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Strictly Come Dancing


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I do watch this. Some of the seasons have been very entertaining, lots of fireworks, personality clashes, and some great dancing too. This year seems forced, a lot of the couples I thought might shine haven't worked out, there were a lot of bad partnership decisions, and the judges have been annoying, Alesha is all over the place and Bruce, the host, keeps making tacky jokes, then lecturing the judges when they do what he deems inappropriate.

They need to bring in some new pros (get rid of Anton and James), and find a new host.

I do like Phil Tuffnel and his partner, and Jade and Ian. Ian is a great pro, he always knows how to make his partner feel better and he's also a good choreographer in both Latin and ballroom.

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The problem has been the BBC's heavy hand in micro-managing this show. SCD is the network's cash-cow and every year, unwilling to rely on personal natural chemistry and the joys of dancing, the BBC bigwigs script various hi-jinks involving Brendan Cole "the bad boy of Ballroom" (if I hear that phrase one more time on the show, I will scream) or possible romances. If there is even a whisper that a pairing may not get along, we get a boatload of montages undescoring what BFFs they are. Witness the support show It Takes Two (hosted by the brilliant Claudia Winkleman. Boy, what I would give for Daytime to have a daily show like this analysing the latest soap goings-on!) and the emphasis on Zoe & James and Laila & Anton. Especially after Antongate.

I do love the show, though, and have been watching. This year's celebrity crop is not nearly as strong as in years past but I am slowly warming to the pairings. Zoe Lucker is a goddess (Tania!) and Laila Rouass most be the most gorgeous woman alive. There is no hunky male this year (Austin Healey stole that title last year) but I am loving little Chris Hollins & Ola who are like two jiving hobbits. Ali & Brian are gorgeous together -- Brian is a really talented choreographer. And Ian & Jade are just lovely. Their friendship feels like the most real to me.

The judging panel are a joke. Craig Revel-Horwood is the only judge who actually scores accurately. I admire Alesha for taking a lot of criticism on the chin but when I see her I am reminded that BBC dumped an experienced (though sometimes very biased) professional choreographer for a pretty young thing. Retired dancer Karen Hardy who has practical judging experience would have been a better choice.

Oh, and Ricky Whittle needs to dance professionally! He is awesome.

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That's true about BBC micromanaging. That whole tiff between Brendan, Craig, and Bruce seemed so scripted.

I also think there's a big clash between the judges and the public, and sometimes the judges need to know when to say, "OK, we get it already." Last year they dragged Lisa Snowden past so many dancers the public liked, but who happened to be in the danceoff with her. Austin, Jodie Kidd, among others. They kept her because she fit some idea of their dancer, even though to me she always looked like she was going to fall over or burst into tears, or both. And then when she got to the finale, what did she and Brendan give as a reward?


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Now we have another season where the judges keep on pushing their favorites and trying to ignore or put down the rest.

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DAYUM. I'd forgotten how bad that was. I remember an English friend texted me something along the lines of "a New Zealand farmer protecting his sheep from a persistent snake?" Then again, I was not a fan of Lisa famous-for-f*cking-George-Clooney. In-the-90s Snowdown. I thought she reeked of insincerity to me. Kinda like Kate Hudson (another starlet who for no particular reason I cannot stand). Austin Healey was the real loss, though, but some of the judges were really out to get him. I think they were worried he would beat that pretty dark-haired singer in the public vote. Yeah, so that plan went well. :rolleyes:

And you are right about the judges (and the BBC chiefs) not listening to the public. They honestly think they do not have to. That they just have to spin it their way and the audience will follow along. You'd think they would have learned after last year! Camilla & that weasel-faced (but sweet) dude were not the BBC's first choice, I suspect.

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