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Y&R Promo: Nikki vs Sharon (Wk 11th June)

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I told everyone weeks ago this story is not about Sharon and Victor - it's Sharon & Nikki. (After those great scenes in the winter, they just knew it was good stuff.) The pole to a bottle is a great line, then wearing similar dresses, etc. As long as we don't see Gramps and Sharon horizontal, bring on Nikki and Sharon.

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I admit I loved it. I just wished it didn't have to come at such a great sacrifice. Any enjoyment one could get from this is temporary considering the state of Sharon's characterization. It's a complete travesty how this show has completely destroyed and dismantled Sharon's character since 2009. I wish Case would have just left instead of being regulated to this complete assassination of her character.

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So ridiculous, this is the umpteenth time of this mess. It's just a shame that they keep ruining Jack's good relationships and continuosly pairing him with women that want Victor.

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i honestly don't understand why this show is going to such great lengths to bring Sharon down to Adam's level, still? Why couldn't Sharon just be Sharon, but still be with Adam? Why does her character have to be leveled while his is being elevated, all so that they can get together, in a painfully obvious. roundabout fashion? And then lemme guess: Chelsea gets shafted, turns nutty, and goes after Sharon for 'stealing her man' or some scat? This show. I don't even.

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Like I said, keep the Victor/Sharon stuff to minimum. They can be in scenes together - just focus on fall-out and Nikki. BTW - Sharon's character was trashed way before 2009. There aren't many other options for Victor that would work if they want to keep Nikki and Victor apart, which they should for awhile. Having Sharon/Victor is far better than Victor/GenV or, worse, Victor alone pining for Nikki. I don't think so.

There is only so much you can do with vets who have been around the block many, many times. I'm just glad that Victor, Nikki and even Aunt Jack are getting romantic stories and are not on the back burner. It's a tough balancing act. Honestly, the only other pairing with Victor I would enjoy would be Jill. I thought they worked well together years ago, but with JW taking six months off, they can't go there - yet.

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Frankly, why must Victor pursue anyone at this point? By now, we understand that TGVN is supposed to be this virile alpha-male, so why not focus on Victor, the mogul, and just have it in the background that he dates frequently (and with women who aren't necessarily on the show)?

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