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AMC: Confirmed

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Just in case there was any doubt (and I have no idea why there was any doubt in the first place) SOD confirms what pretty much everyone figured out EIGHT MONTHS ago: Josh is the FETUS. He was not created from stolen eggs. He is Jeff Martin and Erica Kane's son.

McTavish took Agnes Nixon's ground-breaking story and sh*t on it for a stupid ratings-grabber that won't work because nobody is going to be surprised unless they've been living under a rock, and most viewers don't give a damn about Josh and Greg.

I'm surprised to see what the hardcore AMC supporters/ "McTavish is the Messiah" fans have to say about this. A while ago even they were against this move, but I have a feeling that tune will change.

So McT got what she wanted: Now her name will be associated with the abortion forever, having put her own stupid twist on it. Good for you McTavish. I'm furious.

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.....................This has been turned into a McTravesty. I think Agnes should pitch a fit to ABC and demand they don't do this. That abortion storyline, though controversial, is a ground breaking story and an important part of AMC's history. I would expect this from JFP & GaP, but not McTavish. Congratulations Megan, you've turned this into a McTravesty.

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AAAHH!!! :mellow:

So basically it's like saying Erica didn't have the first legal abortion on television. It’s erasing that history. It makes it all false.

I hope a bunch of people write to ABC and complain about this! Hopefully Agnes will step in and change the McT's story plan.

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I held out hope that it wouldn't be this but this is an awful move by McTavish, one of her worst. I guess it is true that Agnes virtually has no influence over her baby anymore :( This is just awful. And I wonder how the great Susan Lucci feels about this.... she was part of the first legal abortion on TV....

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I really had no idea that she would actually go through with this. This is very stupid. You should never mess with a storyline that’s historic.

I guess Megan wanted to cement herself as AMC’s most infamous writer (as if that wasn’t already the case) -- and this will definitely do it!

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Lucci should refuse to play the storyline on principle. What are they gonna do, fire her?! I don't think so! Its not unprofessional because she is just protecting the legacy of her character and the show. She should put her foot down like Geary does over on GH.

This is the most despicable plot driven storyline of all time.

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It's shocking and wrong and horrible at first, but last night, I really thought about it for the first time...

When this happens, Josh is going to be Erica's son and Jeff's son. Now whether or not we get some good Josh/Martins scenes, that's still up for debate, BUT, if we do, and they turn out to be amazing, I could probably, slowly, begin to accept the rewrite. Look at it this way: if Erica's abortion was just another throwaway daytime abortion, I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. It'd be a great way to link the show's past to its present.

BUT, the abortion being the legendary event that it was, this definitely stains the whole thing quite a bit. BUT, does it in anyway affect the importance and affect it had on audiences back in 1973? It was still the first legal abortion on daytime TV, but now we know that it didn't really happen. It was thought to be the first legal abortion, but it really wasn't.

I know that most of this will fall on deaf ears, but that's fine. I'll choose to feel my own way about the whole situation. I'm going to look on the bright side.

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LOL SORASING makes thinking about timelines MIND BOGGLING. there is no use in doing it. I had a thought (as did others on a message board), if you read between the lines of spoilers Tad goes to Erica with this news but Greg is still trying desperately to hold onto his secret... the theory is Tad gets a positve match on Josh's blood to erica and he thinks well he is the aborted fetus, but what if he isn't? What if Tad tells Erica this and that is the assumed case and it comes out later that it was something completely different. Now this could just be wishful thinking but until I see it on my screen I will be wishful lol because this is gonna make me gag if this is the actual end result.

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I don't watch AMC but as an outsider I can tell this is a stupid move.

Detractors of modern daytime soaps slam them for being throwaway, melodramatic trash. Now one of the occasions where the show did something socially relevant and groundbreaking (as Agnes Nixon intended her shows to do) is tossed aside for a dumb airport novel style plot twist.

Where is the integrity?

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