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Best of Everything


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This is indeed fascinating. The work schedule is interesting but raises a question for me. Inasmuch as final dress rehearsal was from 2:-2:30 p.m. I wonder when make-up/hair/ and costuming occurred? It would take some time to get the ladies hair out of rollers, made-up with falsh lashes etc, and dressed before the final dress rehearsal. Do you suppose the performers did this during the lunch break? In looking at the studio address in Google Maps there is a large smoked plate glass window building--which looks very post 1970. If it is the same place it would appear to have been renovated in the ensuing years.

As to the interesting listing of sets, I have a few speculations, which your perusal of the script will either confirm or not. Given that I recall Ktherine Glass being savagely attacked in a slum alley during this period, I would venture that the deserted store interior/exterior is a locale proximate to her attack, that the hospital waiting room is where her relatives await word on her survival chances, and that the chapel is where her freinds have gone to pray for her recovery. Of course, after all these years, I may be all wet.

Please keep these enticing bits coming!

Many thanks,


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Kim attacked in episode 114 in the store. yes. johnny lamont is in the hospital having gotten hold of some lsd , kim is under suspision . the chapel is the funeral service for randy wilson. i wish i could have seen this show or find some kinescope but i guess these scripts might be the only record we have of the show unless james lipton has kinneys and scripts saved.

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Thanks again so much. This is interesting. Johnny Lamont was a little blonde boy about 13. He didn't take the LSD deliberately--there was a box of chocolates that were laced with it. The LSD must hit immediately since he dropped to the floor and started writhing.

The deserted store looked abandoned and very derelict and scary--off the beaten track. Kathy Glass was injured in its environs.

Don't remember Randy Wilson though I might if I saw him.

Would you mind confirming the Connie Eaton appearance on Sept. 7th? It's odd that the list of sets doesn't include a night club since that is what she sang in. If the appearance is in the script which characters go to the club

. What is the club called?

It's odd that Jean Dadario office is listed as a set since Dadario was a staffer on the show. Would a scene have been taped in her actual office?

Would love to read these scripts some time.

I believe kinnies must exist for some of these--if not with the network then with the producers etc.

All Best,


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Thanks so much for the cast list!

They must have changed something since Miss Eaton did appear and sing the title song on 9/7/70. I both watched the broadcast and tape recorded it.

The pop song trade weekly magazine, "Billboard" also mentioned the appearance in it's 9/19/70 issue p.31 (published ahead of actual date as trade weeklies used to be). Article mentions that Miss Eaton performed the number in a night club setting. You can view this in digitized form on the internet through a Google search, using "Connie Eaton" + "Best of Everything."

Interesting to speculate as to why she was interpolated into a script in which no such sequence appears.

Does the script indicate the kind of illness the Lamont boy has sustained? Why is Kim suspected? How does the attack against Kim in the deserted store occur?



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"Best of Everything" audio clips.

For all 5 people out there who might be interested I discovered an old audio tape on which I recorded the Connie Eaton vocal of the theme on 9/7/70 as well as opening and closing music. Also, theme to "Where the Heart Is" and a bit of "Search for Tomorrow" (theme and dialog snippets with a character named "Ida" and a younger woman befriending her. All from summer 1970.


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I had the tape transferred to a CD for preservation. Be forwarned--there's some deterioration--Miss Eaton's voice is speeded up and sounds a bit like a ten year old Brenda Lee (why does this warping happen to old tapes?) but the vocals there--as well as the announcer calling her name at it's conclusion amidst the applause. Would be interesting to compare against her studio recording which is out there for those who want it. I thought this tape was lost. Funny too because in closing credits there's an audio promo for "Fame is the Name of the Game--starring Yvette Mimieux new this fall on ABC." Also a few audio dialog snippets--and I do mean just snippets--about Johnny Lamont and the LSD--i.e., "Eddie Perrone had had the hospital psychiatrist examine him, because we first thought it was a mental breakdown with him screaming about fire and snakes..."

I am from the technologically challenged rotary phone generation, but my cousin's husband knows about such things and I will speak to him about it ASAP. He's a doctor so I thank you for your patience in the meantime.

All Best,


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Probably not much interest since these boards are largely from much more recent shows which since mid 70s have been preserved. BOE was a long time ago. I'm a dinosaur. I was a 13 year old kid armed with my portable tape recorder. Had I been able to see the future would have recorded entire episodes. Will try to post clips eventually. At least the "Where the Heart Is" crowd will be able to hear the show's rather melancholy theme. But don't expect stereophonic high fidelity.

All Best,


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