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Radio Soap Opera Discussion

Bright Eyes

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Thanks for this. I wish the magazine went into more detail, but I'm thankful for what they wrote. I'm surprised how long Elsa / Danny Lockwood were involved in the story considering I've read little about them before other than a mention of a 'Lockwood' character bio in James Young's script collection catelog. By November 1955, Miles Nelson was dead.

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June 1956 TVRM

The large sum of money which Carolyn holds in trust has attracted many new acquaintances. But in spite of her watchfulness, Carolyn is confronted by one who understands that the way into her confidence is through her son, Skip. What will happen to Skip if Carolyn continues to misplace her confidence?

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mother said no, Cook would see that we got them, just to see our faces light up. She probably thought a few cookies more or less didn't matter, and she wanted us to be happy.

"All of these things came flooding back into my memory when I began to create the character of Hannah. So she is very real. A wonderful person. Someone you can love, and admire."

As Mrs. Norris, on another daytime radio serial, When A Girl Marries, Miss Darvas must make herself into a completely different type of woman. "Mrs. Norris is a cultured older woman, well bred and well educated, in contrast to Hannah's lack of formal education and of polish. Remember how, in Hilltop House, Hannah must ask a child to help her when she has to write a letter, because her spelling is so uncertain? Mrs. Norris, of course, has no such problems, but the two women have one thing in common. It's a kind of goodness, although each expresses it quite differently. A need to be helpful to those in trouble. And it is interesting to see how it is expressed by two such contrasting types of women. It makes them both so challenging to play."

Watching Miss Darvas talk about these women, with whom she has such a deep sympathy that she can portray them with a rare understanding her own warmth and her interest in everything that goes on around her are apparent. She is an intense woman, with reddish-blonde hair and hazel-green eyes, and every inch the actress. Mature, yet youthful, simply dressed but with the chic of the Continental woman who has traveled all over the world and knows how to choose and modify the fashions that best suit her. Yet she is a woman who loves home and perhaps appreciates it more than other women do, because it was long denied her.

"I have been in the theatre since I was sixteen," she reminds you, "and only after I arrived in New York, in 1938, did I at last have a real home. Other women may dream all their lives of living in apartments and giving up home responsibilities as families grow up and conditions change, but I dreamed always of settling down somewhere with my beloved possessions around me, creating my own kind of home."

Her European career as an actress, begun in her home city of Budapest against the wishes of her family, had been fostered by Max Reinhardt, who starred the lovely and talented young actress in his famous theatrical productions in Berlin and Vienna and the other great cities of Europe. Playwrights created some of their best works for her - among them Ferenc Molnar, whom she later married and who died a year ago. Lili fled from Vienna, where she was appearing in a play, when Hitler's armies began their march. After her arrival in America, Lili appeared on Broadway in Maurice Evans' production of "Hamlet," in the George Kaufman-Edna Ferber play, "Bravo," and in many others.

Work on the American stage and in radio and TV at last allowed Lili to have the home she always wanted. The living room of her apartment reveals her passion for fine old things, all the reminders of the life that used to be. Contrasted with these is her bedroom, thoroughly twentieth-century modern in furnishings. Nostalgia for the old is only one side of her nature. The other side is an attempt to live in the present, enjoying today's things today. The dining portion of her living room has a table, the pedestal of which is a desk from her childhood home. The chairs are fine examples of Biedermeyer, of a richly dark old Hungarian wood. The same wood forms the frame of a fine old sofa, upholstered in dark green. An antique tall clock, little tables, chairs, lamps and ornaments are from her old European home or were collected in her travels. The predominating color note is green, in a deep, restful shade.

The bedroom is all light color, even the wood of the furniture. A modern bed is recessed between two tall wardrobes which flank it on each side. Dressing table, chests, chairs and stools and lamps are all strictly America 1953. So is the compact little kitchen.

Strictly America 1953 are the housekeeping problems, also. Like all women who have interests outside the home - and one doesn't have to be an actress, of course, for this - Miss Darvas has had to learn to apportion her time and energy to handle both jobs as well as possible.

