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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I guess it said something that I got up this morning and watched. I had no desire to watch it last night. I didn't even want to. Last week's episode still burned in me. I did want to see how this would be resolved.


And...the jury is still out. Because if I watched that correctly, it would seem Erin and Rebecca did this prank (and it WAS a prank) to show that Rebecca was not boring and to see who could be trusted. Where they lost me was that they (correctly) exposed Brynn as problematic...only to find out that Brynn WAS IN ON IT, TOO and that ERIN was the one to tell her. So not only does Brynn have one up on Erin, but now any goodwill Erin has gotten with me so far this season has me side-eying her.


I thought the episode was okay. And the reveal of Brynn telling Ubah, Sai, and Jenna about Erin letting her know was an ACTUAL cliffhanger. The Erin of last season could not do confrontations. Is that the case for this season?


And in the coming weeks, it does appear that the fire in Rebecca will be growing. And given that Brynn (in on the prank or not) really does not see it for Rebecca, could a new rivalry be growing? Not to mention there is still Ubah vs Brynn to come...which was absent this episode and they were completely getting along. However...I am still side-eying.


JENNA. Could the rose-colored glasses be finally coming off of her about Brynn? She definitely did not like the prank. She didn't like Brynn's part in it. And that's before she found out that Brynn was in on the prank. I guess we will see.


JESSEL. Yeah, I found Pavit having food at their therapy session very disrespectful. And I don't know if he was doing it for show, or if he is really being passive-aggressive about it, but I did not like it. Therapy is to be taken seriously. His lack of seriousness is telling. Meanwhile, I always live for scenes with Jessel and her mother so it was nice to have another...especially since she told her mother about the rumor, but did not tell her about the prank. Get that follow-up scene, girl! lol. 


RAQUEL. So she knew about the prank, too? Le sigh. Her scene with Mel in the sex shop was cute (love the collar, Mel!). And her with Brynn, Ubah, and Sai at the sex museum was good. Someone needed to put the pieces together, and Raquel put in the work for us the audience.


SAI. Very little of her. But I liked that she, Raquel, and Jenna found the prank distasteful. And I am living for how much her and Ubah have bonded over the season.


UBAH. Was just giving looks and humor for me this week. Though it was interesting Brynn let her in on the prank when they were at that game. And it's just odd seeing the two of them get along knowing what's coming.


BRYNN. Well, the good was that I loved seeing Gideon even if I felt disconnected from the scene. So did he this time. Interesting. Cuz why are they not together again? He seem to be the only guy willing to put up with her shenanigans. I liked that she was exposed for running her mouth. But again...what was the point if she already knew it was a prank in the first place? And say what I do about Brynn, she does admit that she runs her mouth.


ERIN. Bad form. All her prank really did was expose that she was a liar. Worse...a wannabe sniper from the side. Then again, this was Erin's m.o. her first season. She would stir the pot and try to hide her hand. And that bit her on the butt because the other ladies did compare notes. All I can do is shrug. Highly disappointed in her, and I didn't realize I liked her so much to be so disappointed. 


Again...okay episode.

Yeah...and now here comes SOUTHERN CHARM and SOUTHERN HOPSITALITY which I guess is the other winter shows now. Just le sigh. I'm shocked at how their hopes for BELOW DECK as the next big franchise has completely lessened. All they have are the HOUSEWIVES now. lol.


What? Say it ain't so! re: SLC It has been interesting good and we haven't even got to the Monica subplot yet.


I guess I shouldn't be worry about content for me. I still have a whole season of OC to watch here. lol.


Still sad about DUBAI.


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Here's a liittle teaser. This was so chaotic and I'll be interested in your thoughts later. SLC is killing it this season


Oh and Ive been vocal about not liking her but Angie won me over this episode. She gave up the stunts and being thirsty and we got a real genuine moment with her dad earlier in the episode that fleshed her out. I felt bad for her and in that scene, she finally felt like a real housewife to me. She wasnt acting or being thirsty...she was being her authentic vulnerable sel and I loved that for her


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And I've been heavily unspoiled so you know I'm living for that picture.  


