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I know Erica was trapped a fire during a Pine Valley fashion show in the early 80's (83 i think). I think that's when Donna Beck Tyler's son died. Phoebe was hosting it and i think she invited Erica because during that time Erica was a big model living in New York.

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This REALLY needs to be in unpopular opinions. The Laverry curse was played out (years later) but made some sense on paper. as Chris' ever? At anyrated his yokel delivery was horrible--if Carlos had been mor of a major character, Chris and he would be at my bottom of worst soap actors. I am sure he was a good actor in some life but he and Erica were so awful-the nadir of Cullionton's run (which otherwise had un-touched potential)

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I don't think Culliton really had a chance to implement long-term ideas - I felt like he just stayed with Chris/Erica while he was building up problems with Kendall and Bianca. Or maybe I'm just being generous. I think it was Passanante who started Chris/Erica - I still have some awful, mostly blocked memories of Erica being menaced by his huge dog or something.

Chris being Ryan's father led to no story - it just seemed too easy.

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Oh, this has some of the notorious Barney the Clown story. I don't think any of that is on Youtube is it?

Notice them playing "Have I Stayed Too Long At The Fair" in the background of some of Erica's scenes when she talks about her circus dream.

Albert Stratton ends up looking like a cross of Peter Brown and Richard Mulligan.

There's a tiny bit of very late Lauren Holly near the end of this - I think she looks good with that short hair. It certainly shows more of her true age though.

I had totally forgotten Eric was her grandfather. It sucks they didn't bring Mark back (hadn't he just left!) for this story.

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I'm not sure. You probably already know this, but this was a feature SOD did for long-running soap actors at this time (they did one for Jeanne Cooper, and probably a few others). They were a month or so behind, I think, so SMG can't have been around all that long by this point.

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You do have a good point though.

1993-1994 changed Erica's character (and SL as an actress) for good, so I am always fascinated by stuff from that time.

Seeing that much talked about Erica French maid clip, I was surprised at how playful the whole thing was, for an extended period of time, and how free and natural she was with Jack. In later years she always seemed very guarded with him.

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That user posted another long clip of Jack and Erica as well. It's interesting to see how much Jack changed, how he went from a confirmed bachelor who swore he'd never marry, who wanted fun and excitement in his life, to being this more staid family man who walked out on Erica at the end because SHE didn't want to get married. Jack, IMHO, was one of the more wasted characters on AMC in the final 15 years of the show.

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I'm sorry if you already answered this, but what did you think of the Barney the Clown story? Did you buy him as Erica's father?

I didn't realize they had those dreams or any of that (I wish they hadn't edited out the dream Erica had).

It was so weird when Erica was rattling off Julie, Donna, etc.

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