Members Soapsuds Posted February 11, 2012 Members Share Posted February 11, 2012 No history...of course they go to the same school and he teases Alex for being gay and loving Sebastian. He calls him Alejandra.....everytime he sees him. I remember Alex staring at Sebastian funny and Diego caught him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 11, 2012 Members Share Posted February 11, 2012 I like JP but I dont know..I have a feeling he is going to turn evil or be the antagonist....I flove Mauricio....the actor sure is easy on the eyes with a hot body...I also like Sebastian...the actor is hot as well....Diego is just blah for Alex if he gets stuck with him.......unless Diego really does a 180...which he was kind of very slightly warming up to Alex until he reached the emergency room....LOL when Alex said the !@#$%^&*] didnt even thank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AllMyDaysatGH Posted February 11, 2012 Members Share Posted February 11, 2012 I was laughing when that popped up in the captions. I am not much of a fan of Diego either, I agree at this point I wouldn't want to see Alex with him. It's a long shot but I think it would be much more compelling if him & Sebastian ended up together somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 11, 2012 Members Share Posted February 11, 2012 Yeah I want that too but slowly it looks like Diego is going to be more in Alex's orbit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 11, 2012 Members Share Posted February 11, 2012 Sebastian and Diego....I stll say Diego is Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 12, 2012 Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 12, 2012 Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 Please register in order to view this content It has English subtitles Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dc11786 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 From my understanding, most novelas go up in the final episodes. Looking at Media Life's overnights, 'Caso del al Lado' averaged a .6 / .7 for most of December / January. Right now, 'Relaciones Peligrosas' is averaging a .4, and occasionally hitting the .5. For 'RP,' the network may be looking at the demos as I would assume they are expecting the show to skew younger. I know in the press release about the premier they talked about one of the demographics being up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dc11786 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 Diego wasn't introduced with the rest of the group. He appeared after the aftermath of Rodrigo's suicide, which happened at the end of episode one. During football practice, Alejandro is changing in the lockerroom when Diego accidentally dropped his towel right in front of him. Diego gave a Alejandro a dirty look, but I don't think he made a big deal about the situation until on the field. Diego knocked Alejandro out, which lead to Sebastian chatisizing Diego for his behavior. Later, in the showers, Diego spotted Alejandro staring at Sebastian. I, too, like J.P., but I agree he'll probably turn out to be a villain. J.P.'s slicked back hair in the flashbacks to his marriage gave off a swarmy vibe. I think there will be more to the story with the sister-in-law. I don't think J.P. killed his wife, but I think we'll eventually learn she wasn't as paranoid as we were lead to believe. I'm on team J.P. / Miranda and team Yesenia / Mauricio. In the end, I suspect Mau may leave for Columbia alone, which would be fine with me. See, I don't find Sebastian / Alejandro compelling as an end game couple. I like Sebastian / Nora and appreciate how they have embraced Alejandro. Also, it would negate Sebastian's stance on his sexuality by pairing the two. He doesn't mind kissing Alejandro because he is comfortable with who he is. I think the audience will want Alejandro with someone who is comfortable with their sexuality, but will this provide the most conflict? In a way, it would have been more dramatic to have Sebastian confused, and Nora a raging bitch, but I find the current situation refreshing. I just think it's a shame they haven't maximized the potential set up into an actual storyline. I was hoping the show was going to go the Gonzalo / Alejandro route with all the conflict provided from Gonzalo's role in Rodrigo's death. This would have kept the Sebastian / Alejandro relationship at the center of the drama and allowed Sebastian something to do while Nora is off romancing some other guy trying to get over the Aragon brothers. I like the contrast of Diego / Alejandro. With Alejandro, I think he is comfortable with being gay, but not comfortable with how society will perceive him. Diego's homophobic rants seem to come from self-hatred; he isn't comfortable with himself. I have less problems with Diego's homophobia than with Leo / Gonzalo's racism. *** I finished my weekend marathon (Wed-Fri) of ‘Relaciones Peligrosas.’ I’m enjoying the characters and the stories, but I do wish the plotting was less ‘let’s introduce a plot point and forget about it for a few episodes and then pick it up again.’ The flow is a bit choppy. There was so much emphasis in the first few episodes about Rodrigo’s death and what Gonzalo did that night, but that has all been sort of swept under the rug. Then, there was some good movement in the Nora / Sebastian / Alejandro story early in the week, but, other than the dinner on Thursday, there has been nothing. No real follow through. The Oliver plot is a bit of a nuisance and the writers seem to be trying to figure a way to back out of the situation. I like how Yesenia’s brother is tied into all of it, and, through the brother, so is Yesenia. I think the constant threats will get old, but I worry how all of this is going to be resolved without making the characters look bad like Leo and Gonzalo do with their racial comments. Did anyone else catch the hint that Leo Maximo’s father is the head of the drug cartel? I figured this was a thread the show would follow when Orlando, Sebastian’s father, said he planned on finding who was at the top of the drug ring, but I didn’t think it was going to be Andres Maximo. I like Jeannette Lehr, the actress playing Teresa. She was so over the top as the psychic in ‘El Cuerpo del Deseo,’ and I just love the relationship between Teresa and Ricardo. I’m looking forward to the fight between Ana / Teresa over directorship of Cervantes. I like both women because, even though Ana seems to be a villain, Teresa is grasping at straws by keeping Miranda as Mauricio’s tutor. I’m disappointed