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A Goodbye to Shyamalan?


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The critics are hating The Last Airbender! laugh.gif The critiques are as follows: "an insult to anyone with a triple-digit I.Q.", "sounds what should be the death knell to M. Night Shyamalan's career", "enormously disappointing", "agonizing experience", "overproduced, stilted nonsense", "an orgy of exposition"...

Well, I expected people to hate it, but not for it to be this bad! laugh.gif

I was never a fan of this guy's work and never really understood the hype so it might be good for him to step away from films so that we can rest from his 'talent'. wacko.gif

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He cast three white kids as the leads even though they were obviously of Asian and Inuit descent in the series, and the main reason he got involved with the project in the first place was because his daughter loved the fact that a girl who looked like her was one of the main characters. And he made all the villains and background extras minorities so he could pass the movie off as "The most culturally diverse film EVER!"

Also took out all the Chinese writing and replaced it with gibberish, and did the same thing with the martial arts that the characters studied in the series so they could bend(they pretty much just flail their hands around in the movie). Basically, he got rid of all the Asian culture that made the cartoon special.

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That's a shame. But yeah, if race is plays a big part in the character and story, it shouldn't be changed. If it's an adaptation, I don't think it's too bad (for me....I guess I don't care enough). But if race doesn't play a big part in the character or story, it's okay - like with Nick Fury or Catwoman, or Donald Glover "wanting" to play Spiderman/Peter Parker. LOL

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the racially diverse cast is the best thing about it. ive only seen it here and there, so idk how much it plays into story but its a shame he felt the need to make the leads white. and yes, i do think it was him not the studio. this guy, for whatever reason, tends to get what he wants and how he wants it.

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