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OLTL: SOD May Sweeps Preview

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May Sweeps:

John/Marty/Natalie: John is tryng to discover the truth about who pushed Marty and it puts him at odds with Natalie and Todd. It's a question as to whether John will decide to try a relationship with Natalie again or just stick with Marty. John is going to reach his critical decision. Hannah uses this situation as her opportunity to come between Starr and Cole. Feisty Starr comes back with a vengeance.

Blair/Tea/Elijah/Todd: Tea gets an upsetting diagnosis and there's the question of whether she will tell Danielle and Todd. Todd believes that if he can form a relationship with Danielle, the obstacle that was between him and Tea will be gone. It will be Blair whose first to figure out that something is up with Tea. Eli is going to have a big part in this as well. Blair and Eli will have a more straightforward, healthy, romantic building as opposed to Blair's dysfunctional relationship with Todd.

Rex/Gigi: Rex and Gigi go on an adventure to find his real parents and will be rediscovering their love.

Teens/Prom/Musical: Markko learns the truth about Langston and Ford. Jessica sees this as her last chance to reconnect with Cristian since they were supposed to make love years ago after prom. Brody sees this as his last chance to reconnect with Jessica as well. It will be a significant night that takes unexpected turns.

Bo/Nora: They plan a big wedding and May sweeps launches the show into that. Pretty much all of the cast will be involved. It will be very, very, fun, romantic, very Bo/Nora.

Viki/Charlie/Dorian: Viki and Charlie reunite. Charlie is now working for Dorian. Dorian and Charlie now have a bond, and that will cause ongoing problems. There will be a fun, light side to this as well.

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How boring...

I was hoping it would be something more like what myself or Carl posted in the "last chance to save OLTL thread"...actually all of the things EVERYONE posted in that thread would be better than this.

10 bucks says Rex and GiGi's magic adventure to find daddy and mommy will lead them right back to Llanview, Bo and Roxy.

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Bo and Nora plan a double wedding with Rex and Gigi! But...Bo falls in love with Gigi and Nora with Rex. What to do? They both go crazy and take Rex and Gigi hostage. Their blind love causes them to shoot each other. Rex and Gigi are saved!

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The fact that John choosing between the perennial assault victim who just miscarried their baby and the codependent, enabling widow who recently stabbed a man is considered a "critical decision" (yawn) is a perfect example of why this show is in the toilet. The fact that they even mention Hannah, Cole and Starr pretty much tells us who pushed Marty. (double yawn)

If they were smart, IMO, they'd make Natalie or Todd the pusher. Say that Nat or Todd came into the stairwell to talk to Marty and when they tried to get her attention, they startled her and she fell. If it was Todd, they could say that when he saw her at the bottom of the stairs, he flashed back on what happened to Starr and blacked out. If it was Nat, they could say she's been in a dissociative fugue ever since the car accident and head injury that made her suck face with John. Either way all the character involved get to keep their brains and dignity. Even John McBain.

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