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OLTL: Judith Light Rumor AGAIN !

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Maybe she's named after her mother and she will be Kara Wolek. Thats close enough. The Wolek legacy will live on through Aubrey

Its about time bc I failed to see why they were sticking around as their story pretty much dried up. I hoenstly thought they were going to put her with Brody but they followed up on their scenes

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It will live on through someone who will probably never share any scenes with any Wolek? Most older fans probably don't even remember she's there and most newer fans have no idea who the Woleks are. Her only legacy is of pointlessness. It sucks that they can't even bring Larry back for this.

I keep forgetting Aubrey and Cookie Cutter are still on the show. Once his half-stories fizzled out (the triangle over who would get to rape Tess first; the attempt to show him as the "real" man for Kelly compared to loser Joey) they seemed to just lose interest entirely beyond that thrilling day where he strutted around coated like a turkey waiting for the oven.

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I would've loved to see her with Brody. Unfortunately, looks like the train is coming hard for Brody for November sweeps so I don't think we'll be seeing them. They keep flirting with the idea of putting Cutter back with Aubrey and I just can't fathom why when the only progression either character made was away from each other.

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I like Terri Conn enough that I hope they keep her and retool the character. I just wish the show made her a Sarah recast instead. I don't like the idea of her as Karen's daughter, because it's pointless. At best you have Judith Light for two episodes and she'll NEVER appear again, so whats the point?

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If they wanted to carry on the Wolek name, they could have brought Dan Wolek back years ago and at least kept Larry on recurring.

I can imagine RC going all the way and just making Aubrey the daughter of Karen and Talbot. Anybody who's seen the courtroom scene at least knows of the name [Judith]TALBOT!!!! HUDDLESTONNNNNN!!!!!![/Judith], and I can see Ron slobbering all over himself to use it.

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I agree that tying Aubrey to Karen is pointless, especially seeing as how JL will most likely show her face for a day ot two and be done for good. it won't make me like Aubrey more, and frankly, I think the character of Karen deserves a better legacy. Of course that argument could be made for any number of characters, but...

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They may even have David yell the name for one of those surefire ha ha moments. Nothing says laughs like prostitution and degradation.

I just hope they won't have it where Karen was some mother from hell. They already did that with Katie on ATWT, trashing Lyla for no reason other than a failed attempt at sympathy.

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Oh good, more pity points that the actress can't manage to muster up on her own. I still cherish the memory of her ATWT character going on and on about how Lyla - who had always been a wonderful mother - was now a selfish bitch who pushed her daughter into endless kiddie beauty pageants and was too busy with her illustrious cruise ship singing career to be a mother.

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I wouldn't necessarily buy her being a good mother either, but if she wasn't then I would want it to be for more of a story reason than this. I could buy that Rafe Garreston left Llanview to go dropkick criminals in the face, a la Streets of Rage, but it wouldn't contribute very much to current storylines.

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