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AMC: Classic episodes (1970-1980)

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Agnes Nixon said:

"During the first FIVE years of the ALL MY CHILDREN series, videotapes were not kept, but because of a process called Kinescope TWO episodes survived..."

And I have 8 full episodes from 1970-1980:

Ep 00023 (04 February 1970)

Ep 00041 (02 March 1970)

Ep 00062 (31 March 1970)

Ep 00076 (20 April 1970)

Ep XXXXX (15 March 1971)

Ep XXXXX (06 September 1978)

Ep 02567 (27 November 1979)

Ep 02769 (03 September 1980)

So I suppose that new episodes from 1970-75 can appear one day... Does anyone have any new episode from this decade of AMC???

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It's funny how we seem to have all those very early episodes from 70-71 (the two on Agnes' site, the two from the I Love Lucci marathon, the one from Daytime to Remember) and then nothing has leaked till Tom and Erica's wedding in 78 (again from Soapnet marathons). Even the Paley Center's site doesn't have anything till 1979--when they have about 10 episodes.

Pine Charles, I was a pretty avid follower of WOST, anbd a couple of years back the owner gave me a link o all his videos until the server shut down, and I don't remember any colour (or B&W) early 70s episodes...

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You know what, I remember that Pine Charles, I think I know what you're talking about. It was in the clips section of the site. I want to say it involved Paul, and some short-haired lady who wasn't Mary K. Brian would know what we're talking about...

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There's a short scene on youtube of Kate, Ruth, and Tad baking cookies in the Martin kitchen that you guys have probably seen. That had to have been around 1976. How is it that standalone scene is available, but not the full episode? The full ep must be out there somewhere.

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I have ALWAYS wondered about that clip.

Phoebe's funeral also dusted off some semi-rare 70s clips like Phoebe and Brooke going at it about Phoebe's "perceptive mind," Phoebe warning Brooke against doing battle with Erica, Phoebe telling Mona that she won't let her have Charles, Myrtle tearing into Phoebe for that way she treats Linc, and Phoebe showing at Kelly and Linc's wedding a drunken mess. I think there were some Billy Clyde and Eddie Dorrance stuff in there, too.

For f!ck's sake, ABC, just release some episodes online or something!

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Right--it's a bit like how with OLTL we have seen second long color clips from the Carla story as well...

While we're all talking about the death of ABC Daytime, it really would make sense to release some DVDs. Sigh. I know back in the VHS days ABC was somewhat interested in this--they did those three Wedding Clip videos (all on DVD) as well as special behind the scenes for AMC, and a two vol "best of Luke and Laura" tape.

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Could be. I know that key episodes were saved when an actor would make a request for their own collection--and I assume for things like Emmy consideration, although back in the day these were recorded as kinescopes.(one thing I can never figure out is why kinescopes were never ever done in colour? Would the quality be too low?)

There are colour clips of Paul and Ann's baby woes but that was 1978 I think from around when episodes were saved...

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Right, but this is definitely earlier like Pine Charles was saying, it's a mid-'70s episode. It wasn't shown in the main WoST video upload section but in one of the sub-sections as it was only a few clips. One of us should message Brian, I believe he's GoldenDogs on here.

That Carla/Sadie clip is from a promo that Ellen Holly actually discovered when doing research. Some local affiliate had held onto it after all these years. As a matter of fact (*SFK putting two and two together in his head*) that's probably the promo video Paley now has in their permanent collection that I was talking about in the classic OLTL thread.

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I think eventually, it may not be soon, but eventually, all of that stuff will in fact become readily available. When the soaps are dead and the remaining fans are nostalgic and hungry and the greedy PTB want to make a buck or merely throw us a bone as they've figured out a way to release these videos because their talent didn't have residual contracts (most didn't for soaps back then, who thought anyone would ever wantto see them again someday or that it was even possible), in this digital age I think we'll be able to see a lot of old stuff that will be uploaded like P&G uploaded the full run of Texas and other soaps. I do believe it will happen, but it could me several years down the line.

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I think I remember what yall are talking about. I didn't watch it myself, but I have no idea why I didn't. I do remember it being there, though.

Who knows, maybe we've all been duped and eeeeeerrrrrrrthang is sitting in the vault somewhere and ABC is apathetic enough to just sell the entire run of AMC on DVD for $7.25. Yeah, I know.

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