hell, 32+ times is enough!  


I'm so over lying ass Rasheeda and Kirk.  


Karlie's acting is horrendous!


Mona keeps Young Joc around because he has multiple baby mamas.  She loves his type of scum.  


It's time to rid this show of Mama Dee and bring in someone else's mother.  

Edited by ChitHappens
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