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Yes. Chrissy said she would [!@#$%^&*] Yandy up if she saw her in person and refused to do it so EP Mona Scott Young interviewed them in individual interviews. Chrissy also was pissed at Mona and had to do her interview with someone else.

I don't see who would have that much hate for each other though?

Edited by Eric83
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Jos as a broke down Beyonce

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I cant beleive Im saying this but Im starting to like Jos. She had alot of funny lines. I liked her apologizing to Mimi

Mama Dee needs to take a step back

Go Karlie! I loved her telling K. Michelle to get out with her immature nonsense



I love Rasheeda's husband. he seems like such a good guy and he's super supportive of her

Benzino and Karlie? Im liking it

My ranking of the girls goes

Man I so agree on all of these

Thats pure BS. Doesnt VH1 sign these people to a contract? If not then its stupid on them for not holding them to it and then threatening action. Im sure these hoodrats would put on their happy faces and show up if money is at risk

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I cant beleive Im saying this but now for some reason Im loving Rasheeda's "Marry Me" song! Its so catchy. Just downloaded.

Check out Grandma Ratchet


Yes! I probably should have posted on it but I got busy with other stuff and cant remember where I left off.

Yandy...I loved when her mentor, Mona checked her. She thought she could vent and have all this support but Mona called her on her BS and tried to show that she isnt all innocent. Chrissy was crazy and a mess but I beleive Tandy did antaognize her a bit as well

It was pure BS that there wasnt a reunion but instead they had those silly interviews:

Somaya...irrelevant. She had the nerve to call mona a bitch and come at her hard bc they cut her out of the show. Damn, maybe if she aced like this while filming, they'd have kept her on

Chrissy's jealousies came out and it was clear she hated that Tandy was imposing on "her thing" She didnt want Yandy to be a star and take attention away from she and Jim. She was wrong and too old to get as childish as she did. I was kinda upset she and Mama Jones made up bc I liked Nancy going in on her. Speaking of which..

I love how this bitch cant spell and spun Psychotic Bitch into Physiotic! I love the song...lol

Man this show is so staged. I kinda wish they didnt show the behind the scene footaage of the Kim/Erica fight. The girls argued and then Mona came in to stop the rolling and point out that they didnt introduce one of the girls before Erica went in on Kim and then they refilmed it. To me that really took away from what was one of the most explosive moments of the series as the fighting isnt as spontaneous as we think it is. Looking back, I think Chrissy hitting Kimbella was staged and possibly filmed multiple times as well

Edited by Cheap21
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Straight From the A is reporting that Diamond (Scrappy's ex/ the woman that Momma Dee wants to beat the breaks off of) is in talks to join Season 2. She was supposed to be in Season 1, but dropped when Scrappy and Momma Dee joined. They said she had a change of heart, probably bc the show has been such a success. I hope she does come on lol, she can replace Karlie :lol:

They also referred to the show as As the Hood Turns lmao

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Just saw this and a mess! What does that have anything to do with the song? Its too bad bc I actually like the song. I noticed that most of the girls in there are ugly. I wonder if she did that on purpose so she stands out...lol

Which is fitting bc this is the best black soap Ive seen on tv

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