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DAYS: Will & Sonny Spoiler Thread

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And it really doesn't have to be this hard.

I mean think back to Dynasty, Luke and Steven never kissed once, at best all they had was a few long lingering hugs...and it was still more compelling than this crap.

Why is it sooo hard!?!?

I don't even consider Luke and Noah botched, I felt like they were fine. Was Jake A bad actor?Yes. Were Nuke fans annoying?Absolutely! But other than the fact that they kissed sparingly...it wasn't bad. Luke and Reid were great, and even Luke with his Grandma's husband was great.

So I must give some credit to ATWT, they failed less than OLTL, GH, Passions, and now Days.

Good for them! But seriously why am I surprised...it's Days, they can't do anything right!

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Dont forget Reid and Luke....LOL....

How can it be amazing when its been done before and its just a stupid roadblock in the storyline. The simple assault of Sonny would have been enough to drive story with Will and Sonny. Sonny could have finally pulled away from Will and told him to [!@#$%^&*] off. Will would have been upset......Sonny gets help and finds himself a bf while Will is left lusting for him. No need to bring in Gabi into it again with this awful I was feeling bad so I had sex plot point....just dumb.

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I think that having Will scared about being beaten up after his parents have expressed that concern and seeing it happen to another young gay guy in his town he is friends with is more than enough to logically make him want to go back into the closet and not be gay. This does happen in the real world, it isnt far fetched or anything. Its pretty realistic. I think having him turn to his ex girlfriend and have sex with her is a very soapy move as Gabi is already unhinged, so for Will to use her will push her further and the possibility of a baby adds even more drama for both will and gabi, along with sami, rafe and many more and touches upon the history of sami being a teenage parent herself.

i dont want a very special storyline where "the gays" are treated with kiddie gloves. I want soapy stories that involve gay characters just like they do every other character, screwed over couples and all. Im not watching because will is gay or in the hopes of will/sonny happening, i dont care who is paired with who I just want entertaining, soapy stories and thats what this seems to be. Yes, i do think that is great.

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Ok...Ms Chandler this post is brilliant! And this is what the writters are doing. I read an interview Freddy did on Sonny's story and he mentioned that Will doesnt know if he is gay for sure and that his dad Lucas doesnt approve 100 percent....I think its ridiculous and just a waste of time rehasing stuff that already happened with MarDar.

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Exactly, Amazing, [!@#$%^&*], this sounds like Kish on OLTL circa 2009, except DAYS is changing the order of events a bit. while I enjoyed Kish, I don't want to see their story rehashed on DAYS. YAWN. I guess I'm tired of shows telling variations of the same 3 stories for gay characters. There's always a coming out story, a gay bashing story, and some how by the end you have to get the gay couple a cute kid to raise. There's more to the gay life than that. Have some originality and come up with some new stories.

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Or it could have been....Sonny to Will....I have had enough...I was there for you ...you never werent.....I dont think we should hang out anymore...and all this would be after Sonny was in need of Will after of the assualt....and Sonny realized Will never cared for him. No need to bring Gabi in who should be in prison at this point.

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