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I suppose that there are some minority of people who blame Mellie for Fitz and Olivia's separation, but on the couple boards that I lurk on I don't see that opinion any where. There is a lot of debate about Mellie's motivation for staying in the marriage, but there is always the acknowledgement that Olivia is the reason that she and Fitz are not together not Mellie. Olivia is the one made the deal with Mellie last season to stop him from resigning. Based on everything we have seen and now know, Olivia has always held the cards in their relationship. She made her choice and now she and Fitz have to find a way to live with it. Quite frankly, Mellie is besides the point.

I re-watched the episode. Something about the way that Olivia's ex asked if she was still tied to the White House made me wonder if he knows about her Fitz.

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I was very ambivalent about the yelling but not really bothered by it. I found myself thinking, "If he's doing that because he thinks she's in trouble with the NSA and he's worried for her then yeah I'll give him a pass. If it's jealousy, then Olivia needs to crack him across the face." When he started asking her about Davis, ("Was it everything you dreamed it would be?") then I got ticked. Geez Fitz what's next? Calling the guy to the Oval Office and grabbing a ruler? But my goodness, Fitz putting on Liv's boots was one of the hottest things I've seen in a while. It was like the modern day equivalent of Wharton's "The Age of Innocence" except with instead of the touch of a gloved hand we have our hero...acting like he works at Payless Shoes. LOL!

I get the feeling that Mellie is supposed to be hated. But she isn't. I ADORE her. Yes, I love and root for Fitz and Liv but that doesn't change the fact that I love Mellie. She's badass, brilliant and passionate. And I hope that she eventually finds a man who appreciates everything she has to offer.

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It kind of seemed that he might but since I think the writing is pretty tight, I would say not. My reasoning is that when he later shows up at her office to make himself her pro bono client he rattles off a list of why. I don't see a reason an ex who apparently planned on marrying her would avoid that piece of truth if he knows it. Or even if he suspects it for that matter. He got kicked off a major committee and while he might not confront Fitz with that, there doesn't seem to be a reason why he wouldn't confront Olivia. The way he spoke to her about not having returned his calls in three years gave me the impression that he's clueless that Olivia chose Fitz over marrying him. If he sticks around then maybe he will discover it. For now he just seems to be a plot device to give a little insight into Olivia's past (now we know that she did want to settle down and possibly have a family), and to give Fitz a reason to be jealous that Olivia once had plans to get married and could possibly rekindle that romance. Logically, she would have sought him out already if she wanted that.

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I have trouble with the whole Artie story--though it made for an interesting episode. That part of the writing didn't work for me but maybe I'm just missing something or a lot of something. He wanted information that he figured he could use her to get. It appeared to me that he needed the decryption but if that's the case he would only have "known" and not seen or heard anything for himself. He claimed the woman he killed knew but he seems to have killed her to make his story more viable. He also had the car driver accomplice. I guess this could all make sense after the fact if Davis is the accomplice and he's out to get Olivia.

Someone had to have given Artie that information because he didn't just happen on it, he was trying to find evidence of it to use for whatever scheme he had cooking. This could be another one of Cyrus' plans but they'll have to eventually (or at least I would think they would) take up his role in Amanda's death. There's always Mellie who could know about the phone calls but there is clearly someone intent on destroying Olivia.

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I thought Fitz's fury at Olivia was primarily jealousy with anger about her involvement with Artie coming in second. But as much as I did not like him yelling at her, I understood it in the wider context of their extremely volatile relationship. He was frustrated and in pain, but I did not feel like he was out of control. In fact, I still saw him as the one with less power in their relationship. He was again pleading for Olivia's love, time, and attention. Hell, he looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment as did Olivia.

I have seen posts elsewhere stating that Fitz had no right to be jealous since he is married and unavailable, but Olivia had no right to be jealous of his dalliance with Amanda and she was acting like he should have been faithful to her even though she is his lover and they were not even together when it happened. Neither of them come from what I think most of us would consider a rational place when it comes to their expectations of each other so I take that into consideration when they engage each other.

Too funny. I loved him putting on her shoes. I have never seen that on tv before and it was so intense. I just love their glances at and away from each other full of love, lust, and angst.

I was really disappointed about how Mellie found out about Fitz seeing Olivia. I highly doubt that this was the first time that Fitz and Olivia had an intimate encounter in the presence of the Secret Service and it is not their job to spy on the President.

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I JUST finished it and GO QUINN! Abby had that coming and I am so glad Quinn told her about herself. I was cracking right up with Columbus. I cannot stand Abby and want her out and David too. They both annoy me but no one gets that honor more than Mellie (granted my <3 for Bellamy makes it hard).

I cannot with how presh my Huck/Olivia are. I think that's my favorite relationship thus far.

I need for Brenda Song to be made a regular come S3.

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How ironic. I looked him up yesterday because I had the feeling he would be in additional episodes since I think he was either Artie's partner or will have something deeper to do with Thorngate. He seemed a bit nonchalant about being kicked off that committee like "oh well now I can be your client." I can't imagine that he would merely be used to take up with her again after all that time without any ulterior motives being attached. Things probably won't end well for him.

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It might chance, but for now, I cannot see this guy having ulterior motives other than rekindling his romance with Olivia. She is the one who dragged him back into her life by involving him in the Artie debacle. I could see his ambition pushing Olivia away eventually, maybe he does something to hurt Fitz politically.

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She pulled him back into her life before the Artie stuff by calling him when he was on TV to throw him shade for wearing pinstripes. Clearly she cares enough about this man and is friendly enough with him to give him a little free advice when she sees him doing something when she thinks he's looking bad on tv even though they hadn't spoken in two years. ( I think that's how long he said it was.)

Granted there seems to be at least one or two Big Bads floating on the periphery: whoever was responsible for changing Lindsay to Quinn, whoever blew up Cytron to begin with (I'm not sure if that's the same person or not) and someone gunning for Fitz which could be anyone in or out of his own party.

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If I recall correctly, Davis was criticizing Fitz and either implying or flat out saying he was irresponsible. I had the impression that's why Olivia called him. I would imagine she does care about him since it would be cold to not have feelings for someone to whom you were engaged and with whom you spent a number of years. Nothing about their interaction made me think she wanted him so if she does get involved with him romantically then it could be for distraction purposes. I thought her call was more like a "nobody's listening to you badmouth Fitz" and the tie was an excuse. He seemingly has an important political role so why wouldn't she have noticed him in three years until now? Whether knowingly or not, Davis is probably a part of the NSA/Thorngate puzzle. It would be ideal for me if this were tied to Cyrus in some way for that Amanda/Billy s/l.

I'll just stick with his presence being Fitz related on two levels: romantic jealousy and political power play. He could be a significant player in Thorngate or just a smokescreen. David's determination will lead to his finding out more about Quinn and Abby may inadvertently create a problem or stumble upon something that will lead to her changing her mind about Quinn.

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