I feel Angie has had a great season. Messy for sure, but she has been on the nail with a lot of her observations. I just wish she would say more of it outside of her confessionals. She has not been wrong. Or she gets easily distracted in scene. She really should just be herself. 

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It was the last series to average over 1M last season so those numbers are disappointing. Hopefully the premiere gets good buzz and people tune in. Im hoping Bravo isnt cannabiliznig itself though bc there are 5 RH shows on right now (with M2M coming to be tagged in for RHOC). That alot of these shows occupying the same space

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That's what I was saying earlier. But thankfully, Bravo has the SOUTHERN CHARM franchise and BELOW DECK franchise to hold some people over. And new shows. And I see they are bringing in other shows like QUEEN'S COURT and tonight it was EAT SLAY LOVE (hey, Eva the Diva!). 


Meanwhile since I don't watch most of that...I can continue my catch-up of OC. lol. 

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I was going by the mid-season trailer which, I know, after the prank mess, I really shouldn't believe. I haven't watched Tuesday's episode yet, but I'll take your word for it. That prank was such a bad move by Production. And BTW I agree about Raquel, love her. 

Did they even promote it? I didn't know it was starting up again until you guys told me.

I wish we knew the streaming numbers too, it would give a better idea of whether one-third of BH's typical audience has actually fallen off a cliff.

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Honestly...given what I'm used to from BH promoting...it was light this year if not out and out bare. If I know about it at all, it's because the fanbase is definitely there. I mean...they even have the AFTERSHOWS already up and running. Isn't that a midseason thing for the HW shows?


I do know compared to last season, they did lose a third. Last season's premiere did 1M. So it slid, but not by very much. 

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All I have to say for now is that when you are getting to the group event 15 minutes in...with 45 minutes to go...you are about to get some mess!!!


WoooooooooWWWWWWWW!! Too many moments for me to pick from. Little Girl with the alley oops. FriendofHeather coming for the cast...only to be packed up RHOA S6 a la Natalie at the winery style. 'Cuz it's my GD credit card.' 'This is Aubery Hepburn, Not the Flintstones.' 


I agree @Cheap21! That was their Dinner Party from Hell. Mary must do one every year now.

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Right? I felt it crept up on all of us. BH's audience is particularly loyal... did last year's borefest burn them? I doubt it because reunion did well.

Another unpopular opinion (i am full of them this week!) but Bravo needs to cancel the aftershows. They take away from the show itself AND the reunions. 

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It really did. I remember them dropping the trailer. And outside of an ad here and there, it's been unusually crickets. Goodness knows S7 Dorit appears to be getting traction and I do like the clips I've seen so far (Kyle trying to spin the narrative and Dorit not having it, Dorit/Boz, the conclusion to end of episode fight already released). Add on the opinions here that I trust and I might just break down and watch. 


I agree. I miss the days of the Housewives blogs. 

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I swear production hates Heather bc she admitted ot LYING on them so she has gotten such an ugly edit this season. Im inclined to think she was always like this but they protected her. Not anymore. Im here for Bronwyn eating her up each and every time. She gagged her when she said she flew first class bc "it was my damn credit card" BOOM! I now thats right


Meredith's bangs look horrible. She gives nothing unless she interacts with Angie whom somehow activates her every time. I can see why she and Mary fall out bc Mary genuinely has formed a friendshiip with Angie and I bet that boils Meredith on the inside. It got so ghetto when she and Whitney were grabbing that phone. SLC about to get physical? LOL


Britani for once didnt mentioin Jared! The other girls did though. He in Mary's DM? Messy. She reminds me of Mia with having 3 love interests and lying.  She over the top and annoying but I kinda like her. She funny to me. I like how she's not afraid to call the women out. She gives more than Meredith


And who could have foreseen Mary as the grande dame of SLC? She was getting those girls together and showing that she runs them. She was a great host, too control when needed and provided such an entertaining hour of television

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