Members SuperFlyChad Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 ALL credit to kev_fan at MySoapsOnline! December Episode Counts Mikey - 22 eps. Lauren - 20 eps. Sheila - 19 eps. Kevin - 18 eps. Nick - 18 eps. Sharon - 18 eps. Brad - 18 eps. Victoria - 17 eps. Phyllis - 17 eps. Ashley - 17 eps. Paul - 17 eps. Gloria - 16 eps. Jack - 16 eps. Tom - 15 eps. Scott - 14 eps. JT - 14 eps. Mac - 14 eps. waitors - 13 eps. John - 12 eps. Nikki - 12 eps. Devon - 10 eps. Neil - 9 eps. Dru - 9 eps. Yolanda - 9 eps. Daniel - 9 eps. Victor - 8 eps. Dylan - 8 eps. Christine - 7 eps. Noah - 7 eps. JoAnna Manning - 7 eps. Jill - 6 eps. Detective Troy Hawkins - 5 eps. cops - 5 eps Abby - 4 eps. Coast Guard officers - 4 eps. wedding guests - 4 eps. Katherine - 3 eps. Captain - 3 eps. Dr. Walker - 3 eps. nurses - 3 eps. Crimson Lights employee - 3 eps. Esther - 2 eps. Sierra - 2 eps. Eric Forrester - 2 eps. Christ Botti - 2 eps. David - 2 eps. (wedding photographer) Richard - 2 eps. (wedding planner) Rev. Bock - 2 eps. (John & Gloria) security - 2 eps. Russell - 1 ep. (hair stylist) Ali - 1 ep. Isaac - 1 ep. minister - 1 ep. (L&M's wedding) paramedics - 1 ep. reporters/photographers - 1 ep. Athletic Club members - 1 ep. firemen - 1 ep. baby Scott - 1 ep. (flashback) kids @ "Cassie's Corner' - 1 ep. Malcolm - 0 ep. Olivia - 0 ep. Gina - 0 ep. Miguel - 0 ep. EPISODE COUNT FOR 2005! Michael Baldwin - 185 eps. (+ 2 eps on ATWT) GO Christian Leblanc, much deserved! Nick Newman - 185 eps. Phyllis Abbott - 175 eps. Sharon Newman - 168 eps. Kevin Fisher - 159 eps. Ashley Abbott - 159 eps. Gloria Abbott - 154 eps. (Say it with me y'all, LONG LIVE CHAPMAN) Jack Abbott - 150 eps. Victor Newman - 149 eps. (dammit he still cracked the top 10!) Brad Carlton - 146 eps. JT Hellstrom - 145 eps. Nikki Newman - 139 eps. Victoria Newman - 135 eps. Drucilla Winters - 135 eps. (See this year wasn't as bad for Dru, she's usually TOP 10 though) Mackenzie Browning - 133 eps. (MAC OVERLOAD) Lauren Fenmore-Baldwin - 122 eps. (Glad to see Tracey get some decent screentime!) Lily Winters - 120 eps. (!@#$%^&*]! Half of this includes her whining about Romalotti. She's been gone since September too!) Daniel Romalotti - 119 eps. Neil Winters - 118 eps. Brittany Marsino - 110 eps. Paul Williams - 101 eps. (Wow, must have been minor scenes) Tom Fisher - 100 eps. Devon Hamilton - 100 eps. John Abbott - 99 eps. Bobby Marsino - 91 eps. Sheila Carter - 80 eps. nurses - 77 eps. Jill Abbott - 73 eps. (BAH! That sucks! JW should be in top 10) Dylan - 73 eps. (TOO MUCH DYLAN) Katherine Chancellor - 72 eps. (+ 2 on B&(Poor JC!) Christine Blair - 69 eps. (can't complain) Malcolm Winters - 69 eps. Scott Grainger, Jr. - 66 eps. Cassie Newman - 47 eps.(RIP CASSIE!) Noah Newman - 43 eps. Gina Roma - 43 eps. Trevor - 42 eps. (old CL guy) Yolanda Hamilton - 36 eps. Abby Carlton - 34 eps. AC Spa members - 33 eps. Olivia Winters - 31 eps.(missing TLW, but happy on her success) Esther Valentine - 29 eps. Sierra Hoffman - 29 eps. Damon Porter - 27 eps. Vinny Trabuco - 24 eps. (BAD memories) Det. Hank Weber - 23 eps. Glenn Richards - 21 eps.(Hopefully this fool will not come back for the Fisher case) Adrienne Porter - 21 eps. Joshua Marsino - 20 eps. Gitta - 16 eps. (I miss her) mobsters - 16 eps. (Luca, Carlo) Angelo - 13 eps. Miguel Rodriguez - 11 eps. Dr. Reese Walker - 11 eps. Judge Jennings - 11 eps. (Daniel's trial) bailiff - 11 eps. court stenographer - 11 eps. List Facts: 28 have contracts 22 were/are recurring 7 left the show (Calabrese, Fonseca, Grimes, Cobb, Canning, Enos, Woodland) “Y&R” Days in 2005: 1 - Monday January 3rd - Wednesday January 12th, 2005 (8 shows) 2 - Thursday January 13th - Friday January 14th (2 shows) 3 - Monday January 17th - Tuesday January 25th (6 shows) 4 - Wednesday January 26th - Monday January 31st (4 shows) 5 - Tuesday February 1st - Thursday February 10th (8 shows) 6 - Friday February 11th - Wednesday February 16th (Valentine's Day - 4 shows) 7 - Thursday February 17th - Tuesday March 1st (9 shows) 8 - Wednesday