Members frequentsoapfan Posted September 14, 2012 Members Share Posted September 14, 2012 That's how it is on every soap though. Someone is wrongly accused of murder and the police go off the word of some liar. Between getting in the fight with Chloe and then the fight with Tyler and the chain that's enough to suspect him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 14, 2012 Members Share Posted September 14, 2012 True but my problem with it now is that Eddie is once again a victim of Chloe. Instead of there being a pay-off to her secret being revealed as in her being arrested, she gets away with it because the writers seem to love her being the source of Eddie's misery so what does it matter about his music career now? He's going to be the suspect and they'll probably end this show without clearing his name. I guess it might be okay if they at least end with his having the evidence to clear himself but ir it ends with Tyler and Chloe getting away with everything that would be lame. I like how when Tyler was shown fixing himself up in the mirror he had blood on his lips but had not cuts or blood during that sad fight and the only time Eddie connected with his face, it was on the side opposite the cut. What are the chances that Chloe doesn't have a single cut, scratch or bruise on her after that fall? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 15, 2012 Members Share Posted September 15, 2012 Oh my gosh Eddie's dead!!!! went fangurl nation. Some are swearing to never watch this show again if they killed Eddie. The hysteria somewhat entertaining with the exception of one saying she'll kill herself if Eddie dies. Anyway he's not dead. The creepy gas station attendant stole his car and crashed leaving only the wallet intact. Eddie's stranded somewhere without his cell phone and no means of ever calling anyone again. I would really love to see the final episode and how they end this drama. In the interim I guess I'll just have to see how Loren shoots to superstardom while Eddie's out in the wilderness with no phone, wanted for the attempted murder of Chloe whose only crime was hacking into his girlfriend's phone (since there's no way Tyler is going to reveal the real reason for their fight). No one will ever notice the two glasses or find out that Dylan was the one. The batender will probably never tell the policewoman that she saw Eddie when he was looking for Loren and that he mentioned someone did something to Loren and that he wasn't enraged when he spoke with her. But will Max think to call that investigator that he hired way back when? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 Does anyone understand what they are doing with the character Kelly? She seems to have no direction at all. I don't understand why she would betray her friend. I don't understand her obsession with Jake or love for him. At first I thought her plan was to take over Jake's business that she hasn't made a move that direction. I guess there's still time for her to do that. Right now she seems kind of pointless to me. See also seems flighty where Loren is concerned. Maybe she hates Traci and/or Jake for some reason. Then there's the regular soap fare or sloppy writing such as why Loren hasn't listened to the message that Eddie left for her yet she listened to the outgoing message on Eddie's cell phone,when and if either Loren or Max will remember Lily's interest in Katie,and when and if the glasses Dylan left on Max's balcony will ever be discovered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members frequentsoapfan Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 I'm a couple of epis behind but this actual reminds me somewhat of the plot in Dame Chocolate(Carlos Ponce was in it) where they thought Rosita "died" because they thought she blew up in a restaurant explosion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 Did the telenovelas you've watched have some sort of ending that resolved most if not all of their stories (especially the main one)? Or did they end as if they were expecting to continue? I don't know if I get the concept behind them but I thought the point was to tell a story or several that culminated with the end of the telenovela. This kind of seems as if they are now going in the direction of a soap/prime time serial and back loaded in such a way as to hook viewers for a second season. I'm guessing the telenovela on which this is based actually did have some sort of happy or at least satisfactory ending and the reason it was given a sequel was because of its popularity and not that it had any unresolved plans. I think this kind of drama would be right up soap alley since they'd have more time for characters lives to come to a halt while they mourn not really dead Eddie. Considering they are now down to 13 episodes, I am guessing that they are going to either give the impression that more time has lapsed than has or accelerate the days. They've typically been taking about three to four episodes for one night to end. The characters seem to have been written as fairly consistent with the exception of Chloe and her insta-obsession with Eddie and Kelly who makes no sense to me as a character. is she devious, is she lovelorn, or both? And what's up with her whole split personality when it comes to Loren? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members frequentsoapfan Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 The stories all usually end by the finale even those stupid little side ones they find ways to tie them back into the main plot and resolves them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 Thanks. They probably should have hired people (assuming they did not) who were familiar with telenovelas instead of with an emphasis on soaps or maybe just people who understand how to resolve plots. I am guessing that the big reward for watching this through to the last episode is going to be Eddie telling Loren he loves her. That will be the one scene that makes up for all deficiencies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members frequentsoapfan Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 The reason why I usually don't watch 6 month telenovelas is because they do the same thing where all the drama is at the end and the middle is filler. I've dropped a few in recent years because I couldn't sit through the boring middle to wait for the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 19, 2012 Members Share Posted September 19, 2012 I don't think I would have the patience to watch one of these for six months. I barely have the patience for this and I did skip a lot in between the beginning and Eddie accepting that Chloe cheated on him. Making Eddie the double victim has the Chloe character coming across to me like Lauren Tanner in ABC Famiy's Make It Or Break It. No matter what Lauren did, she never paid. It's like the writers had this soft spot for that character and all her bad deeds had no consequences whatsoever. In order to ultimately make her sympathetic to the viewers, they used the final season to soften her up and gave her a heart condition which made her gymnastics career