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Y&R: Ryder rumor

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Damn, you are making me laugh out loud all night!

Warton the prison rapist. I never understood how he came back as a hero and romantic interest for Jill after his sleazy introdution. Do you remember how much he used to ogle the ass of "Pretty Boy" Newman? It was pretty risque for daytime at that point.

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We can get Nick involved too.

"I was his bitch first, Junior! And I was the best. He told me so!"

Nick can go all Tobias Beecher.

Yes, I remember. That was all such camp hilarity but played with just enough believable edge. The actors really made it work.

I thought they did a good job of slowly redeeming him when he returned. They also did a good job of redeeming Alice around that time.

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I heard this rumor weeks ago, but it was just one time with no mention of any sources or extended story, so I disregarded it. Eden hasn't been on since late August and is recurring. Plus since she is a Baldwin, I figured no way would she get story.

The only reason I still think it is a possibility though is because they had Lauren say that she saw something evil in Ryder and he made her blood run cold when she met him and that was right after Michael made a point of saying Lauren had great instincts. Since then Michael has told Kevin twice that he doesn't trust Ryder and doesn't see much hope he can be redeemed. Pretty heavy handed writing considering Michael and Lauren only met him a couple times.

So this could be a set up where Likey does not support Kevin trying to get Ryder out of jail and because Kevin does Ryder is free to hurt Eden setting up drama between Likey and the Fishers and giving both Kevin and Michael more guilt over what happened to Eden. Still pretty dark stuff considering the actress is just turning 17 this month in real life and the character is 16. I know Tracey Bregman has been working a bit more the past month or so (once or twice a week and just finished filming three shows in a row). Could be because of the Thanksgiving shows or they need her special propping skills or maybe there is some truth to this rumor.

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the saddest part is how great this could be.


the show wasnt so dark, twisted, and anti-woman.

the actres who plays eden was good.

the guy who plays ryder was good.

the characters were interesting.

the story was complex.

the writers knew what they were doing from start to finsih.

so yeah, this will suck...

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I completely agree. If we did not just spend summer going through some of the darkest days GC has ever seen, then I think this could be a good story, although I'd rather Eden be a little older. But as it stands I think this show has been pummeling our emotions with shock and horror for months now. It's time to go back to ordinary, realistic drama for awhile.

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SCENE: Crimson Lights


*sniff, sniff, boo hoo*


Uh... r u ok?


Go away, Abby. *hissssssssss*


Normally I would be doing cartwheels at the prospect of you having the sads, but for the purpose of moving the plot, I must sit down with you and look vaguely supportive.


And I must confide in you, my worst enemy, things I wouldn't even tell my boyfriend.


And that would be...?


I was raped. By Ryder.







No way. Kevin's hunky half-brother? He's totes hot!


:blink: What does that have to do with anything?


Earth to Eden. Unless Ryder is jonesing for chicks with underam hair and the scent of patchouli oil, I can't see why he would pick you to rape.


Would you listen to yourself, you brain-dead moron? Rape is not about sex or sexual attraction! It's about power and violence!


Not on soaps. Rape = love.




General Hospital? Days of our Lives? One Life to Live? Heck, even our own show. Paul & Christine? Deacon & Amber? Love. Hogan explained it all to me.


Sorry. I couldn't help but overhear. Did you say Ryder raped you?!




You got the wrong guy. Ryder is my little brother. He wouldn't hurt a fly!


As Kevin's other hunky half-brother :rolleyes: and his legal counsel, I must concur. Ryder is family. He wouldn't do this.


Are you high? I'm family, too!


*snort* The bad-seed side of the family.


Hello, Terrible Tom? Chlamydia? Robbing banks dressed as a chipmunk?


Yes, but that was because of psychological traumas which absolve me of any responsability!




Which I'm sure can be applied to Ryder, too. After all, he's the long-lost brother I never had! I feel the urge to protect his innocent, blameless, hunky... soul.


OK. Your obsession with Ryder is starting to worry me, Kevin.


Uh, sweets. What are you doing?


Harrrrrrrr. Polishing the head of my second Emmy.


So that's what they're calling it these days!


:lol: CBS. Nobody does brothers better!


:rolleyes: Michael. Pay attention. I'm going to need you to build a case against Ryder. We have to prosecute!


No can do. I am done bailing out members of my family every time they do dumb stuff! That means you, missy.


:angry: WTF? Ryder raped ME!


Ummmmmmmmmmmm. You should really keep your voice down. Anybody could overhear your SECRET.


What secret?


The rape secret. The one you will be keeping from Noah for no apparent reason except to generate some tension for your boring-ass romance.


What boring-ass romance?


Gasp! :unsure:


And is this guy behind me doing what I think he's doing?!


Yes. MAB wants to show Daytime that it's OK to wank in public. We're breaking taboos here, people!


Hey. What are you guys talking about?


:o Dun Dun Dun DUNNNNNN!

Voiceover: On the Next Young and the Restless!


Hi! I'm the new doctor in charge of treating Sharon!




Don't worry, Lover Boy! Mama's got a plan. And it's as HOT as my fashion sense! I'm gonna blackmail Eden into keeping her trap shut about the rape. We'll make MILLIONS! I'll never have to work again! Bwahahahahaha!


And finally. The part of Victor Newman will now be played by Miss Kitty.

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