March 2nd - Wednesday March 9th (6 shows) 9 - Thursday March 10th - Monday March 14th (3 shows) 10 - Tuesday March 15th - Wednesday March 23rd (5 shows) 11 - Thursday March 24th - Tuesday April 5th (9 shows) 12 - Wednesday April 6th - Monday April 18th (9 shows) 13 - Wednesday April 20th - Tuesday April 26th (5 shows) 14 - Wednesday April 27th - Tuesday May 3rd (5 shows) 15 - Wednesday May 4th - Monday May 9th (4 shows) 16 - Tuesday May 10th - Tuesday May 24th (11 shows) 17 - Wednesday May 25th - Friday May 27th (3 shows) 18 - Monday May 30th - Wednesday June 8th (8 shows) 19 - Thursday June 9th - Tuesday June 14th (4 shows) 20 - Wednesday June 15th - Monday June 20th (4 shows) 21 - Tuesday June 21st - Thursday June 30th (8 shows) 22 - Friday July 1st - Thursday July 7th (5 shows) 23 - Friday July 8th - Wednesday July 13th (4 shows) 24 - Thursday July 14th - Monday July 18th (3 shows) 25 - Tuesday July 19th - Thursday August 4th (13 shows) 26 - Friday August 5th - Wednesday August 10th (4 shows) 27 - Thursday August 11th - Wednesday August 17th (5 shows) 28 - Thursday August 18th - Monday August 29th (7.375 shows) 29 - Monday August 29th (.675) - Wednesday September 7th (6.625 shows) 30 - Thursday September 8th - Tuesday September 20th (8 shows) 31 - Wednesday September 21st - Monday October 3rd (8.375 shows) 32 - Monday October 3rd - Monday October 10th (5.625 shows) 33 - Tuesday October 11th - Tuesday October 18th (6 shows) 34 - Wednesday October 19th - Wednesday October 26th (6 shows) 35 - Thursday October 27th - Tuesday November 1st (4 shows) 36 - Wednesday November 2nd - Tuesday November 8th (5 shows) 37 - Wednesday November 9th - Tuesday November 15th (5 shows) 38 - Wednesday November 16th - Tuesday November 22nd (5 shows) 39 - Wednesday November 23rd - Thanksgiving Day - 1 show 40 - Monday November 28th - Thursday December 1st (4 shows) 41 - Friday December 2nd - Tuesday December 13th (8 shows) 42 - Wednesday December 14th - Monday December 19th (4 shows) 43 - Tuesday December 20th - Thursday December 22nd (3 shows) 44 - Friday December 23rd - Christmas Eve (1 show) 45 - Monday December 26th - Friday December 30th (5 shows) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Adam Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 Thanks Chad, wow I didn't realize the balance was that good for the full year counts and how many times some of the actors were on. Love seeing Tracey with 122 episodes though awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members crc Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 This is EGREGIOUS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Adam Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 Jill and Katherine on 6 and 3 times respectively is a mortal sin!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members FanSoAp07 Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 Jill & Katherine need to be on WAY more. What story can they give Katherine? Not alcohol b/c she recently did that, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Adam Posted December 30, 2005 Members Share Posted December 30, 2005 Tons of stuff... the problem is Jack Smith either isn't or doesn't want to be creative enough to come up with one..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members sheilaforever Posted December 31, 2005 Members Share Posted December 31, 2005 I can do without Miguel though. Gina was on enough during the year so this okay as well. But a huge PUKE to the lack of Jill & Kay in the holiday season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Hartless Posted December 31, 2005 Members Share Posted December 31, 2005 This list sucks! Jill, Katherine, Victor & Nikki are so low! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members fee93 Posted January 1, 2006 Members Share Posted January 1, 2006 There was still too much Christine in 05. She needs to at least make half of those appearances in 06! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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