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Larry King giving up CNN talk show


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I love Meredith on Millionaire too but her fakeouts are so transparent. :lol: Even though I suggested her, I agree that she shouldn't ruin a good thing at TTS (or burn herself out for that matter), and the media would probably take the opportunity to drum up some catty female rivalry between her and her former co-host, Joy (not that that's their problem). BU-ut, if she ever DID want to leave TTS, this would be right up her alley. I actually never saw much of her work on 60 Minutes, but I imagine that she was a good interviewer with those heavier topics. She is great at asking tough questions in the most compassionate of ways. I also think that she's a very attractive older woman and I find her smile and glint in her eye a little sexy when she's being playful. I think that adds to her overall appeal.

Someone who should NEVER have this job? Rosie or Whoopi. Rosie will never have a talk show format as perfect as her original daytime show, and more and more, I think Whoopi is an interviewee, not an interviewer. I was young and didn't stay up late back then, but do you all remember Whoopi's talk show that aired back in the early '90s? Whoopi + one, The Whoopi Goldberg Show? Maybe there's some of it on YouTube, I'm curious to see how she handled those one-on-one interviews. I just remember the Talk Soup clip where they showed her interview with Kirstie Alley and Kirstie had an aha moment realizing Whoopi doesn't have eyebrows.

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It's an interesting, neutral choice. I wish they would have picked someone with more...gravitas or tenure, but Piers will be okay.

For CNN to survive, they need to offer something no other network is willing to: neutrality, interviews without extreme bias one way or the other, just the news.

Distancing themselves from sister HLN was a great start, but CNN must offer self-respect and integrity above ratings points. If you build it, eventually they will come.

People will get sick of Fox News and their neo-con spin eventually, people will get tired of hearing screeching liberals counter Fox News, and people will need a source for news(outside of the internet) that is as unfiltered as you can get. CNN may not get back to being "the" source for news, but respect will trump all. Even if CNN has to merge with a broadcast network to survive.

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Big name or not, his problem is that he's arrogant and not the greatest interviewer. He has a good approach, but he's too arrogant to listen and respond. He has a list of questions and does too much research and interrupts each answer with a new question. It was so frustrating tonight when he interviewed Bawa. When you consider most of his interviews are on tape, he has no excuse for interrupting so much. If he improved that, shut up and let his talent speak for itself I might enjoy his show better. I want to like him.

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Keith Olbermann said it best when he lamented the passing of the King era that CNN was going to learn the problem was not the host but that not enough people want to watch long form, softball celeb interviews at 9 PM. It seems he was right. CNN should have kept King and reduced him to once a week two hour specials and filled his slot with something different.

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