that this element has been used to create more natural conflict in the relationship. Miranda / J.P. at the after school program was so sweet and a nice change of pace. I hope they feature that a bit more to keep things grounded. I like how they set up Miranda’s break in. I believe Miranda would think Mau was behind it based on all the information she had been fed, but I still don’t see why Mau doesn’t tell her about Oliver’s threats. I’m not too thrilled with Mau trying to make J.P. look bad. The Cassius / Gonzalo / Leo stuff is hard to watch. It’s so banal. Also I don’t like some of Cassius’ mannerisms. It all feels so juvenile. I wonder what will happen once Violeta realizes this is not a fake. She was analyzing the photo Friday and I bet she sees Mauricio’s reflection in the wine bottle. I find it interesting they are continuing this Mauricio’s parents think he might be gay subplot. If Alejandro was more involved, I could see the purpose as it might motivate Alejandro to stay in the closet. For now, it just seems like a rather bizarre choice to make, but I guess it highlights how judgemental and narrow minded Manuel Blanco is for the impending Sofia / Cassius storyline. Santiago’s comments about having a better body than the doctored photo were humorous as were his comments to J.P. about Miranda. I don’t like how they haven’t picked up on Wednesday’s cliffhanger, or one of its final threads, with J.P. meeting with Marta, his former sister-in-law. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 12, 2012 Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 What you mention is the 18-49 demos. The 8.9 is the total HH number for Casa de al Lado last show. They were averaging 6.0-7.9 ratings during its run...that is HH numbers. It debut with a 9.1 HH rating when it first premiered. RP had a 5.2 rating it's first episode and then went down to the 4's in HH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dc11786 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 Thanks for clarifying. I hadn't seen it mentioned in the Media Life articles that they were using the 18-49 demographic. I just assumed it was head households. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 12, 2012 Members Share Posted February 12, 2012 I love your analysis of everything. I am still trying to figure out who is who. It's hard when i dont care about some stories I do but the characters cross paths and stories. I guess thats a good thing though....I too find it odd how Maurico's dad keeps asking if he is I wish he like the casting of the dad....I've seen him in other novelas..he sure has aged though..I remember him as a younger lead. As for Alex....I wouldnt mind seeing him with Leo....if I am correct he is the one being beaten by his father?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dc11786 Posted February 13, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 13, 2012 Thanks. I've been watching 3 or more episodes on the weekend. It makes it easier to remember who is who. The only reason I can figure for the Mauricio is gay comments are they want to show the father as a bigot. This should come into play when Sofia brings Cassius home. He probably won't be happy if his daughter is dating a black man, which is disappointing because I didn't get the bigot impression when the issue came up during dinner. The father does look familiar. I think I saw previews for La Viuda de Blanco, which he was in. Leo is the one who's dad beats him. Leo / Sofia will surely break up since they are heavy on Sofia / Cassius. If I were in charge, I would pair Nora / Leo because they are at least hinting Leo's father, Andres Maximo, is the drug lord. This would cause conflict because of the drug involvement in Rodrigo's death. I was sort of hoping the show was going to pair Ale / Leo when they kissed during the ice game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted February 15, 2012 Members Share Posted February 15, 2012 RELACIONES PELIGROSAS M-F TEL 5.0 Ratings for last weeks episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dc11786 Posted February 16, 2012 Author Members Share Posted February 16, 2012 I'm still reeling from all the WTFery from Monday's episode. I realize the original was a weekly drama, but this stuff was too much. Mild mannered, musician Gilberto has a fantasy about Santiago and his wife and goes off threatening to ruin Ana / Santiago. I actually liked the original set up of Ana / Santiago. Santiago made a valid point regarding Ana; she says what she believes. If she had in fact been racist, it wouldn't have been a secret. On the otherhand, I thought GIlberto's point about Ana being harsh was also interesting and spot-on. I wish they used Violeta to faciliate the split before having Gilberto jump to conclusions at the drop of the hat. I like how J.P. thinks it is Jaime Oliveras, his former father-in-law, who is stalking him. This was a nice beat to play and allowed me to tolerate Oliver's plot a little bit more. The Sofia / Leo break up came sooner than I than I thought, but I'm glad it's all over. I wish they would give the actress playing Sofia and Mauricio's mother more to do. The actress does a lot with a little, and I really wish both of the Blancos were well developed for the impending Cassius / Sofia relationship. I thought the pool scene between Max and Gonzalo was going to become a bit homoerotic especially as they were discussing Sofia / Leo. I like both characters separately, and I enjoy their friendhsip at times. I wish they would move them into another story. I was sorry to see Yesenia's brother being beaten in prison. It bothers me that the show doesn't feature characters fighting back. The scene with Cassius at the laundrymat left me with a similar feeling. Of course, out of nowhere, the Nora / Sebastian / Ale story has made a 180 and is now about a bitter Nora, a clueless Sebastian, and a judgemental Ale. Ale's comments about Sebastian / Nora were so left field I was left spinning. Ale knew Sebastian liked Nora; Nora knew Ale was gay. Why is all of this suddenly a problem? The last scenes we had of them together were at Nora's family dinner. What suddenly changed? At times, I feel like we've missed several beats of the story, which is unforgiveable on a nightly series. Maybe they could have cut down on some of the endless "Stop talking to me Mauricio" scenes and developed this a bit further. I'll probably end up finishing up the rest of this week's episodes this weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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