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Is ABC Preparing to Cancel AMC and OLTL?

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Lifetime is owned by A&E Television Networks which is owned by Disney/ABC, NBC-Universal, and Hearst Communications. It's a weird partnership. Lifetime with its recent merger/being acquired by AETN is becoming very A&E like... Intervention reruns, reality programming, etc.

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Considering their most successful show is Army Wives, the only clear soap in their lineup, it's shocking they haven't considering more soaps for the network. They'll launch crime drama after crime drama, but it's soaps that those women want. Just look at which movies tend to be the most successful, melodramas or romantic comedys. That says stick with soaps and sitcoms.

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I guess ABC didn't wanna pay Agnes (I wonder if at any time they ever offered to buy loving/City from her? She has said before she was only comfortable selling OLTL and AMC when she felt they were in a spot where it would be near impossible to ruin them--which by and large *coff* she was right about, maybe ABC offered with her show and she never felt it was?)

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Doctors struck me as a weird choice--how far do the episodes go back anyway? Aside from Marland's brief run int he late 70s before GH snatched him up, would any of it be even worth revisiting?? It was apparently classic soap in the early 70s, but not really after... and isn't one that is mentioned much.

It would be fun if one of the mystery/crime stations picked up Edge of Nights' last years...

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I have zero knowledge of/affection for The Doctors so it wouldn't have exactly been my pick either, but I thought the fact that it being shown on Hallmark was even spoken of as a possibility was a real :blink:

Chris, do you know if they have the show in its entirety, or if they'd have to start at a certain point later in the run?

Oh man, I know women who can get up at 10 in the morning on a Saturday and watch Lifetime movies all weekend long. I never watched any of their series, but I applaud them for at least trying and for achieving critical acclaim along the way. Even Oprah is eschewing scripted drama for OWN saying it's too expensive.

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There would be a market for it, a small one but never the less a market. The one issue would be ABC licensing out the rights for the shows seeing as they own all of them. It's not like ATWT/GL where CBS canceled and PGP/Telenext could have gone with the show to another network.

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I say skip the cable rerun idea where they'd almost certainly get yanked giving the viewers soapy blue balls and just focus on making episodes available streaming through Roku/Hulu-type technology. PGP Classic Soaps was an awesome thing, it really was.

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