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Classic AMC/OLTL

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The show had tanked the Blair/Todd relationship several years before RH returned. I think the show threw that out the window after the rapemance, and TSJ didn't seem to care for the relationship either (wasn't he mainly pushing Todd/Evangeline during the last few years of Todd/Blair?). The only use they had for Blair/Todd after the rapemance was so RC could remind viewers how pathetic Blair was compared to Tea.

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Just watched the scenes where ZOE poured her heart out and told the truth to everyone in the Chandler living room...Ugh! Everyone's actions & the way they were treating her was deplorable. Ryan, Zach, JR, Kendall, Josh, etc were all disgusting to watch and listen to. Yes even Kendall. The only tolerable, understanding people in those scenes were Babe (LOVE her in this), Tad and Colby.

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I felt the same exact way when I was watching it the first time.

I was watching a few "classic AMC" episodes (seeing that makes me chuckle) on Soap Net and I felt the same way. The Satin Slayer storyline was such a bad storyline (I think this was really when Megan started reaching her lowest depths in terms of quality) and I felt that a lot of the characters were insanely unlikable. Bianca for instance was borderline intolerant toward Zoey and a lot of it just made no sense. Kendell was a prickly bitch but what else is new? She's always incredibly caustic to outsiders and anyone who isn't apart of her Alpha female group is going to twist in the wind regardless. But what I felt was just deplorable was that you had all of these people showing their hatred for a transgender person and it was just raw, untempered, disgust and hatred on pretty much all sides and it's just hard to believe that can exist. I really loved Babe in this storyline call her a whore, call her a baby thieving bitch or whatever but she was the only one who really stood by Zoey and offered her acceptance and friendship when she needed it the most. She was the most humane out of all of them and she was the only character who exposed Bianca's hypocrisy. Bianca wanted to be excepted for being a lesbian but denied Zoey the expression of being a transsexual. The rest of the Pine Valley characters were complete monsters.

The men in Pine Valley were really sickening when you think about it. Every last one of them.

How many of those characters were really being written out of character though? Ryan, Zach, JR and Josh were their typical testosterone poisoned bullying selves. Kendell has always been bitchy to people that are not apart of her family group. The only ones who may have been written out of character is Bianca, who should be able to sympathize with being apart of the lavender spectrum but even lesbians in real life have problems dealing with transgender people unfortunately.

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I seriously really admire the way they wrote Babe & how Alexa played her through this. It's the only enjoyable thing about it, really. The rest is pure dreck. And you are right about the men in PV at this time - especially Ryan, Jonathan, JR and Zach.

Also forgot to mention - LOL at Maggie coming back, I totally forgot about her. She was boring. Never really was a fan of "BAM" I think because I never really got the appeal of EH. Revealing that Maggie cheated on Bianca in Paris (off-screen) really must've pissed off the legions of BAM fans so I guess this was the shows way of trying to heal things...

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I can never remember if this happened or not. Did JR urinate on Zoey after she was beaten up and she was begging for someone to help her? I can never tell if I am remembering that right or not. Not sure if that scene has happened or not yet in the Soap net airings.

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I just don't believe all those characters would be bullying and/or transphobic, and that Tad would be supportive - Tad was often a bullying or cold character. I was just watching a 1994 episode where he knew Del was dying from kidney problems and he swung an IV stand at Del's head and then punched him out. I guess they didn't want to go there yet again since they'd just done the Madden story.

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I am not sure if I am remembering it right and that's why I asked. I might have gotten Zarf's bashing mixed up with David's from Six Feet Under. The Satin Slayer Storyline isn't a storyline I am very well versed in as that was the time that I stopped watching faithfully after years. I do remember Zoey was a highlight though and I loved her so I found JR's biogotry and homophobic actions particularly hard to stomach.

No. I think she was badly beaten up though and she was looking for someone to help her then JR came and did something to her.

I don't think it's that hard to understand most of PV's citizens are jerks around this time (this was before Jesse/Angie cameback and you got a bit more soul injected into the show). I could see your point better if other characters on the show had a different kind of disposition or temperament but they were all real jackasses. Zach goes on to shoot Josh in the brain solely so he could get a new heart for his wife and his action is called "romantic" he in general is a control SOB who dictates the life of his spouse, Ryan is an abusive husband who wants to punch his wife through a wall because he hated his childhood, Josh is a self-centered ego maniac who only cares about his own wants and needs and JR is a sociopath who only exists to cause others pain. I don't see any of these characters being written out of character here so I can't see the propping argument.

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I never thought Zach was a character who would have random hookups. He was a brooding, bitter type who seemed to just wait for his true love (Maria or Kendall, or whoever else). I felt like those stories were mostly Pratt's attempt to show us what a big Sonny type stud Zach was supposed to be.

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