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AMC: Monday, April 4, 2011

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Every time I see Emma -- regardless of whichever actress is playing her this week -- I can't help but remember that casting notice last year for Emma: "This child MUST BE BLONDE!"

I had visions of every obsessive stage mother in Los Angeles pillaging every drug store in town of peroxide.

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I really enjoy Maya! The Actress is a natural and she has a lot of charm & charisma. She is doing a great job of showing remorse for abandoning that baby, somehow I find myself feeling bad for her despite what she did. She's living an unfortunate life with that terrible aunt of hers (wow what a total biotch!!). She is the polar opposite of Colby. It'll be interesting when she's in the mansion as a maid...I think Maya & Asher look good together but I don't feel any chem between them yet.

Nice JR & Bianca scenes at the park. I wish Kendall had shown up with the boys or something & joined them.

Scott & Madison just never get old and they are perfect for each other. Scott told Madison he rushes home from work just to see her blush.gif

Emma is a trip. lol @ her asking Ryan if her, him, & Madison could go out and get ice cream together. This after she ran away from home and took a cab to Madison's house laugh.gif

Those scenes were seriously LOL-worthy. Like, I'm not even kidding. Particularly the scene where JR was telling Marissa that he can't stop thinking about her, he goes to bed and thinks about her, can't get her out of his head, etc...then he leaned in for a kiss & she turned away. laugh.gif Oh wow...I was like was I supposed to be begging for more?? Was anyone out there begging for more?? Jacob Young didn't even look committed to that scene at all, basically he was channeling his inner Caleb Cortlandt in those scenes because he looked like he was ready for a nap & just didn't care at all about what he was doing! Glendening seems so into it though (poor girl), yet JY clearly doesn't.

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Saw her scenes, she's wonderful, I can't believe she can actually act.:lol:

My AU :wub:

They are wasting his fine ass. I'm looking at this scene and thinking should I be insulted that they are making are making a mockery of JR/Annie's moments, the rain, when Annie ran out the house came back wet, the scene in the wet hair ala the beach cottage or should I be laughing my ass off? One thing for sure is there is no love in his eyes. Not one bit at all.


Emma is the allstar girl of this show. LOL at GreenBitch telling EmmaBitch, every trick you pull I pulled before. :lol: Please continue having this girl hate her.

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I was dreading these scenes and when I saw them, they were actually amusing. It was like a farce. JY saying the words JR Chandler was supposed to say, but with no intensity, no feeling, zero emotion. Touching her hair (which looked quite gross) was like a satirical imitation of when he stroked Annie's hair, but again, no admiration or lovingness in the touch, just like it was in the script, and he had to do it. And when he leaned in for the kiss, there was no build up, no inching closer & closer, NO heat (just compare to that ON FIRE almost-kiss scene between Jannie on 5-5 when he grabs her shoulders, pulls her to him, stares at her mouth, parts his lips as if to kiss her, and then has to push her away against his will), AND then, she just spins around/flees as he's left standing there with his face visibly stuck forward. I could have sworn JY did this on purpose, to play up the comic effect because he obviously feels no CHEMISTRY with SG, and doesn't believe for an instant that JR truly feels anything for her either. If you turn off the sound and just watch his body language, he does NOT look like a man who wants to kiss this woman. He doesn't even touch her face before this 'almost' kiss -- NOTHING, except for this very awkward, comical lean-in. I have NEVER seen JY be so obviously against a pairing. Thank GOD LB will rescue him for this horse manure pairing soon. It is almost cringe-worthy. :(

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