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DAYS: Discussion for the month of June

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I loved Jenn, Billie and Kristen too! I really miss them.

Can someone refresh my memory on Philips kid. I almost forgot he had a baby the show was such a mess back then that I wasn't paying much attention. Who is the mother? Weren't the eggs switched? Is it Mimi's through a surragate? I barely remember Steve and Kayla with the baby for awhile. Who adopted the baby? Sorry, I have so many questions. I don't really remember it even though I never missed an eppisode. :unsure:

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EJ and Sami, my god almighty. Love them ;-). AS needs to stop heavily breathing so much though, omg calm down girl. The scenes weren't bad between them.

Where does Nicole live??? She just comes out of nowhere these days. We sure have been seeing less of her lately.

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That storyline is seriously a blur to me, lol I barely remember it. Having it be refreshed somewhat in my mind on DAYS these past 2 days has been nice. I'm pretty sure it was Philip and Mimi's baby through the surrogate. I think I remember Steve and Kayla finding him abandoned? They had him, Tyler, for awhile and called him Pocket. They wanted to adopt him but Philip wouldn't allow it and he gave him up for adoption instead to another family because he didn't want to be a father yet. Philip said on today's episode that he's been keeping track of him and that the baby is happy with the family. I still don't understand why he couldn't have just given the baby to Patch and Kayla. He could have had a relationship with his son still.

LOL alright, thanks haha.

And ohmy.gif at that spoiler. I have been out of the loop. That is awesome, can't wait. Hope it doesn't stop there

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I really have to say DOOL did a great job with all the characters they brought in and didn't just use them as people in pews to say hi and comment about how much Will has grown and how Alice will be missed. A lot of the Hortons were really integrated into the main cast and Shane and Kimberly too, as well as Kayla. It would have been so easy to just bring everyone back for two days of crowd scenes.

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Wasn't Pocket the baby that Bonnie handed over to some blonde woman to raise, and then she turned up months later and somehow it wound up with Kayla? They raised him for a while but I could swear he got sick. This was a particularly dull period for the show and I was zoning out. 2007 was it? Maybe 2008. Pocket was definitely around for the whole Stefano takes the entire hospital prisoner and lets loose poison gas. At least I think that was pocket Rolf injected with some sinister somethingorother that was never followed up on. That hospital story itself was fun I have to admit.

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That wasn't Pocket who was involved with the hospital story in 2008. I wasn't watching during the whole story with Mimi and Phil's baby, but in early 08, Lexie discovered Kayla was pregnant. She had the baby which was a son they named Joe. That was the baby that was there when Stefano took over the hospital and locked Patch, Kayla, and Joe in that room with all that gas on.

I thought it was really good to. That (and the plane crash) were the best parts of 2008.

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That whole period is such a blur to me, too. I remember watching the climax of the Colleen Brady thing, and the whole bit where Chloe came back and Brady was missing and the Shelle/Phloe crew went to their reunion, and the plane crash that killed Grandpa Shawn... but so much of the show during that late 2007 to mid-2008 period is a little lost to me. I didn't even stop watching, I just wasn't really paying attention, and so little of it "stuck."

I think Pocket/Tyler turned up at the hospital after Lauren (the surrogate Bonnie paid not to terminate the pregnancy) dumped him there and took off. Kayla and Steve took him in, and Philip was searching for his son after he found out Lauren had gone through with the pregnancy. Philip found Pocket was actually HIS kid. There was some thing where Pocket was getting sick and it looked like Steve and Kayla were poisoning him, but it turned out to be some illness that mimics poisoning? Or something. In the interim, I think Pocket got taken from Steve and Kayla and placed with the couple who wound up becoming his permanent adoptive parents. Something like that.

I'm actually REALLY impressed that they not only brought this back up, but are using it to power the current story. And integrating Kayla in with Philip for that little bit was smart writing.

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Wow! Great memory! That all sounds right and now I remember. Thanks!

What does it say that none of us could remember it because we were watching but not paying attention? ^_^ It is really great writing and I'm impressed with it too. Days really has improved tons! :)

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That whole Pocket/Tyler story was an epic mess. It made no sense to me that Philip wouldn't want his blood child. First, he is a Kiriakis and they always seem pretty territorial. Second, it is not like he would ever have to raise the child just dump it with a nanny. Third, Philip had already thought he was a father at one point with Claire. I think we are just supposed to forget the Kyle Brandt years though.

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What happened to Carly's face? She looks horrible. I saw her a few months ago and I dont recall her looking bad at all.


Who was the man that Ciara said Hope was hugging? Boy did she come across as a witch to her daughter

Was there any reason why Marlena wasnt at Alice's funeral? Why didnt Days get Deidre back?

Kim is annoying. Least favorite Brady sibling

Is Bill sticking around? I like him but its odd that they would recast the character for a funeral when he's been away for over 15 years. Ive never seen a soap do that and they either ignore missing characters or give a lame excuse for why they arent there.

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DAYS has a horrible hair and make up department she NEVER looked that bad on GL.

A guy named Dr. Baker he helped Nicole switch the babies last year, and was supposedly murdered. He came back and began mugging people with Hope. Hope has started taking sleeping pills, so she has developed another personality that has been doing the muggings, so when Ciara says stuff like she saw wallets in her mom's drawer Hope freaks out because she thinks her daughter is lying.

I have no idea, but I think Corday and Tomlin wanted to avoid the rabid Jarlena fanbase who would be furious if Marlenda didnt stay and keep it all about Alice.

I think they may try to bring him back, and if they arent trying they should.

It was nice that they recasted Bill was needed for this. There was just no way he wouldnt come to his mother's funeral.

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