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The Soapgeist: Sept 28,2009

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Yup. TGVN is different from all the others. Most of us can't stand the graceless bully Victor has become, but still he is compelling. And Victor is THE icon of Y&R. Dropping him will be as detrimental to the ratings, in its way, as losing Shemar/Rowell was several years ago.

I hope this is just a gambit...but one never knows anymore these days.

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I'm sorry... but I NEVER considered Braeden to be the star of the show, and nobody I knew considered him that, either (only people I knew on message boards) most everyone I've known considers Jeanne Cooper to be the star of the show, with Braeden being a close second. Straight guy demos? They don't tune in for him, they watch because of Stafford's cleavage (used to be Melody's, and before her, Dickson's... why do you think Melody over the years so rarely wore a brassiere?)It would be nice if Adam could carry the torch... but I have my doubts that Muhney can pull that off. And a replcement villian? PLEASE. My only problem, is that if he's gonna go.... it needs to BE BIG. HUGE. MAJOR LEAGUE. I mean, he needs to go down in the biggest blaze of glory daytime has ever seen. But then again, with Sheffer at the helm, I'd be scared to death they'd have Jack kill him in a fit of grief, cut Colleeen's heart form his body, and take it despondently to her grave and say "Here, sweetie... he didn't need your heart after all."

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I agree. I don't think we can underestimate how straight men have at times idolized Victor, although I think that has tapered off in the past few years.

I do agree with alphanguy in that I personally have never seen him as Y&R's lead. I won't miss him if he goes, and I do not find him compelling and I have not in recent years, especially as they have now told us that Victor being abusive is a good thing, and makes him a good man.

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That's what they SAY.... they don't want the public to know they watch for the TITS... it would make them look like chauvanistic sex maniacs... same reason people say they read playboy for the articles. Even TODAY... if Melody's got a low cut top and no brassiere, my brother is there with BELLS ON. Same wiht Stafford. I think wev'e lost most of the straight male viewership anyway, they'e all now jerking off to internet porn.

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But the thing is, Walton can EASILY fill that bill, should he leave. Jill IS the only original character, after all. And until around 1990 or so, the show pretty much revolved around Jill. Jill went to work for Jabot, starting dating Jack, then John, that's how the Abbotts were introduced. This show could work without Braeden, and you don't need a MAN to replace him, just bring Jill back to the forefront and let her do the work. INVEST heavily in Jill. And play Katherine off of that, while you can. But Jeanne Cooper is 80, we need to be real... and not depend on her to carry this show 10 years from now. And maybe other would LIKE to see him go, because it free up enough of the budget so the rest of teh cast wouldn't have to take pay cuts.

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