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Y&R: Episode discussion for week of July 27

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LMAO! I gotta confess. This makes me want to watch. I never believed for one second that Nikki has ever loved anyone, not even her own children, more than Victor. She literally worships him. I don't mind that Nikki is a pathetic stripper who debases herself over a man. What bothers me is that ALL THE FEMALES on the show are a variation on Nikki, even Phyllis. Women who don't fit the loser mode (like Lauren) never get story but the Ambers and the Ashleys are always on, always being victimized.

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There wasn't even any indication that this was going to occur. Maybe this will come to ahead by friday with a bit of a build up, as much as they can muster in a week, but still: Nikki hasn't once in the past couple months pined for Victor and deemed Paul's love inadequate.

I do recall the scene a few months ago when she, Katherine, and Victor were in the newman living room and she had that heart to heart with katherine but that was never revisited. This is really lousy of them to do if there's no notice. I hope there's notice.

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I don't mind if Nikki loves Victor. She always has.

What I mind is Nikki no longer has any life or personality or perspective outside of Victor. That has never been true in all her years on the show up until now. And there is very little love going from Victor to her. He was unbelievably abusive to her last year and now he tolerates her. And this is supposed to be good enough. It's sick.

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That's what they are counting on---people tuning in to see what else is new with their Nikki and Victor. The type of writing they find will determine if they will stick around, and the chances of that are quite grim.

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Exactly, characters are being pigeonholed into these caricatures of other characters just so these inane plots could "work." Literally everyone's a heroine. Lily, Colleen, Victoria, Mac, Sharon, Phyllis, Nikki, Chloe to a certain extent, Ashley, Amber. There are no more vixens. And the only smart broad is Katherine. But at least the women have an examplar character.

And the same thing goes for the guys. Everyone's mushy and have no backbone, like Nick. cane, daniel, jack, victor.

Then there are the crazies: MJ, Jana, and Kevin, more victims.

And when people scheme, like Deacon and adam, they have weak or no motivation and are bland villains.

If they want to tell the poor heroine story, tell it through a poor heroine. Don't make a vixen a victim.

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Phyllis is deluding herself if she think Nick is done with Sharon

What the heck is Mac doing with Billy? This is not the same character she fell in love with 10 years ago. He is too dark and slimy and I cant see why she would be interested in him considering she seems to have retained her moral backbone

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Exactly. Another character that was dumbed down for plot purpose. Phyllis isn't stupid enough not to realize that Nick is only marrying her because of Summer. That little child is being used as plot device, and of course it will drive Sharon away. They all seem to forget who Nick was shagging just a few weeks ago.

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So true. What a waste. CE is cool where BM is hot -- the exact same dynamic that EB has against PB. MM is the same type as BM & PB-- he actually is far more suitable to play a recast Billy than Adam. I think MAB destroyed Adam because LML brought the character on and she's one who hired CE. MAB never knew what she was doing with Adam. I think she resented the LML hires and that's why Karen is gone, Cane has been de-Chancellored, TS' Colleen has been seriously backburnered, David Chow is manure, Korbel is gone, Nikki was transformed from would be senator to basket case, etc. LML made a lot of mistakes but it's a shame that MAB couldn't appreciate any of the positives of LML's work. Karen, for example, is a far better character than Tyra. How could MAB not see that? MM's Adam is essentially a new character, entirely MAB's, -- a one note villain in the vein of Clint or a poor copy of David Kimble.

It's very lucky that MTS resigned because while everything you say is true, that promo still reminded me of what makes Y&R special. Those great classic characters: Nikki, Victor, Jack, Jill, Kay. Victor & Nikki might never reunite but the promise of them will always had appeal for a large segment of the audience. Besides, anything to end Victor & Ashley. Anything!

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