"I am a very orderly person by nature," she explains. "I would like everything to be completely tidy. I dream of being a perfect housewife. My two regular programs, Hilltop House and When A Girl Marries, take just so much of my time and I can plan the rest. I know what I can do at home, and what must be left undone. But then I get a television role, or a play, and the schedule is all off. If it's a role on a TV drama, there are rehearsals and costume fittings, and lines to be studied. There are always such roles - on Hallmark Theatre, Studio One, the Robert Montgomery show, Lux Video Theatre, Kraft Television Theatre, and many others. They are wonderful opportunities, but it is demanding of time. Somewhere in my day, I have made the time to do recordings for Free Europe, to be beamed to the Iron Curtain countries where freedom is at the moment only a word. This, of course, I feel is a precious privilege.

"Yet I know my home is always there, waiting for me. That is the big thing. Then such matters as not finding the time to order the new vacuum cleaner, with the old one practically falling apart, do not seem too important. A lull will finally come, and then we will work like mad getting the house just the way we want it. I can take time to cook a little, and I can enjoy being a housewife."

The Darvas household now consists of the maid, who has been there for ten years and learned her cooking from Lili's mother - which makes her a very good cook. And a friendly taffy-colored cocker spaniel whom they call Mommie, "in view of her motherly - almost grandmotherly - demeanor after thirteen years." Mommie has grown quite deaf, but she is a sweet old girl.

Lili's first radio audition is something she will never forget. It was for the role of Mme. Sophie in a dramatic serial, We Love And Learn.

On the day I auditioned, I had a bad cold. I wasn't feeling well, I was hoarse and uncomfortable, and I felt I had done a poor job of reading. I was holding back the tears when I left the microphone, sort of mumbling to myself about how awful I had been. A group of people were standing near the door, and one man asked me what was so awful, having overheard my self-recrimination. 'Oh,' I said, 'It's my cold. This awful cold.'

"'You had better hold on to it,' he answered, and I wondered what he meant. I went out and made for the nearest shop and brought myself a new dress to raise my spirits, an old trick of us women when we are unhappy. When I got home my maid told me the phone had been ringing for me, and I later found that the caller wanted to know how soon I would be free to take over the role of Mme. Sophie. 'And please hang on to that cold.' I was told, 'Your voice sounded just right.' Of course my happiness at this turn of events completely cured my cold. But my voice must have been all right - with cold or without - because I played Mme. Sophie for about a year and a half, which was the length of time the program remained on the air. I was very fond of her.

"I am fond of all the people I do on radio. I could not play them, day after day, if I did not believe in them. Mrs. Norris, in When A Girl Marries, is like many women I have known and admired. Hannah, the Lovely Hungarian cook in Hilltop House, is someone I have loved very much. Playing them has enriched my life, and that is what working should do for a woman."

Edited by CarlD2
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Claudia and Chappie bought the farm in a Christmas blizzard. A friend, who had once been a guest at the farmhouse and had fallen in love with it, took them out to look at the then-unoccupied house, because he wanted to see it again. It was only partially furnished at the time, but the Chappells gave each other a what-we-could-do-with-this place look and the following March they moved in, and have been proving ever since what they could do. That's almost seven years ago.

The farm has 130 acres, and they rent an additional 170. They grow their own grain, their corn, oats and wheat, much of it to feed the chickens and bugs. Chappie is a director of the New Jersey Yorkshire Breeders' Association and they own one of the finest herds of Yorkshire hogs in the state. In season, they have a couple of thousand chickens and hope by next year to have several thousand more.

The 200-year old house, made of field-stone with green trim, is set on top of a ridge. Behind it the hills rise dramatically, and below the valleys and rolling land spread for many miles. Three acres of smooth green lawn surround the house - enough grass to require a light tractor and a golf course mower.

They built a fieldstone bungalow, which their good friends, the John McEvoys, rent. The stone garage has been turned into another tenant house. The original barn, of the native fieldstone, is still in use. The old wagon house is now a completely equipped toolhouse, where Chappie works on his carpentering and mechanical projects. "At which he's a whiz," Claudia assures you. Chappie, by the way, is the Ernest Chappel you hear on radio and TV - as commentator and announcers on such programs as The Big Story, Quiet Please and the Armstrong Circle Theater.

The original portion of the main house on Breezy Hill has twenty-two inch thick walls, and the foundation still has the old musket placements which go back to the days of Indian attacks.

Chappie points out an interesting architectural note in the different levels on which the house is built. The ground level in back, for the dining room and kitchen, is a whole floor lower than the front ground level, for the living room, and in between is a third level, for the library. Interesting, too, are the original fieldstone inside walls of the living and dining-rooms and the dark old beams that were put there when the first rooms were built.

