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Dumbest one night stands

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I was watching a little of the Ric/Sam stuff from GH, and I couldn't find anything which actually led up to them having sex. There's the scene of Alexis having blowups with them both, and then a quick shot of them drinking, and the next thing I can find is Alexis and then Jason seeing them on the couch/on the floor. (Jason's facial expression was hilarious)

Was there any real reason for any of this? I thought Ric had usually been involved with one woman and not usually known for cheating, and while Sam may have been more likely to use sex as revenge or comfort or whatever, it seemed so random.

Were there any moments on soaps where you thought these sexual encounters seemed to be out of nowhere, stupid, plot-driven, etc. enough to take you out of the story?

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Ric already cheated on Alexis when he had a one night stand with Reese the previous year. Him having a one night stand wasnt out of character for him. Was there a reason for this stuff? Well yeah. It was used to push Jason to sleep with Elizabeth and that act drove story for years. We are still feeling the effects of that

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I'd forgotten about Reese.

It just seemed so random her sleeping with Ric. Was that the only way to push the Jason/Liz stuff?

It reminds me of the Dimitri/Maria hookup, another case where I don't think the story was worth it, even if the story had some good moments with Erica.

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It was awful, no dobut about it, but it was made to put Jason in an emotionally distressed state and justify why he would sleep with Liz, despite loving Sam. It was basically so their golden boy wouldnt look bad or like a sleeze, by making Sam sleep with his enemy
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I think Guza was trying to redo the Carly/Bobbie/Tony story, really. It was such an immensely popular story back in the day, and he was trying to copy it, like he's done with so many stories. However, instead of the emotion - driven story we got with Carly/Bobbie/Tony, we got sleazy trash with Ric/Sam. The ONLY thing I enjoyed about that story was the reuniting of Liason, my second favorite GH couple ever.

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I dont think anything about that was supposed to be a rehash of C/B/T. Really the only thing it had in common was a daughter sleeping with mother's husband. The motivations behind the characters were completely different. Sam wasnt setting out to hurt Alexis and there was no affair. The story was intended to be and was all about Jason and Sam as a couple, not the dynamics between Alexis/Ric/Sam. Really I didnt get a C/B/T vibe about that

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This one-time sexual encounter did not happen in the night, but back in 2004 I thought it was so stupid how ATWT's Jessica slept with Doc Reese. (She actually got pregnant, although she would have a miscarriage.) For months and months, Margo and Doc Reese flirted and kissed each other, while Jessica told Margo how wrong she was for wanting to commit adultery. When she went to scold Doc Reese about his behavior, she suddenly became enthralled and then took off her clothes. (Although this was a stupid and unbelieveable move on Jessica's part, I do give ATWT's writing staff credit for coming up with a plot twist that I never saw coming.)

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