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AMC - Friday - 4/15/11

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I think it's someone in cahoots with Ricky. He's acting strange.


OK, maybe not b/c Kendall had that throw away line about maybe Zach's casino partners being in on it. Looks like the show is throwing in all these red herrings.

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Kwak isn't smart enough for this.

GreenMe doesn't have the guts.


Ricky is too obvs, so it's not him.

EmmaBitch would just tie GreenBitch and burn her to death, not kidnap a woman her daddy and her have no problems with.:lol:

Again I'll go w/ my initial thought.

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Kendall is such an idiot. DK/DS just wrote her into stupidity. It's not enough she can't put 2 and 2 together, that since this priest arrived, stuff has been happening. But the fact that Mr. Bless you..is basically showing his cards right infront of her.


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Yes, exactly. There is aboslutely no reason for David to do this, so it best not be him.

You're right, KWAK isn't smart enough. Ricky is to obvious. It's not Caleb. It really did sound personal to me...so hopefully it's a scorned ex, old nemesis, Vanessa.

I really don't know, and while I realize that I'll be very disappointed, right now...I like that I have no idea.

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Ok wow this Erica story is better than I was expecting!

I really, really doubt this has anything to do with Ricky & the casino partners, despite the shows efforts (via Kendall) to try and make it seem so. I think she's wrong, and it's wayyy to obvious. Plus why would Ricky care what the room Erica's stashed in looks like? Why would he make the effort to make the room almost a replica of Erica's bedroom and whatnot?

I think this is way deeper than that and completely about Erica.

I also don't see it being Caleb who kidnapped her either. Again why would he care where Erica's stashed and what the room looks like? Plus it was made pretty clear he didn't know where she was & I actually believed him. Erica didn't show up at the airport like he asked her to. I think Caleb gave up and was just heading to Krystal's to down himself with a drink to try & forget about it or something. Then he ran into Jackson...

It could be David, but I hope not. Last we saw him he wasn't even thinking about Erica. I'll hate if it's him and it just comes out of the blue as another one of his sadistic plans...

If It's not Ricky, David, or Caleb who has kidnapped Erica, that just makes it 1,000 more times interesting IMO.

Loved Greenlee & Kendall getting mad at each other! Won't last LOL but I savored it..

LOVE that the show is filming back at the park again wub.gif

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I REALLY hope not. At the very least, this storyline has finally intrigued me (as I don't know spoilers - and it seems no one else does too!). I'm actually excited about the next day and can't wait to see how this storyline progresses. THAT is something AMC hasn't done for me in a LONG time.

If the end result is disappointing, then whatever, at least the foreplay was good.

I want to add David to my list of "please don't let it be him". I love David, and think he's being under-utilized under this writing team, but I don't want it to be him.

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Out of the mouths of babes! Emma nailed Greenlee once again.

ICAM. This Erica story is intriguing so far because whoever the culprit is went through a lot of trouble replicating her bedroom. That doesn't seem like the type of detail Ricky's partners would go through. It seems like it must be someone who knows her well. I also hope it's not David.

I'll take any Greenlee/Kendall feuding I can get from now to September! I hope Broderick ends the show with them as enemies rather than friends.

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Let's say Erica's kidnapper has done so, because he is infatuated/obsessed with her; and that

. Who does that leave us with? (Not Caleb. Go back a little further than Caleb. In fact, go back a lot further than Caleb.)

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Well...I don't think it's Barbara, Caleb, Carmen, David, Janet, KWAK, Mary Smythe, Belle Bodelle, Ricky (and/or Diana), or Vanessa. It could be, but my gut says "no."

It might be some random yahoo whom we've yet to meet, who isn't on the canvas already. Of course, I consider that bad storytelling, since it would make this even more out of the blue, w/ absolutely no buildup whatsoever. (It'd also be bad storytelling if it were someone whom we'd never suspect in a million years, like Tad or Opal...or even Jack himself.) Bear in mind, too, this all could change in the transition between Kreizman/Swajeski and Lorraine Broderick. But if it doesn't? Well. Let's just say I would not put it past Dave & Donna to go the "random yahoo" or least-likely-wait-I-thought-Opal-was-her-friend-what-the-[!@#$%^&*]? route.

So, let's just presume for the time being that it is someone from La Kane's past...

I've seen Damon Lazarre's name mentioned a few times on this board in connection with this story, along w/ the possibility that

. Certainly, if Lazarre were still alive, he'd have an axe to grind with Erica - one that need not include Goldie Kane either (although, don't count her out!).

I've also seen Dr. Greg Madden mentioned. My only problem w/ this possibility? If Greg were (still alive and) upset w/ anyone, it'd be Tad. You know, the guy who actually buried him alive?

And then there's Adam Chandler. But

? That seems OTT even for Adam. (Plus, it ain't the first time the man has abducted Erica. I'm just saying.)

Therefore, in my mind, that leaves at least two possibilities...

The first? Mike Roy. No, I don't like that possibility either. Not even if they were to suggest that Mike was seriously ill w/ a brain tumor or a disease that causes psychosis (would I like it). It was bad enough when they brought Mike (who, for the record, was/is my favorite of Erica's many suitors) back from the dead and somehow made him weaker than he'd been before w/ the shitty excuse that imprisonment had changed him.

The second? Well, think about what Erica has been up to lately. More precisely, think about where she's been working: Cortlandt Electronics, which Palmer had left in her and Caleb's care. If Erica were harmed in any way, it wouldn't just affect her and her loved ones, but Palmer's corporate legacy as well (especially if


So, think: in the history of ALL MY CHILDREN, who (besides Adam) has held animosity toward Erica, toward Palmer, toward anyone and everyone connected with these two? Who would possess the motive(s) and means necessary to pull off such an outrageous stunt? And who cannot reveal himself at this stage in the game for a very good reason?

See where I'm going here?

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Maybe he's a long lost egg of Erica's that Madden kept hidden. He was fertilized by Caleb's sperm and carried by Sonia. Asher finds out he's Erica's son and is out for revenge for her not knowing. Sound like a MMT plot? LOL

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