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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kim and Nene genuinely care for each other? Where did you see that boo? I definitely didn't see it from Kim. Kim's body language and low-key shade simply showed that LaNathan is Patrick Swayze to her. Straight ghost.


Two, Nene made the deal. Not Kenya. She put no stipulations on it except that when Kenya wrote her check, she'd write hers. Nene can spin this how she wants but she ain't getting off the hook. Cut the check.

Three, when did I say that Nene didn't care for Cynthia? I've only said that she's using the same shtick that she did on Sheree and Kim. She'll swear up and down that she'll never forgive them ... until next season swings around and she needs something to keep her relevant and in the circle.

Four, what was it that Nene said that we all agreed with two years ago? Please remind me because with Nene it's never specific.


LaNathan aka Bullwinkle....




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You said, and I quote:

"So funny that next week she'll be crying about Cynthia--the friend she swears she doesn't care about."

That's where you said it, bitch!

Kim didn't throw shade at nobody boo, and neither did Andy. Y'all can continue to stay pressed alongside Tamara Tattles, but NeNe isn't going anywhere. Bravo and Andy clearly still love her. If Nene leaves, it'll be her choice. How many one on one's has Kenya had? How many times has Kenya been asked to be on after a premiere or a finale? Hell, she got her ass dragged across the floor after the reunion and Andy STILL had Nene on instead of her. Exit to the left, crusty crust.

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Oh OK. I said it. :P But she does not care about Cynthia. Never has. Nene is all about having numbers and puppets and the footage does not lie. Again, she needs to get a new shtick. Like a new wig. One that has edges attached to it as well. :lol:

And Andy and Kim shaded the hell out of Nene. Footage does not lie. And who is pressed over Nene? No one. She's the only one that's pressed. Pressed that Cynthia won't allow her to control her any more. Pressed that Kenya is the breakout star. Pressed that Kandi is the REAL rich bitch. Pressed that Claudia is another person to steal her thunder.

Nene can have all the one on one special she wants. She's nothing more but a cash cow for Bravo. That's it. And I agree that Nene will leave on her own terms ... However, Bravo is going to help push her out in the process in the form of Team Pretty.

Is something wrong with y'all Queen Kenya haters knees?!

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What is Kenya the Queen of? Faking a relationship to get on a show? Being on a show called "Real Housewives" when she's never been able to secure a long time boyfriend let alone a husband? Flirting with other women's husbands shamefully in front of them and then acting shocked when called out on it? Having no friends? Having no furniture? Having an "illustrious acting career" that includes riveting roles such as "Waitress #3 on a 1995 episode of "The Jamie Foxx Show"? Waving props around and getting in people's face and then acting shocked when she got dragged? Killing her dog for a storyline? Starring in direct to DVD movies nobody's heard of? Taking 6 months to gather 20,000 dollars for a charity she "cares so much about", despite the fact that she claims to have a multi-million dollar, two decade-spanning career? Stealing someone's business idea only to release a video that made $5?

You're right, she is the queen of those things, but there's nary a reason to worship her for them.

But don't worry, I'm sure ProActiv will give her an endorsement deal soon and she can use all that oil from her face to keep that rented Bentley up to snuff.


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1. The whole housewives thing is old. None of these women on this show has a steady marriage with the exception of the few. None of ATLs marriage count b/c they are all hanging by a string. Including that business arraignment with Greg and Nene

2. Wasn't it like three seasons ago that Nene was flirting with Peter, the man she called BITCH, but when Sheree, Phaedra, Kim, and Kandi jokingly called her out on it, she denied it too? Oh OK. #SelectiveMemory

3. Having no friends? Ain't Nene's dropping like flies. Kim. Sheree. Dwight. Marlo. Kenya. Cynthia. I'm sure there are many more that have not come to light ... yet.

4. No furniture? How long did it take Nene to get hers? And didn't she borrow some from Kenya when she in LA? Yep. She did.

5. And what is Nene's acting career? Playing herself on Glee & New Normal. Kenya at least has range and she stayed working throughout the 90s and early 00s on black sitcoms/movies. A role is a role.

6. Dragged? Um no. Porsha tugged at her hair like a baby but who bounced up and sashayed away like a queen with her hair still intact. Can't say Nene's would.

7. Bringing up Velvet is low. She didn't kill the dog and going that low is grasping for straws.

8. Acting work is acting work. At the end of the day, Nene is a flash in a pan. Question is can she sustain her 'career?' Can she develop range? We'll wait on that....

9. Nene made the bet. Not Kenya. Again, Nene put no stipulations on it. Pay up or shut up.

10. Kenya must've made some coinage on that video because she has mule mouth Head Doctor Parks still all up in her feelings and riding her jock two seasons afterwards.

And while Kenya gets her endorsement for ProActiv, we'll make sure that Nene gets some too. Suggestions? I have a few:


(for those dentures)



(for the edges that have gone missing)




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1. Kenya isn't , and never HAS been a housewife (nor will she ever be, most likely). That's the difference between her and the rest of these girls. Everyone else is or has been married, or was married when brought onto the show. Kenya was never married, and isn't even from Atlanta, nor did she live in Atlanta before she joined the show. Her ever being on the show to begin with is ridiculous.

2. Nene said somebody's husband was sexy? Nene talked about engaging in a threesome with him? Nene dropped her ass in front of him and rubbed up on his crotch? No, she didn't. That was dust bucket Kenya.

3. Nene has certainly blown through friends. Never said she didn't. But they literally had to bring on a new housewife in order for Kenya to have a friend. Not worth it, and pathetic.

