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B&B: February 2010 Discussion Thread

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Monday's episode is classic! GREAT script! Love Taylor. Love Steffy. Love Brooke whose finally lost her kindergarden teacher's voice. Love that Stephanie might actually be doing something soon. Love Katie and Bill. Good to see Eric back.

My only complaint...why giving the company back to the Forresters, why did Steffy forget Thorne and Felicia? Stephanie I can understand, but giving the final ownership to Taylor is suiting her agenda. Makes her no better than the Logan's. That spot should've gone to Thorne.

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Why do they insist on those cheesy effects? The "division of Spencer Pub" bs? You can't tell me it wouldn't have been cheaper to plant some temp sign on the grounds at "Forrester" for Ridge to take a sledgehammer/bulldozer/ravenous beaver to. Instead of paying for some CGI techno-geek's time, knowing there was no way to make it look good.

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That reminds me. At the Daytime Emmys Thorne said in an interview with Navell that he'd have a storyline soon. It hadn't been written yet, but Brad Bell already told him what the story was and it sounded good. Obviously nothing happened and I refuse to believe he plots that far in advance. I wonder if that was just a way to sucker him into signing a contract or was it a real story that got dropped?

I wonder what kind of contract he has. Why would they sign him to four more years to appear twice a month?

This whole soap is a cheeseball! I love it! Only on B&B could you have Hunter Tylo doing what she does alongside Heather Tom. Only on B&B could you have a character like Brooke as your lovable heroine. Only on B&B could you have sex with the girl you raised as your daughter. Only on B&B would your matriarch strangle your heroine. B&B is full of cheese and camp. I'm glad they went all out with the cheesy CGI. It was hilarious. The entire episode was hilarious. It was a classic.

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If Brad's not gonna write for him, why would he want him on a contract? I think Brad has best-of-intentions, but then gets distracted (ooh, Ric Hearst is free! Ooh, so is Sarah Brown! That Conroy fella from GL was cool)...and everything is in the air. In this week's SOD, Lesli Kay says straight up she's not sure there will be a place for Felicia when ATWT is done. So she knows the score....

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I think thats wishful thinking. I thought it was going to stand for Thorne considering they were meeting in Thorne's office but he wasnt even invited. This is clearly a plot point to start up the Taylor/Ridge/Brooke triangle YET again. Its about that time of year. I cant beleive she owns 25% of Forrester now and that neither Ridge, Eric nor Stephanie said anything about that, especially Eric. Thorne be damned. I did have to laugh at the silly Logan twits assuming REST stood for Ridge Eric Sustainable Trust. They looked so dumb

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Steffy's biggest accomplishment, so far, is sex with her uncle... no one in the family wonders how the twit was able to wrest control of FC away from a cutthroat mogul? Just when you think this show can't get any dumber, the writers meet the downward challenge and blow the show's credibility to the wind!

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I wouldnt say Winsoer isnt working. They simply arent using him. I think they stopped caring for Thorne once Nick came on the show as Ridge's other younger blonde brother and even now they arent even playing that connection. Thorne's last significant story was when he was with Taylor, like 3 years ago? I thought he and Katie had potential but that sizzled almsot as soon as it started. I still think he could work, if only they'd use him

I think right now they are just so caught up in the moment and happy to think about that

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