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Good idea. We should also screenshot certain comments, especially the ones that are defamatory. Who knows if they'll ever be needed as evidence!

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YouTube in general is a cesspool for trolling and bullying. Thank goodness forums like this still exist where we can still engage in civilised discussion.


"You take that BITCH mother of yours with you back to Paris!"

Definitely need to compile the number of slaps Stephanie did. It would be in the hundreds I'm sure!

It's in the pipeline, along with a list of must-see episodes. I have been a bit lazy as of late so I can't give you a timeframe lol.

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Me and my husband are dragging through 2003 and are currently up to 4010. How unbearable the show is... Ridge is calling Bridget my princess and just kissed her to see if she will feel anything romantic towards him. My jaw dropped. The last time I watched these episodes I was... a teen and probably... this didn't leave that much of a lasting impression. I must have had school or something else more important and I have forgotten about it.

I am finding myself asking my husband - What the hell are we watching? I feel uncomfortable watching this. A brother and sister making out after finding out they are not blood related?!!!!!!! And the brother used to be the girl's father for the first 7 years of her life?!! And he is now kissing her to see if she'll feel attracted to him romantically?! 

I really want to know who's idea was to write this stuff, because they have some serious psychological issues... Was it Bradley Bell or some other writer? I guess it's impossible to know... but still.

Disgrace. Add in the chaotic storylines with Amber's fake twin and Darla sleeping with Thorne... because why not... it makes for a nasty viewing experience.

AND THE DIALOGUE IS PATHETIC. Really pathetic. Only 2024 can rival it in terms of how flat it is, how stupid and repetitive. I am waiting for Nick to spice things up and change the mood, because it is vile. 

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I get the sense the original writing plan may have been to use Ridget to drive a wedge between Eric and Ridge, and thus advance the Massimo paternity retcon story. Beyond just the overall sickness of the plotline, I also have this weird feeling like it was a clumsy attempt to redeem Brooke from Breacon, not by writing a workable redemption story (or better yet, not doing Breacon in the first place, as massive a guilty pleasure as it was), but by dragging down other characters so she doesn’t appear comparatively as bad.

The twin storyline was also weird. Seems they were going for a Deacon/April romance, and then one of those unexpected moods struck Bell, so she disappered and the Deacon/Macy thing started, with very little development as I recall. I do remember somewhat liking the latter pairing (other than that pacing issue), but who knows how I’ll look at it this time around once I get to those episodes. There’s also the South America Sheila storyline to look forward to later in the year. Utterly inept garbage, but it did make howl with laughter at how terrible it was.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on Macy/Thorne/Darla in more detail. 


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 I will check tomorrow to see if in the big stream recording files I have on one of my drives... there are the skipped episodes, but from the past experience of this same situation - whatever is not in the playlist, sadly was skipped in the live stream too. I will double check again and if I find them miraculously - I'll cut the episodes from the recording and upload them for you guys. 

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Thanks so much! I think they screwed up when they realised they had already played 4056 weeks ago by accident, and when they removed 4056 from the playlist (it's back there now as of today), they screwed up 4058 and 4059. That's my theory anyway and I'm running with it! So I hope they did actually play during the livestream - they will be when Macy is told Darla is pregnant with Thorne's baby.

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Just checked my recording, and it was hard to find the episode... for a while, since I was confused, but in the end... found 4057 by Darla's outfit and then I checked to see if the next episode started the same as 4060 in the current uploaded ones... and I'm sad to say... in the live stream it goes the same way - we have 4057 and then 4060 starts - the same episode that is uploaded today on youtube - first shot is of Macy talking to Thorne.

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  I'm sorry. 

Edited by Maxim
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Dang there goes my theory. It was weird they removed 4056 when it had been sitting there available to view at the bottom of the playlist for many weeks (it "aired" many weeks in advance of when it should have), when they listed 4057 and 4060 recently. Oh well, we have to make do with the copies in the vault! Thanks for checking. 

Frustrating that they do this. Even more frustrating the comments in YouTube that "we should be grateful for what they have given us" - no one is saying we're not grateful (I'm more than grateful), but when it's obvious mistakes are being made when they could be avoided, it is annoying. And then the idea we could have had better quality episodes and may never now. This was the opportunity to air them in HD, and they've shown they do not go back and fix things when they're called out.

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This person seems to think the skipped episodes were played in the livestream. You know how it loops? It's possible they played at some point before they did something to stop them from playing in the livestream (and before Maxim was able to record them). Reminds me of my elderly mother playing with her phone pressing buttons she shouldn't on Facebook and the like - it feels like the person in charge of uploading doesn't truly know what they're doing all the time - a bit amateur I have to say. Shame these two HD episodes (along with many others before them) appear to have been lost to time now.

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All I know is they are not in my recording. If you guys want I can post you the snippet where the episodes change from one to the next, but it's useless. I think I recorded the first time the stream played... I am not sure. If they added them in the next re-plays... then I have no idea. 

P.S I would also not trust people on youtube completely. I've read absurd claims in the comment section. But I here... tell you... with 100 percent certainty - the first time their stream played, the stream I recorded... did not contain these two episodes. Last night I checked and it goes from Darla and Thorne to straight Macy and Thorne, with the 2 skipped episodes. I would not lie about 2 episodes, lol. And I also doubt that they will re-add these episodes and then remove them again. It just doesn't make sense. But who knows... that channel is eccentric. 


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Hey Maxim, I don't doubt you at all. Wasn't accusing. Just putting it out there that maybe the episodes do exist and were played at some point as the episodes loop. Wasn't Season 16 the season where it kept restarting a few episodes in, people complained, and then after a while they played the season in full? Or was it season 15? I can't keep up with the faults on this channel now.

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Omg I totally forgot that happened. Yes... I think it was this season 16 that had an issue with restarting all the time. Then I have to correct myself... I recorded the first time they didn't restart... They had a fail in the first couple of hours when it would restart. It was when Sheila was killing Taylor... at that part. But I got it... as I recall... the first time it played well...  Because I was on it... trying to catch it when it will not restart. And it continued like that till the end. And I know you are not accusing, I'm just stating it for myself that I would never speculate with things like that. Just for the record. Maybe... They showed the episodes in the next times they replayed the playlist... But I will not bet on that. So far everything they have in the playlists... They have streamed it on the live streams the same way. Same skipped eps, season 15 was full of skipped ones and it's the same way they played it on 24/7.

But hey... Don't lose hope. Videoland will air these episodes in a matter of time. We will get them sooner or later in good quality.

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And in just couple of months Videoland is catching up to youtube and we'll pretty much have 99.9 percent of the show in one form or another. That was... unthinkable for me at one point. I only dreamed of this when I was a teen.  

For some reason I will be forever grateful to The Netherlands!  Because of their huge interest for the show and their decision to buy the episodes to stream on RTL again... it just kick-started a process that led to a lot more sources becoming available and in the end - the youtube project. 

Thank God for these people that still make the show one of the top watched shows on the VL app. It amazes me that it still continues to climb there. These people love their Bold. 

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