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GH: (I miss) Guza's sweeps stunts

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I have never liked Guza's sweep stunts. They come out of nowhere and usually end ridiculously. I had more than enough when Guza started killing of the Qs. I did like the first 2 weeks of the MetroCourt hostage drama, particularly Patrick and Robin's scenes, but then it got drawn out and boring. Alan's death sucked, especially when it became all about Jason who never gave a flying f' about his father. I thought Guza would take the opportunity to really flesh out Patrick and Robin and put their relationship onto a solid ground, but that never happened either. As with everything with Guza, has potential only to fall flat.

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I only enjoyed the MetroCourt Hostage Crisis. Although it kind of lagged a little in the middle, it was a good story. All the others I didn't get into at all. I remember starting to watch the Outbreak story but somehow I can't seem to remember if I watched it all the way through or not. That's how little of an impression it left on me. The only thing I enjoyed was Elizabeth's presence. For some reason that sticks out in my mind the most. I didn't like the train crash. It got way too cheesy. The actual crash was good, but it will always be known to me as the train that ushered in Laura Wright -- which is an unforgivable sin. I HATED the Black and White Ball. It was way too campy for me to even invest in any of the stories going on. I didn't watch the Hospital Crisis.

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The Black and White ball and Toxic balls story were both stupid as hell. People wondering around putting themselves in danger instead of staying together. All these stunts last way too long. I did remember reading that the Toxic balls story was cut short. Can you imagine if that crap had lasted any longer? Gah.

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well we already know that GH are ridiculous for PURPOSELY producing Emmy episodes so that they snag the noms/wins and then the rest of the year is crap, so a couple big stand out things prevail while the show is basically crap otherwise. (Which reeks of the Machiavellian JFP)

Also, I bet if they don't use their budget for the year they won't get as much the next year. So, they want to sink money into storylines that only require them to be original or interesting a couple times a year instead of all year round.

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I loved the big sweeps stunts.

I never hated them, i just hated the show would go from unwatchable to cant miss to unwatchable.

the hotel fire and the train crash were great. metro court was perfection. all the others were good too, even the B&W ball i liked, and that was the worst one.

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I want a GH blackout. The town goes black, and during this time, several people die/are killed... (but the right ones)... maybe some thought-dead return? maybe it was an intentional sabotage gone horribly wrong... maybe in the complete dark/chaos people seek an opportunity to take people out... I think the Friday before, for maybe 5 minutes the screen goes completely black and all we hear is sounds. Then Monday, bodies start to get found (by candlelight) but the audience only knows what the characters on screen know, so for instance, OK Sonny is found dead (hmmm imagine that) so that's HUGE, maybe he'd be the last one, then as they explore the town and try to account for everyone, they find more people who have met untimely demises, and it's not a serial killer it's a total blackout/computer crash/meltdown/whatever, I don't know if the power plant gets exploded or melts down... and then when dirty deeds done in the dark are brought to the light, it's everyone for themselves, and it's a metaphor for the things people do when they think they can't be seen and therefore arent responsible for their actions.

If I took the reigns at GH tomorrow, this would be my idea, in order to steer the show in a new direction.

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BIOTOXIN :mellow:


It was really really really bad it was like watching a sad comedy Trevor became a moustache twirling loon overnight...he was never a good guy but he was clever never a looney tunes

The villians now become cartoonish imo

I liked Anthony Zacharra Bruce Weitz was mesmorizing

I never tired of watching him awesome acting..

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