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Y&R Twitter spoiler

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Aside from MTS getting a raw deal... if this was played well, it could end up being Maureen Bauer on GL - namely it could go either way. Some thought of it as compelling while others thought of it as the deathknell for the show (over almost 15 years ago even). I think, if they HAD to... and they killed her, I could live with it. Nikki IS pivotal, but I think it'd at least throw a wrench in the idea of "safe" characters, the ones that you know can't die and that's what ruins your suspense when they're lying in a hospital bed or "presumed" dead. Now that we have a good idea of comings and goings and spoilers, we always have an inkling... but if it's done amazingly well, I could live with it. Victor truly realizing how badly he treated her his entire life and ACTUALLY having long-lasting change to everyone in his family... Imagine how "distraught" he was when Sabrina died, after only knowing her what a few months? If Nikki passed,it should rightfully drive him mad. it would tear everyone up. Lots of really good story actually, and I bet everyone would be stellar because how many years have they worked with MTS? They could really channel some raw emotion.

I think they should do it simply because everyone says they can't. The show must go on.

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That's fine for primetime. I like that certain shows like Prison Break turned the idea of indispensable characters on it's ear, but I don't want that to happen in daytime. I like the comfort of knowing the characters I've loved for years are (relatively) safe. I think killing Nikki would be a lot closer to Maureen Bauer/end of GL than anything positive for Y&R.

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I think the safe characters notion is what's killing the genre by taking the freshness and unpredictability out of it. People say Daytime never tries anything new and shocking, but how can you with an audience that's essentially impossible to shock? I know we tune in to see the same people living their lives and it's our comfort zone and everything, but if they want to stay true to life the truth is that lives are sometimes cut short. No rhyme, no reason. It's called tragedy and it's the cornerstone of DRAMA. I'd rather see a well-penned, compellingly acted death story than another affair that nobody cares about and ends up being of no consequence in the long run.

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I'm not sure if Eric Braeden, Josh Morrow, and Amelia Heinle could ever come close to stellar these days, no matter who died. I also don't think Nikki being killed off would be some bold move against a "safe" character, because she has been isolated from more and more of the canvas for a year now.

Y&R had a chance to show some sort of bold storytelling when they killed off "safe" character Brad, and it was a lot of nothing. Another stunt with no fallout.

Nikki's death will probably have Nick and Victor yelling and muttering in the chapel, and then after a few days of sad faces they will go back to their current stories. The show no longer cares about Nikki and they probably don't think viewers do either.

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