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AMC: DC is really out and AMC next soap to go

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Man, I love how you think! But we know that wouldn't happen because Bergman wouldn't leave CBS, certainly not to return to ABC. Plus Cliff is with Nina now and as someone who loved ALL these characters, Cliff and Angie would only piss people off. I think Angie and Jesse will leave together and I'm sure that they will leave sometime this year.

I have no doubt that Canary is leaving and he goes with my blessing and gratitude for all his years of stellar performance and I can certainly believe that nobody else on the circuit wanted the AMC job. They would've been better off pulling some fanfic writer straight off the net than to give the job to a couple of proven failures. It's not like they could do worse.

As for AMC being the next to go, nope, sorry. Everyone can see that OLTL is a "dead soap walking." With the move and new writers, ABC has invested in AMC and they're safe for the year. The real shame is that AMC won't invest in a new Head of Daytime.

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Well to me, it's one of those soaps that are known to some people outside of daytime. Back when OLTL cancellation rumors started swirling, alot of people commented saying it could very well be the first ABC soap to go, because it doesn't have that "name" recognition of AMC.

Also GL cancellation was the first HUGE blow to daytime, AMC will just be another.

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True, but even though OLTL is miles better than AMC/GH, nobody knows the soap that much outside of daytime. You may find a few but not as many as the other two. I've seen this discussed to death in other threads, so I don't want to get into all that. AMC's cancellation or any other is a blow because as more and more soaps are cancelled, the hope for daytime dies a little with each long running soap's cancellation.

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I think it's too soon to bet on this. Yes, AMC is on life support, overbudget, under-schedule and a logistical nightmare in L.A.; in a fair and just world, it would be the soap at a major disadvantage for cancellation watch while OLTL gets a fair shake. But we are not in a fair and just world, we're in Brian Frons', and he thinks AMC is the show to save and promote while OLTL is ignored. Never underestimate an executive's private view of 'the way things are/should be' versus the hard numbers and data in front of them. Just look at Jay Leno.

AMC will die very soon. Unless things continue to crash behind the scenes and in the ratings (an inevitable guarantee with David Kreizman), I doubt it will go before OLTL simply because Frons has invested the full force of the ABC PR machine behind promoting AMC and trying to give it the buzz OLTL has had for almost three years. It is now a personal point of pride for him, it seems. But it will die very, very soon afterwards. It's being propped up right now. And losing Canary will kill it, it's just a question of when.

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I still think OLTL will be canclled before AMC will for the reason because ABC would not be moving the production to L.A. for nothing. I still think AMC still has potential to be better with LB temp writing for the show. We have also seen Fron's come out to AMC's event in L.A. and out of the ABC Daytime lineup AMC was the one promoted at the ABC Press tour.

OLTL is the ONLY soap that is being produced in NYC which has become bad for soaps.

But I give all of the ABC soaps another year or two before the axe comes down. It's WAY to early to see if the move to L.A. was a boom or bust. We won't offically now until June/July when everything is settled with a new production team and New HW's.

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Maybe, but Daytime Confidential thought the announcement on OLTL could come before fall.

I don't know what to think anymore. I like to believe I've mostly made peace with whatever happens. OLTL stuck it out and won most of the fights it could win fair and square; the AMC issue is a rigged game. But what's really sad is that we're reduced to seeing these soaps as dogs fighting in a steel cage match. AMC and ATWT and even GL are/were all proud, fine TV institutions and deserve better than being reduced by their networks to burnt-out husks whose vulnerabilities must be exploited by people like me in order to argue for another soap's survival. I am left in the position of both wanting AMC to improve, and having to hope it won't.

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I always thought that a lot of the AMC actors were staying because they had to, I wonder why TK was the only one allowed to leave, the rest have kids and families also, I think one ABC soap will be canceled in 2011, unfortunately and it will come to money which is making more or losing less and it seems that OLTL is under budget plus they don't have to pay for their actors to commute across the country

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I don't doubt that David Canary is leaving soon, but it's highly unlikely that AMC is going off the air anytime soon. ABC just invested a ton of money in the move, and rehiring Lorraine Broderick, even as transitional writer, shows that they really want to shore this show up. LOL at no one wanting the HW job! Like some other posters mentioned, anyone would kill to write for a high-profile show like AMC, especially in this economy with not many options. Frons probably sees DK as someone fresh and with new ideas, with the more experienced DS to balance him out. Obviously the people on this board who keep asserting that idiotic idea that they hired K&S because no one else wanted the job are just projecting their own frustration/anger with the show onto potential writers. Oh and I don't think OLTL is going anywhere anytime soon either. That 3-hour soap block is very important to ABC and I don't see them dismantling it anytime within the next 2 years. I actually believe Frons when he says that OLTL is safe.

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Just from what I've been told about this, I started thinking when David Canary leaves, it's only a matter of time, before Susan Lucci leaves and that will be a huge blow. No writer in the past decade has set up AMC for it's younger generation to step up and fill the roles of major players like Adam, Erica, Brooke, Jackson, etc. The fabric of the legacy show on ABC has been ruined.

Based on the information in my initial post this is what I am gathering, and this is just guesswork on my part.

OLTL's HD transition has been delayed. That could have a lot to do with AMC struggling. AMC's new rented studio is equipped for HD. OLTL, which is moving into AMC's former space is owned by ABC and isn't equipped for HD. They could have delayed upgrading the OLTL equipment because they need to keep pouring the money into AMC because it's suffering due to their sponsorship problems. That doesn't mean OLTL is gonna get the boot first. There have been many reports that ABC was trying to get Wendy Riche at AMC and Shelly Curtis at AMC. It's like they are trying to pull out all these talented people to save the show, but they don't want to do it because they understand how badly it's been damaged.

I don't think that based on what I was told that the show will be canceled in the upcoming months. Definitely after May sweeps and into the summer AMC will be under severe scrutiny by everyone.

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