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^ I agree he's been sucked back in, but I'm hoping seeing Brianne again will bring him over to the Stark cause.  He has an army and Sansa needs one, so the pieces might fit. Maybe Jamie feels his oath to her is fulfilled, but I hope not, once he hears what Ramsey has done. Sansa is a Lannister after all, I don't think anyone in King's Landing even knew that Ramsey tried to marry her (that marriage was never valid I figure, since Tyrion is alive)  or what he's up to in the north. Plus maybe the situation with the White Walkers will come into play.


Not that I want to see Cersei left at the mercy of the High Sparrow. I should probably want to see her suffer, but I don't. I want to see her come out on top of this particular battle, but I don't think Jamie can even help her that much now that Tommen has bought in to the zealotry. She needs someone like Little Finger around who can bring down The High Sparrow in a way he doesn't see coming.


So maybe this should have been obvious, but I'm not clear, is Benjen Coldhands or are they two different people?

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I don't know much about Coldhands from the books but my assumption is Benjen is filling the role, presumably with Martin's blessing.


I think Margaery's angle is to hoodwink the Sparrow and neutralize Cersei, but I don't know how far she'll able to get out from under the Sparrow in the process. I don't think she can take him down alone.

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I assumed her angle was she would serve up Tommen in exchange for her brother.   Jaime and her grandmother took their sweet time coming to her rescue and Loras needed help now.  She cut the deal.


Jaime is going to the same place as Brienne?   Perhaps true love will conquer all, but that wilding guy will not be so pleased when Jaime looks her war.   I see a triangle!

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Q- Yes. Sansa sent Brienne south to Riverrun to ask The Blackfish for his army to take back Winterfell. I'm guessing he won't have enough men to help her. He's still busy fighting off the Frey forces. Now Jaime is on his way to help Walder Frey get Riverrun back. Just typing that sentence makes me sick. Remember Tywin gave it to Walder for his help with the Red Wedding.  Of course no one in the river lands wants to be ruled be that SOB.  I figure Brienne will tell Jaime everything that's happened and he'll go with his army to help Sansa. Maybe that's too perfect an outcome, but a girl can hope.

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Two more notes:


Ellie Kendrick and Meera really deserve praise for gutwrenching dedication - Meera has given her all for Bran, especially these last few episodes, dragging him through the tundra with the dead on her heels. Their scene during the chase this last episode with her collapsing on top of him and apologizing him was touching. I did wonder there if they intend to go for a romance angle


Also, crazy fan theory of the day that I can see happening: Cersei, as she suggested to Jaime this week, uses the Mountain as her champion in her trial by combat before the Faith Militant, just as the Crown did when trying Tyrion. Her plan goes sideways when newly minted devotee Tommen serves as the Faith's champion, and the berserk Mountain kills her last son, just as the old crone prophecised.

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An extensive BTS breakdown on the last two eps:


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I have heard other spec (and only spec) suggesting Arya will decide to travel back to Westeros with the theater troupe - I'd love that. It would be such a unique change of pace for her character. This whole subplot and her choice has reenergized Arya for me, and it would enable the show to keep using Essie Davis and Richard E. Grant, who I doubt they'd waste in a bit part unless his schedule was restrictive.


Wikipedia's non-spoilery but still more than a logline synopsis of next week, spoiler-tagged anyway:



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Kit Harrington shows that now as ever actors shouldn't talk.   He feels that the sexism towards men in Hollywood is demeaning and he is not just a head of hair.   Of course his hair and looks get him his jobs but that doesn't matter.     I love GoT but all one has to do is look at all the old unattractive 50 and 60 year old men on the show and compare that to the one solitary old and unattractive Diana Rigg to see that it isn't the men who have a hard time getting good parts that do not take looks into account.  And if he didn't want his looks to factor into his career then why did he spend so much time at the gym and dieting to get his fat-free body in the first place?

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Yes. That's why I go out of my way not to listen to them when they do. In this case it's making me think mean things like "he's more pretty than talented anyway".


As to Meera, yes, I also really felt bad for her in that last episode. Watching her struggle to pull that damn sled when she had to be out of her mind with fear. Plus the loss of poor Jojen.  I'm glad she didn't go out that way.


2 other crazy fan theories, not sure they count as spoilers since we don't really know.



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I wonder if we'll learn the fate of the hostages tonight? I wouldn't want to be in either of their places. The Black Fish doesn't have a lot of reason to save Edmure and we don't even know if Rickon is still alive.  If he is it's only because Ramsey wants to make Jon and Sansa watch.

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I'm not sure if we'll know anything about Rickon til next week or the following, but it's possible. I think the


I do expect to see or at least hear about Edmure Tully tonight, as it's all pertinent to the Riverlands and the Blackfish's situation. And I think it suits Ramsay to keep Rickon alive long enough to draw the Starks into confrontation. Once he's done that, though, Rickon's life is forfeit. Not only is Ramsay a sadistic maniac, leaving Rickon Stark alive any longer than absolutely necessary seriously endangers his tenuous hold on the North, as Rickon is the only known living heir to the house and would provide a rallying point for any rebellion. I don't expect the poor kid to get out alive, but GOT has been full of nice surprises this season. I thought for years that Bran would never return from Beyond the Wall, and he looks set to do that. I also wasn't sure Sansa, Jon or Arya would ever meet again, and now I think Arya will join them soon enough.


And now, some stuff:


Kristofer Hivju talks to THR about Tormund, Brienne and the battle for the North.


Poor Iwan Rheon talks Ramsay and another role which is not much of a departure.

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