Everything that was old and lovely in the house has been carefully preserved, no matter how much new has been added. Fine old wood has been rubbed and coaxed back to its original lustre. The two huge fireplaces in the living room and those in the dining room and den are just as they were when the house was young. Claudia has always loved antiques and her New York apartment, a high-ceilinged place in the East Sixties, with spacious rooms, was filled with them. Now many of her finest pieces have been trucked out to the farm, which is on the outskirts of the little town of Glen Gardner. She and Chappie haunt the small shops for good buys, and go to as many auctions as their crowded radio schedules permit.

The blue and white B&G Copenhagen Christmas plate collection is now at the farm, with only one plate missing. "Buyers all over Europe are keeping their eyes open for that missing plate," Claudia says. "It's one of my dreams to have the complete set." She has a souvenir spoon collection that her grandmother started and to which her mother added, and two windows full of chickens, mostly china and glass ones.

Color schemes all though the house are soft, rather than striking. Greens predominate in the living room, and the blue and white Delft china sets the blue and white scheme for the dining room. Gay chintzes dress up the bedrooms and the cozy corners that abound in every old house.

An extremely handsome and gaily decorated horse which once rode an old German merry-go-round, has been converted into a bar. "I got it for Chappie last year and brought it home through the town in our truck, and we very nearly stopped traffic. Mr. Poop, our Sealyham, was a little puzzled by the strange new animal at first but he got used to it," Claudia explains.

Mr. Poop's welfare became a matter of such concern to a frequent visitor to the farm, Harry Oldridge, that he built a little bridge over the pond when Mr. P goes frogging so the dog's feet wouldn't always be wet. Now Mr. P stands dryly on the bridge for his frogging forays. The two cats get no such special attention, although the big black farm cat has been hopelessly spoiled by the city cat Claudia brought out. City Cat does all the mousing and brings the hapless victims in to Jack-Jack in loving tribute.

There's a two-acre pond on the farm which they hope to fill with fish next season, and a swimming pool that uses the foundation of a milk house built in 1786. A brook had run through the basement of the old structure and the same spring now feeds the pool. Chappie and Claudia worked out all the plans, and he did some of the masonry work and supervised the construction.

In the back orchard there are five hundred peach trees which they themselves set out. This year, wonder of wonders, they took off their very first peaches - the sweetest they've ever eaten, naturally! Next year they'll be even more plentiful. There are about a hundred and fifty apple trees, and plenty of tangy wild grapes. Much of the output of orchards and truck garden goes into their deep freeze.

Actually, it's Chappie who is the family chef, when the housekeeper isn't around. He specializes in steaks, chickens, and barbecues, performing his culinary miracles in the summer on the terrace just off the dining room, where they sit in the shade of a huge horse chestnut tree. In winter, the big dining room fireplace sets the scene.

From the terrace you see a great bell hung on top of a white post. Claudia explains: "It came fro ma church built by the Hessians in a little town that was somewhere in this neighborhood, called Slab Hollow. The old building had seen the Revolution through, had seen the town change constantly, but had itself remained changeless because interested folks in neighboring communities had kept it in repair. Then one night a fire destroyed the building completely and only the bell remained. We were antique hunting one day when I realized I had lost Chappie. Of course my own purchases were forgotten and we could hardly wait to get it home and use it. Now it hangs silent on its white terrace post. We think it deserves a rest."

On another side of the lawn is a dashing old sleigh which Harry Oldridge discovered neglected in the barn and promptly painted. If Claudia gets her wish, they may yet use it for transportation. It seems that there were a few rough winters at first, so they invested in a snow plow to take care of the roadway that extended through the property to the house. They have been all ready for blizzards, but hardly more than a sprinkling of snow has fallen since the plow was delivered.

"Sometimes," muses Claudia, "I find myself wishing for a good old-fashioned New England winter, so we can justify all the money we put in that plow!"

If any New Jerseyites who read this find the snowfall heavier than usual this season, they can now blame Claudia Morgan. She wished for it!

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Thanks, Carl. I really enjoyed reading the articles on Claudia Morgan and Les Damon. The articles on their homes was interesting. Their lives seem so simple for actors. I did chuckle how Claudia had been in all 48 states. I found it interesting they didn't name Claudia's mother even though she was featured in the picture.

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