risky. The fact that they had her "near death" and comatose is meant to make viewers feel sorry for her because she's now paid in some way for what she's done in a karmic way. Step two would be to have her regain her wake up, slowly regain her memory, and go against Tyler by admitting that Eddie had nothing to do with her fall. But since Max is out to prove Eddie's innocence it is sure to be a much more tedious process than that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 20, 2012 Members Share Posted September 20, 2012 With 12 episodes left before the finale, this show has taken the turn into the absurd soap level which would work fine if there were a couple of months left to play the whole plot out. I have no problem with the whole everyone thinks main character is dead but he's actually stuck on some farm with odd brother and sister and the sister looks as if she intends to nurse him back to health and keep him for herself because on a soap he'd probably have amnesia and fall in love with her only to discover months down the road that he was someone else who already had a true love. He has no amnesia, he has major injuries (requiring hospitalization) and within three to four days (since each day on this show lasts about three or four episodes), he is going to have to miraculously heal whatever broken bones he has or internal injuries, find his way out of Ojai (with no money since his wallet was in his burned up car), confront his mother's killers (possibly) and find his way back to L.A. to tell the girl he loves he loves her. So the grieving girlfriend finds out at night he's dead and the next morning she's off to school just to get in another useless scene with those insensitive mean girls while she's walking around seeing the dead boyfriend in places he isn't. The day just started so in another two or three episodes she will have accomplished a great many things just after learning that her true love is dead because the writers didn't properly pace their major secret reveal This is JFP's first lesson on how to mess up an adaptation of a telenovela. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 22, 2012 Members Share Posted September 22, 2012 Now for my bad tv report: So I forgot that Kelly had a magazine with a story about Jake the first time she appeared on this show. I must've thought at the time she was coming for some sort of revenge--not because she had the hots for Jake. Maybe I'd understand if he did something for me but he doesn't and she wears too much make-up and is a witch so I cannot promote her over nagging Traci. They're all the most pointless filler story on this mess. I really hope Grayson McCouch meant to be campy and OTT with the getting in Phil's face. His character can't be long for what remains because despite those who want Ellie to die for blackmailing him (I know it's just a show but I still think that there are people who think this irrationally), I get the feeling that things will backfire on him. He should really share a jail cell with Chloe and Tyler but those eedjits are getting off scotfree because the writers like them better and they can't let all the bad people get away so he's the designated pay-off. Mel's little tribute video is ooooh aaaah but more of what's great about shoddy writing and me eating it all up. She didn't shoot most of that footage that she's passing off as her work because she was never in front of them for some of those scenes if present at all. We're not supposed to notice so yeah, I ate it all up. And from the derailed love story....I'm fangurling now.....Eddie's not dead....Eddie's alive.....What if he's never proven innocent? Uhm I guess he'll have to spend the rest of his life in that room on with them there kids......back to fangurling......He said he loves Loren......all's right in the world except now I need him to get up and go and tell her because fangurling can't be complete if they're separated....He said he loves Loren.....uhm awwwww!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soaplovers Posted September 23, 2012 Members Share Posted September 23, 2012 If this were a continuing soap, I would view this past week's batch of episodes as the next arc of the plot.. but with 10 episodes left, I dont know if it's smart of the writers to start up the new arcs (i.e. Chloe having amnesia, Eddie presumed dead, Eddie being 'nursed' back to health by the brother/sister duo, and Phil possibly going to be framed by Don). If there were another 40 episodes, then I could see these arcs being introduced and played out properly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 23, 2012 Members Share Posted September 23, 2012 Her character may not have gotten to marry the rock star as planned but Melissa Ordway married a singer: Hopefully they will be very happy. ITA. I have already said a bit on their back loading this show when they had ample time to work some of these plots in. They could have trimmed down the Chloe/Tyler creeping behind Eddie's back segment down considerably since they were determined to have the Chloe killed Katie plot. Some of the other funny soap stuff going on besides Loren never checking that message from Eddie and no one seeing the two glasses Dylan left on Max's balcony include the two farm kids telling Eddie they had no phone. Did that girl not have some sort of device that is connected to the outside world which allowed her to hear Eddie's music and read the cruel things being said about it? And both Loren and Max have conveniently forgotten about Eddie mentioning Lily Park and going to see her. Loren was hysterical over the text spoof and afraid of Eddie's reaction but that's out the window, yet she always wondered whether Chloe had anything to do with the dancer whose injury Chloe caused. Details. No, it's not smart because it means that they'll either have to leave certain things hanging or they are going to have to accelerate the pace of some of things which means that all of this action literally occurs within two or three days. It's the day after "Eddie died" and Loren has already gone to school, dealt with the mean girls (but somehow the press didn't wait for her after school), records her song, deals with the press, and is ready for the memorial concert. Drama or comedy? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members VirginiaHamilton Posted September 24, 2012 Members Share Posted September 24, 2012 Ellie continues to be my second favorite character after Mel/Chloe. Seeing her yank Don's chain is such a pleasure, so I'll be sad if they go the predictable route and make her 'pay'. Still don't feel anything, but annoyance when Adriana is on my screen. How I wish Phil would realize that she's not worth the trouble he's going to get himself into. Lily should've told Jackie off when she came at her at the hospital during the last episode. For all that talk about Lily making a profit off of the misery of celebrities, Jackie sure doesn't have a problem hitting up her famous daughter or said daughter's celebrity ex-jumpoff for cash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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