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OLTL: Discussion for the week of October 17

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Honestly TeamEric. The difference between you and me is I don't HAVE to see anything. I don't have to defend the wonder that is Tea. I don't have to pretend that RH is "riveting" in scenes with her and deadly dull everywhere else, because I don't think a good actor is totally reliant on his screen partner. I simply don't care that much about Todd and I can just see what I see. So far, I see RH/Todd being vulnerable and needy in a lot of ways. He needs someone to believe in him even when he's not certain of himself and he's looking for that from everyone who is important to him. RC's love of Tea is evident in the vacuum he keeps placing Todd in with her. It only serves the portion of the audience who needs to see Tea as Todd's savior and redemption. I don't need that. I think he should be interacting with other characters who are very important, whether or not they are "as important" or just close.

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Honestly, Rhinohide, you obviously haven't followed my posts very well. I've bashed RH in many prior scenes with FL since his return. I first spotted GOOF in that jail house foolish dance and stupid grin in scenes with her. He was dreadful as a cry baby with Irene on Monday. Today I found him more restrained and yeah those guilt-laden scenes were riveting. So I don't need to pretend a darn thing. It's called having a different pov than you, that's all.

Anyhoo, I'm not going to engage further with you as I made myself a promise to only debate with those that STICK TO DEBATING onscreen events here.

Carry on!

Lost little puppy bawling in mommy's lap didn't do a thing for me either. Neither does the goofy SILLY version either.

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This Cutter/Rama stuff just has me... I dunno. Sonow they've se up Kim? Would Rama reallybe so hateful to put her in jail for murder? Would Cutter? I guess I shouldn't care. And why does Cutter use a bad accent when talking to the cops?

UGH I shoulda known that Gigi/Stacey would have amnesia and be part of a Cutter con. Lordie this could go on forever...

I agree about Tina, although I did fin dit a bit much for her apparently to have spent days now (or maybe it's just been one day--days move so slowly on OLTL currently) searching for a random piece of paper Tea doesn't even seem to care about.

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All of that was kinda weird--Tina and Cord looking at them like "aww it's young love". So Cord confronts Ford for 20 seconds, tells him off and to never do it again and then shakes his hadn and is all smiles? I mean it would hve been almost better to just have him not aknowledge he even knew about Ford at this point...

Right and they just spliced in the old footage of him.

Does RC honestly think any of us believe that Todd DID kill Victor?

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Eh, no one ever dies on ABC soaps anymore.

However, I hope RC sticks with his Manchurian Candidate hints and Irene does have some sort of trigger over RH's Todd. She set him up to pull the trigger and he lives with that guilt he couldn't fight her programming. RC needs to inject some humble self-loathing back in RH's character pronto as the entitled, holier than thou "gentler, kinder" Todd was a failure, IMO.

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Can she continue to control him from the dead? And when will we find out what was on the microchip--if anyone cares... I'll say one thing about Irene, while I prefered her camp to some other camp on the show, the actress is no Angela Lansbury :P



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