4. Nene's always had furniture on the show, versus Kenya who had to film in her kitchen for two seasons because she didn't have another furnished room

5. I think a headlining role on Broadway > one scene in "I Know Who Killed Me".

6. Did you watch the reunion? Kenya was literally dragged across the floor. Sure, she got up and walked away….To an empty dressing room, where she had no friends to comfort her. #VeryTelling

7. If you loved your very, very small dog as much as this woman claims she did, would you let it outside unattended in your yard that you very well know had openings in the fence large enough for it to slip through and get hurt? Velvet's death was nothing more than her desperate attempt to humanize herself.

8. Nene's few acting credits are already far more substantial than anything Kenya supposedly did in the 1990's. Nene has credited roles. Kenya appeared in minor roles of no consequence. And, coincidentally, any "leading" roles she's had in her direct to DVD movies recently have been produced through her own low-budget company. She's not "getting" acting roles, she's busting out her GoPro, calling a couple of her fellow Z-list acting acquaintances and throwing together 90 minutes worth of trash just so she can have an IMDB credit.

9. Was Nene riding Kenya's ass all these months when Kenya wasn't paying up? No. Like you said, there were no stipulations. Nene has said she will pay, when she feels like it. I agree, she should pay now. But just as there was no timeline for Kenya, there is no timeline for Nene.

10. Phaedra hasn't addressed Kuntya stealing her business idea in quite some time, though if she had, she'd certainly be justified in doing so. Doesn't Kenya claim to be above Pheadra morally? Yet she's a slutty thief. Hmmm.

I could list a thousand products that Kenya and her busted, oily, Walmart purchased body could stand to use and endorse, but the point would be moot because the fact is no company will hire her for an endorsement deal. Isn't the whole point of an endorsement deal to bring recognition to a product? If so, they would never hire Kenya, they'd want to hire someone people might actually recognize.

Oh, and the reading room? Bitch you must be thumbing through books that still have the pictures in them, cause the Library has just opened for business.


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1. Kandi wasn't married when they joined the show. Neither was Bethenny on NYC. And Wig-n-Cigz was humping someone hubby, so the point you made is worthless.

2. Nene said that Peter was handsome and her boyfriend. She might as well said what Kenya said. At least she was blunt.

3. The same can be said about Nene because she only had Cynthia season 3 AND 4. Furthermore, they brought Claudia on as a friend. Blame Camry for being a bore and Claudia snagging her peach. And regardless, Kenya is friends with Cynthia and Kandi so they didn't need to bring anyone on.

4. According to her 'good friend,' Kim, Nene didn't have any furniture. But that's her friend. ph34r.png

5. Last time I checked, Keke Palmer was headlining. Not Nene. And again, she's playing herself--an old, shriveled up curmudgeon. #NoRange

6. I did watch the reunion and Porsha didn't do sh*t. And Cynthia AND Kandi both said that they checked on Kenya but it wasn't shown. #NiceTry

7. I've let my dog out unattended in MY FENCE. Much like Kenya did. Velvet's death is on the dog that dug underneath her gate and attacked her dog in her yard.

8. Nene has all these 'credited' roles but why she ain't on a sitcom? Drama series? Procedural? Oh yeah. Because her ass is sitting on the same show as Kenya collecting the same check. Nene might've had ONE network role but so had many other real actors. When she has longevity then we'll talk. Till then, she's a stereotype playing stereotypical roles.

9. You said you agreed that Nene should pay so....tongue.png

10. All is fair in love, war, and business. And let's not talk about Phelony stealing b/c that's how she's made a living. *looks around* Where is Angela Stanton?!!!

And Kenya had endorsements in the 90s. Has Nene had any? Oh yeah, she hasn't. She barely strings a sentence together with her broken english. Bridemaids? Fistses? Guestes?


And open the library door at your own risk. I've been known to snatch, scalp, gather, collect, and ether bitches.


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Look boo, I'm not discounting that Kenya was famous in the 90's. She had big tits, a presentable body, and a decent smile and so someone put a crown on her head. And I give her credit for that. But you are trying to act like she was the damn Jennifer Lawrence of the 90's, and she wasn't! Even as Nene's ride or die, I can admit that her resumè has a long way to go.

Also: Kandi was engaged to AJ when she joined the show (wasn't she?), and had a child. Wig was mounting a married man, but had two children and an ex-husband. They fit the Housewives bill far more than 90's "superstar", off-brand Detroit Barbie, who has no man, no child, no house, and no business in ATL. They were established Atlanta residents, whereas Vanessa Williams Lite had to travel cross-country and rent house, car and boyfriend just to get on the franchise cause she wasn't classy enough to be on BH.

I'd love for you to read me boo but unfortunately I'm a sophisticated novel hunni and your coloring book reads don't phase me.


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Who implied that Kenya was the "JLaw" [and I like her but she ain't all that great either but I digress] of the 90s? All I said was that she worked throughout the 90s to early 00s on black sitcoms and movies. She also has range. She did drama and comedy. And Nene's acting range is limited to what? Oh yes. Playing herself.

Plus, Kenya came on [and Miss. Lawrence verified this] and said s5 that she was previously engaged to a man in TX, so....


Kenya's on the show getting a check, and she ain't going nowhere either. Even though her haters do their best to try.

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And boo you might claim to be the 'sophisticated' novel but I WROTE the novel. Got it? Now where's my funds?!



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You ain't write [!@#$%^&*] bitch, I am the author of my own life and my autobiography is above your pay grade. Keep hitting me with those (read)ing rainbows though!

And I literally cannot have this argument with you when you just tried to slay me/prove your girl is relevant by using a Mariah Carey gif. Honey, if Mariah Carey, one of the greats, can become as irrelevant as she is now, that's just living proof that Kenya's 2 seconds of "fame" (aka old white men drooling over her oiled up store bought body), is no longer of any relevance.


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