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GL Christmas 2001

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Since we will not get to see GL Christmas this year here is a GL Christmas 2001: Edmund and cast singing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" and also get a preview of David Andrew MacDonald [Edmund] singing B4 he goes into Mamma Mia!


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I liked Edmund more than the writing ever deserved, mostly due to DAM. He even managed to sell the short-lived "good" Edmund with Laura Wright's Cassie, a pairing which never should have worked.

The writing for the character has been bad for such a long time. Oddly enough I really enjoyed Edmund when he came back for that atrocious Bad Seed ripoff. I enjoyed seeing him put the screws to all the self-righteous criminals and losers who loved to lord over him, like Jeffrey, Beth, Josh, Cassie. The "good" people of Springfield. I wish they'd kept him around then instead of having him shipped off comatose because the Bad Acting Seed pushed him off a landing.

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Edmund and Cassie should not have worked, but it did.

The only problem with the "Bad Seed" storyline with Will was that they pussied out on it like they do everything, because they don't actually headwrite, just improv a few weeks at a time. That story was a gold mine. They should have had Cassie protect Will as he continued cutting a bloody swath through Springfield, assisted by Edmund after he recovered from that nasty fall. Cassie the preacher's wife should then have totally melted down and had an affair with Edmund behind Josh's back, leading to a Josh/Reva reunion. And you've got a crazy kid in the middle of it. It could've been a lot of fun, but as always, Ellen Wheeler's GL chose to resolve dynamite conflicts (Cassie as the vengeful, bitter wife of Rev. Josh, with a psycho child) in the most anemic way possible - a non-ending all around.

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I think your story would have worked. I know playing evil isn't easy for a soap child, but I didn't think the little boy they cast was remotely believable. They would have these big closeups of him frowning and pouting and then they would tell us how scary this was.

Having him as mentally disturbed, but not a big part of the story, and focusing on Cassie's torment and her feelings for Edmund would have been the better idea.

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I think Edmund found his usefulness when they threw him back into the Spaulding atmosphere, by having him scheme with Alex. I think tons of potential was lost with Edmund's involvement with the Spauldings. He could have been paired up with India or Alex, and butted heads with Alan and Phillip.

Btw I liked Edmund's pairing with Beth as well. In early 2003, I would have enjoyed not a Frank/Beth/rick triangle, but one that included Edmund going up against either man.

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Agreed, loved him with Joan Collins' Alex..they were hot despite the age thing. She flirted with him but had his number..I even liked him with Marj Alex, even though the sex chemstsry thing was gone. But I really thought Edmund should never had moved to Springfield, as soon as a character attempts to kill an infant, well, their use is gone.

Its weird but DAM played up the "good," Edmund so well, he seemed just like a nice midwestern guy. It was that time that I thought he would have made a great Tom Hughes on ATWT. Imagine a hot Tom Hughes!

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