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OLTL: Discussion for the week of December 26

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Valid question. RC apparently can't even wrap up filler storylines well. I think Starr will probably mention the resolution of whatever she chooses to do down the line but it just seems so rushed. I could get behind them working together but NOT if that means Starr doesn't get to focus on her music and continues to play into Rick's image overemphasis. It doesn't send the right message at ALL and that's what's really bothering me.

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I admit I kinda enbjoyed it in a so bad it's good way but it also exemplified a problem I've had with all this teen (and ye they were of age but...) porn, and other Rick storylines. Ron C seemed to want to both say "this is bad" and at the same time play the sleaze for laughs, I really don't need to see Starr rubbing Nate's chest (though I admit I enjoyed his acting when you couldn't see half his face and couldn't hear him talk much more).

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whistling.jpg How was AMC building a cliffhanger into their ending (when we did get told before there would be some cliffhangers), which yes ws done because of PP even relevant to OLTL's last weeks so far? *confused*. It was a different situation though to be fair to RC in that when he wrote this stuff he was pretty sure OLTL was continuing online, he had some of the cast, and I think the plan was to make the transition fairly smooth. So it was foolish on his and FV's part perhaps but it makes me glad that Nixon and Broderick when they did "cater" seemed to realize that it would be wise to at least wrap up some things, have those special family episodes, etc.

For me the issue is RC has always had periods like this during his run--just when I honestly seem to be enjoying the show more, suddenly it feels like we'restuck with ann these meaningless stories for a few weeks (or months in 2010). So this is standard IMHO (remember even this Summer the whole early porn stuff, Bazz, etc before the Todd story finally started up)--but it's disappointing to happen with 11 episodes left which feels like zero wrap up time.

And so far these stories baffle me--the time travel tremote control made 2008's time travel story seem completely logical in comparison not to mention AMC's Orpehus story which feels like honest science in comparison. After all this time they just needed to eat pies in Texas to find out the truth? Why not bring that cool remote back with them to help solve every story or crime in Llanview? or just search the Professor down each time? It just feels so lazy. And other things don't make any sense to me--I'll ignore the Rick story (but they do make it sounds like he has a contract on Starr's soul--she hasn't released anything yet, it would not be so hard to get out of a contract that Bazz organized for her when she wasn't there--BTW not that I care but is Bazz worried about his dad? Does LaChanze care?) Or today, why did Gigi say that Jack didn't kill Stacy? Yes she wanted to murder Gigi but technically didn't he kinda? would it really let him off scott free?

I'd rather just watch an hour of Brody have therapy or something if it's going to keep up like this. But I have faith :P

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