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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 5, 2009

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We don't even have a corporate aspect on Y&R anymore, that's totally been canceled by this writing regime. And I'm sorry, Restless Sh!t, I mean Style doesn't count. Then again, not like Lauren matters much to anyone on this writing team anymore.

As for tomorrow's US episode. JUST WHAT I EXPECTED,

How lame and overexposed...

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I think all Chance needs is a few notes of explanation.

1. Katherine telling Jill how she pulled strings at the GCPD when he was going to interview for beat cop to get him the job of detective. After the way Kay was arrested and treated when they thought she was Marge, I could see someone in an electable office being willing to kiss her ass six ways from Sunday in order for her not to campaign against him/her.

2. a) Chance saw Nina always using sex to get a man and it made him very repulsed by women who chase him. He wants to be the chaser and prior to meeting Chloe, hadn't met an intriguing/challenging woman,

B ) doesn't want to admit he is wearing a chastity belt and Nina has the keys.

c) Chance is a hypochondriac and heard that all the STDs going around out there are nasty and doesn't want to get one. Although, bobbing for apples, one of the most germ spreading things out there is contrary to that. Especially with all the fear of H1N1, all bobbing for apples has probably been stopped.

I liked the Sharon and Phyllis scenes. Hopefully this is the end of them fighting over Nick. What I want to see is Phyllis fighting with Victor. She should sue him for the damage he has caused. Sharon should be paired with JT or Adam. She likes Victoria's men and Nick's family members.

Why was Sharon released from a psych hospital? The death of a child is the cure for insanity?

Will we ever see Patty again or was SH booted at the 26th week mark? I'd like for some "brilliant" psychiatrist to pronounce her cured so she can come back as a long term lit fuse character.

My main beef with the Scoobies is that they never learn and grow as characters. If I plotted and schemed 100 times and got 100 failures and jail as a result, I would take up working for a living.

How is Amber poor? When Katherine died, the book they wrote became a best seller. Wasn't her magic jacket flying off the Fenmore shelves? She should have been able to live well for years, unless she put it all into the stock market, maybe Forrester Creations, lol.

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While you mean these in gest, for me they highlight how little it would take to fix some of these Chance problems.

I'd love to see Sharon & JT. Very much! That would be amazing drama, actually. I'd prefer to reserve Adam for Ashley.

LMAO at the bolded part!

I actually think the character needs to be rested. But, for example, I wish we'd see her recovery. I wish Paul could be part of that. I wish Mary could be part of that.

Brilliant! Amazing line!

Thank you for saying this! Exactly! Why are they suddenly broke? It makes no sense. Poor plot nonsense. There was an abrupt shift with the Scoobies' motivation today...and it makes no sense. Suddenly poor? Suddenly greedy again? What an unnecessary regression....

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I'm so over the Scobby set of characters, but their "regression" is on par with the overall trend of the show. I should be over the nonsense of this writing regime, especially with this particular group of characters, but really this lack of respect for continuity and even story this writing regime itself created is horrible and truly baffling.

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My biggest continuity problem is with Ashley's gaslighting. One day its Estella, then it's Patty, then it's Estella again. Does she think they were working together or did one of their script writers miss the episode where Adam framed Patty and still thinks they are blaming Estella? Shouldn't the producers catch that in the taping?

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Big no to Adam and Ashley. He has basically raped her for the past 6 months. Emotionally with all the torture and causing her to miscarry. And physically when he bathed up her post miscarriage lady parts and then got to see them again while pretending to deliver her baby. IMO that is sexual molestation/assault. The last thing I need is love and romance between the two. Unless Ashley goes to make love to Adam, has a sudden remembrance to what really happened the night of her miscarriage grabs a big knife and puts an end to this creepshow. Of course she should get off with a short amount of time in the psych ward or absolutely scott free. Even better still if Adam isn't dead but in a coma until this show gets some real writers who can find a way to give Adam some motivation that would return him to being an interesting character instead of a one note psycho.

On today's Canadian when Adam remembered Hope and cried on the stairs it did not garner any of my sympathy. As a viewer I can sometimes root for the most despicable characters, if they have a motive for their actions. But the writers have not said what Adam's motive is, probably because they haven't figured it out yet.

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Dark just for the sake of dark, not for any real drama, often falls flat. That's the reason why most of this story falls flat. Adam pulls stunts for no other reason than shock value. We get a sexual predator gyno examining Ashley for no reason other than to shock us. A fake gay relationship. Then they have some half-assed remorse that he doesn't even seem to really believe, all to try to manipulate viewers into caring. This also further takes Ashley away from having any characterization of her own and simply being something for the Newman men to paw.

I don't really see any chemistry between Muhney and Davidson.

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I mean I suppose we disagree the most intesting thing about Jefferey Todd character to me was always his dynamic with Colleen, I'm sleeping halfway through his marriage with Snoreboria they couldn't have had two of the least intriguing people hook up and I just don't see with him and Sharon. I honestly don't care about Sharon Pining for Nick either but I'm not interested in her and JT

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