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Y&R: Episode discussion for week of July 27

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Still think AH is weak, but I am enjoying the JT/Victoria scenes today.

I wish Adrienne Frantz would dial it down on the screeching. It's bad enough Sheffer repeated the story, but I don't need AF taking acting lessons from Ali Sweeney, thank you very much.

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But when has Jill ever been a good mother? Realizing that Cane isn't her real son should make her realize that she should have been a better mother to Billy. I mean, Jill never was mother of the year.

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Jill seems to wear her love for her kids as this convenient little pin on her shirt... she doesn't seem to actually care, she just likes to have them around so she can love them but beyond that she's not even there

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What an AWFUL episode today's show was, and yes, worse than most of the usual horrible days we've had for the past couple of months.

It seems like they grouped all of their worst characters and storylines into this episode.

This Colleen board-seat mini-storyline (because hell, it isn't even a real storyline) is just laughable. What's with the emotion Colleen? We all know you really wanted that boardseat to stick it to Victor and because Jack brainwashed your ass. This whole crap about paying tribute to Brad's legacy is bull. The REAL Colleen's dream invovled the arts, not boardseats. This character has become so unnecessary, and I'm beginning to wonder if that's the goal, so they can kill her off like what's rumoured.

Oh, and ASHLEY doesn't know anything regarding Colleen these days? WHAT THE HELL! Colleen is her NIECE! It goes to show how these idiot head writers neglect all the family dynamics on this show, other than their precious Chancellors, of course.

I had to laugh at those Ashley/Victor scenes. Hello, WHERE IS THE REAL ASHELY ABBOTT? This character is so unrecognizable. They've stripped her of any personality, she's now the fragile victim everyone hovers over. That scene where Victor brought her juice to calm her nerves was so bad, it shows how easily persuaded they've made this character. Eileen Davidson came back for this sh!t!? Maybe she should have held off a little longer after B&B dumped her, since Tomlin seems fond of brining back 90's stars to DAYS.

And then there's the albatross that is Deacon and Amber. Classic Sheffer to have the rapist/sex offender taunting his victim days after he assaulted her. This is going to be the situation for as long as Amber and Deacon are on this show together. They'll never explicitly go into it, but we'll always be reminded of what happened. This show has become so sick.

Poor Christian LeBlanc, Michael's annoyed me for a few years now, but he's now nothing more than a dayplayer lawyer that only props the Scobbies and his inane family.

And oh, god, how much more will this crappy writing regime force Billy Abbott down our throats? He's invovled in this Colleen boardseat mini-storyline now? Give it a break, put your new and shiny toy down Maria, Hogan, and Scott!

Who else laughed when Pod-Colleen said Pod-Victoria was just like her father? Hell, Victor isn't like Victor anymore. Amelia Heinle sucks ass and will never be the Victoria we know and love, and part of that is the writing. Likewise, IMO, with this version of "Colleen."

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know what I thought of when he said that? Remember when Lorie Brooks returned in 2002 and had her encounter with Nikki.

Lorie: ah, the stripper and the billionaire (and Lorie does that little move to mock Nikki. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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This whole storyline is inane and Billy is so f.ucking overexposed for me to care about that single line. Hell, Billy was what, a little kid when that happened?

Perfect example of this writing regime trying to use "history" to mask their crap, and it really added very little to those scenes.

It would have felt better if Victoria wasn't such a pod-character these days, and say, Heather Tom was in the damn role.

This episode alone was representative of the horrible character writing on this show. It's like the head writers took a suction hose and sucked all of the personality out of each and every character.

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I'm a couple of days behind because I watch online sometimes, then sometimes watch a day ahead... so I may be all over the place...

but Nikki grovelling to Victor was DISGUSTING... so that she could EARN his acceptance of her apology?

That's dirt. Pure and simple. If it wasn't for the fact that MTS wouldn't have a snowball's chance of a job on another show... (or this one without TGEB talking to his buddy Moonves)... she should have told them exactly where to stick it. She, and her character, and most of the females on this show, deserve so much better.

I think it's open-season for character assassination on this show if you have a vagina.

Sorry guys im not with you on the Billy estimations, I think he's pretty awesome... but it's because the actor is pretty able. Doesn't make up for the [!@#$%^&*] they give him to say/act, but he does what he can

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I agree that a lot of the Colleen story is coming out of left field, since it was put on hold for so long because of Tammin. But even having scenes in the Newman offices put a smile on my face, yesterday and today. And I do like seeing Billy with other characters. When was the last time Billy and JT were even in a scene together?

I want a long moratorium on Victor's living room though. Completely over seeing that set.

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Did Billy and JT even interact in those scenes?

He seemed like he was too busy doing his usual huffing and puffing act with "Victoria" and "Colleen."

JT, Victoria, and Colleen, three characters that seem to serve little to no purpose on this show anymore. I don't even recognize any of these "characters."

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