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OLTL: Discussion for the week of August 8

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You don't remember people saying that Jack's behavior towards Shane was true to him because of how he'd acted towards other people?

I just wonder if the recasting had anything to do with making Jack older than Danielle. Either way it doesn't matter to me, because I didn't like Jack very much before or after the recast, but it's odd that this happened right around the time they probably knew they were getting RH back (and now they won't have to worry about confusing timelines).

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Kelly Missal will be 18 this Oct. Andrew Trischitta is 16. Not only is the character of Danielle older, but her portrayer is as well. Jack just finished his freshman year in high school and she finished her junior year. SORASing him didnt do anything to change their age order

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It's pretty ridiculous. I remember when we all first heard that someone was going to die we assumed it was Matthew and that EA was being let go...and now I honestly would prefer it. They're doing this ridiculously drawn out story where we only see EA once every three weeks with his eyes closed and it's dumb. Pull the plug and move on because now we're at the point of not caring. RC is and always has been a hack..

And my only issue with the Danielle thing is, less than a year before her arrival there were scenes of Todd and Tea talking about how he left her on the island 6 years before..but this is the same writer that at one point had Ford be considered a rapist, then it was Tess having sex with Ford, then it was actually a knowing Jessica having sex just to try and make the audience feel something for Ford outside of contempt.

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I am thinking, and this is only my opinion, is they are waiting to see who PP decides to offer jobs to??

They may need a Buchannan to stay on the show.....

That has to be why Matthew is in limbo. JMO!

When is James leaving??? And why is Baz back?? mad.gif

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