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Wrestling Discussion: WWE, TNA, ECW, etc.

Dr. Jay S.W.

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Wrestling Observer NEWS and NOTES 1/26 (HBK retiring, RVD shoots in WWE mag)

WMania plans remain Orton/Angle Edge/Foley Vince/Shawn Cena/HHH Taker/Henry

Hogan, Austin, Rock and Bret are all still no’s with Hogan being the only likely change

Dave speculates that SNME will see Cena vs Edge blowoff and Flair vs Shelton (not confirmed by anyone)

WWE contacted baseball’s AJ Pierzynski for an angle for WMania, He turned them down (Dave says it was most likely a FU to TNA since AJ had done a TNA PPV before)

Dave was told by WWE employee that’s management lost a lot of wrestlers respect with the Eddy is in Hell storyline. Chavo Gurrero put his head in his hands during the taping of the segment.

Rey’s Rumble win was the longest one man, one match performance since Pedro and Bruno fought to a 65 min draw in 1972

Tatanka is 44 years old. (Warlord was contacted at 46, and Greg Valentine is in his 50’s)

Vis squshing Matt Hardy in the royal rumble was a continuation of his punishment

Dave thinks Angle/Henry was Kurt’s worst match ever and said the live fans were leaving

SD! Ratings went up 400,000 for Boogey man’s segment recently, but Rey is still by and large the most consistent draw

Sandman was a cornerman in Mexico recently, during a break he and a bunch of kids were horsing around in the ring. Sandman was drinking heavily throughout.

Juvi gave a Mexican interview (in a suit) and said he was going into the Bird food business. He also said he was receiving offers from AAA, CMLL, TNA, and NOAH

Emory Hale was Hogan’s hand picked #1 Heel for the XWF, before Hogan backed out

Christian and Jericho both got roles in the movie “Shoot’em up”

Mike Goldburg, Christy Hemme and Dennis Rodman all participated at the Lingerie Bowl PPV

Nikoli Volkoff is now a vegetarian and is considering a run at local politics in Baltimore

Wesley Snipes officially pulled out of doing any MMA bouts

Shawn Micheals asked to be removed as a full timer after WMania. He will come in for big shots ala Hogan.

Micheals was frustrated by the lack of promotion for his book as well

Angle reinjured his neck vs Micheals on jan 16th.

Eddy will be getting the HOF nod this year

Ashley and Matt hardy are broken up

Angel Williams blew out her knee

WWE will soon have a Fidel Castro Parody and a “tag team doing a modern day Bushwackers gimmick”

Johnny Ace used Eddy Gurrero’s funeral as a recruiting center and that how Charlie Haas got resigned. Ace’s actions annoyed a lot of people. Haas wasn’t the only one either…

In the new RAW magazine, RVD said he has bumps on his head from hitting the glass ceiling so often. He puts over being held back due to Backstage politics.

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Triple H believes that John Cena lost the crowd's support due to Kurt Angle's failure to portray an effective heel.

One excuse WWE officials are using to explain his souring rapport with male WWE fans, however, is that the wrestler is simply too good looking. Those buying into this logic feel that male fans are threatened by the wrestler's looks.

WWE used the same excuse when fans turned on Shawn Michaels much earlier in his career.

RVD's Status In WWE

RVD has come to a point in the WWE where he doesn't seem to care what management thinks of him. Unlike others, he never shys away from mentioning existence of glass ceilings and backstage politics. He knows his place and has accepted it, and doesn't care about what the company would like him to say.

- Dave Meltzer recalls a story about how HHH held a meeting with the locker room and RVD was nowhere to be found. HHH sees him in the parking lot, pats him in the back, placing his arm around him and says "Hey buddy, where have you been?" RVD puts Trip's arm away and says "I've been out smoking dope while you were burying me behind my back, you know where I've been."

- Also there was RVD's refusal to go to Iraq tapings. Despite it being optional, management seriously pressured RVD into going with Johnny Ace personally begging him after he was told there may be consequences. RVD again declined.

RVD is probably the only one in the locker room who refuses to compromise and will always do things his way.

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Trips has to be smoking crack. Angle's played an effective heel for how long now? Cena lost crowd support because they're sick of his limited wrestling skills (have the opponent carry the entire match then clothesline, clothesline, couple of punches, five knuckle shuffle, FU, pin) and mediocre mic skills while maintaining the belt for damn near 7 months.

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The fact is, the fans hated Cena more than they hated Angle. Angle wasn't able to be an effective heel b/c he was doing and saying things that he didn't agree with & on top of that, the fans would cheer Angle pretty much in whatever he did to Cena. Triple H is right and the fans will do the exact same thing when he faces Cena at WrestleMania. The more the fans hate the person who TPTB want you to like, the more they will cheer for the person you're "supposed" to hate. Look at the Rock/Hogan match from WrestleMania X-8. Rock was the good guy, Hogan was the bad guy, but the fans completely turned on the Rock and booed him. Because of that, The Rock turned heel and the writers were forced to make Hogan a face. The fans know when they are pushing too hard for us to like a character and it pisses them off. On top of that, it doesn't help that Cena isn't stepping up his game.

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Dave Meltzer is reporting that Bret Hart is going in the WWE Hall Of Fame. I wonder who's gonna induct him.

And the next person cut is....

Bob Orton. Well, that was expected.

Johnny Ace should be next. He is just as responsible as anyone in what happend in the HITC.

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TNAWrestlingNews.com has learned that Chris K 'Kanyon' will be attending the TNA TV tapings tonight in Orlando, FL.

No word on if he will be used but he is backstage.

By the way, that Kanyon-Gay thing is a total work/storyline. It's basically to get his name back in the mix.

We have opened a website directly related to TNA at TNAWrestlingNews.com Please be sure to check that website for all the latest backstage TNA news and rumors updated on a daily basis. Check it out now at TNAWrestlingNews.com

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IA with TNA being on fire lately. My only complaints about it though is Monty Brown was becoming a star on his own and suddenly he's rollin with Jeff Jarrett and is a glorified lacky, they need to have more of their "name" stars on the Saturday shows instead of unlimited jobbers, and we can't have Jeff Jarrett as champ ever again The last part is wishful thinking on my part.

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