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OLTL: Actress FIRED!

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The problem here is people are taking sides of Chris E and now this actress and others, either defending them or condemning them, when nobody knows all of the facts. People are jumping to conclusions and judging these actors and now other posters are being judged on their reaction and thoughts that are based off reports by Nelson branco and Daytime Confidential?!. Two outlets whom in most threads 90% of people call out for hardly ever being right and reporting false information. yet when it comes to this juice gossip suddenly they are always right.

Nobody on here knows 100% of the facts. Hell, i highly doubt anyone here knows half of what went down. Yet we all freely judge and condemn these people.

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I don't believe she was homophobic. I believe that this older Latina actress pissed off her boss by disagreeing with what she felt to be OOC writing and he got pissed and fired her. And I believe he felt perfectly comfortable doing so especially because "the soap industry is deeply homophobic, disgustingly sexist and astoundingly racist" so for you this is about one actor's homophobia. For me this is yet another example, of an industry and a network that has been dishing out bigotry for years suddenly getting one hell of a free pass.

It means that Nelson, DC and the people screaming homophobe anytime somebody dares to suggest a differing scenario are so wedded to their strident ideology that they've made the Kyle/Fish story ugly before it starts. They've also made the soap audience look even more foolish

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Please let us know what "ideology" you are referring to that gay posters, fans of Kyle and Fish, Nelson Branco and Perez Hilton all share, because to the untrained eye, it sure sounds like you're veering dangerously close to babbling about a "gay agenda." And only a goddamned lunatic would do that.

And until you can explain to the rest of us how the industry is getting "a free pass" for firing Patricia Mauceri when there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest in this case that she was fired for being old, female, or Latina, but rather that she would not play a gay-positive scene, you have no case. Your "feeling" is not a case. Talking about ABC Daytime's past mistakes is not a case. We're dealing with the here and now, and nothing being put out there, even the stories you claim to tout, indicates that PM was fired over age, gender, or ethnicity. You talk about not wanting to make this "race vs. orientation" but the language and approach you are using is doing a very good job of it.

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Where is the evidence that she was fired for not playing a gay-positive scene? All I've seen is that badly written article on DC.

Sorry but after years of seeing with my own eyes Frons make bigoted comments about women being too old or too fat and witnessing Valentini's willingness to make his grudges personal even when it affects the show, I require a little more than "Daytime Confidential said..." Not much more just an article that cites a source or two preferably from a source with a better than half-assed history of accuracy.

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Mauceri doesn't live in a vacuum. She's well aware how she's being portrayed on the internet, and if she wanted to clarify the "real" reason, she could. Maybe she still will. But so far, she hasn't....and that speaks volumes.

Engen finally spoke up, but unfortunately for him, all it did was clarify for me that he was indeed a bigot. A bigot who's too stupid to realize that his reason for not doing it (he's a single father) might bite him in the ass later (he could end up having a gay son who wonders why his father had such shame for playing a gay part). Some father.

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I'm still waiting to have the "ideology" I and any gay fans or Kyle/Fish fans supposedly share with Perez Hilton explained to me.

And where is this hard evidence of Frank Valentini's personal grudges influencing the show? Oh, that's right, it was anonymous sources bitter about various actors' firings. I don't think he's exactly the greatest executive producer ever, but these wild claims of how FV schemed against Forbes March or REG are even less sourced than anything being reported about Mauceri.

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Word. Seriously AMEN WORD.

There's a lot more going on than people know, but the one note sound byte has been picked up and now that's the story. DC has done exactly what they want, getting their name out for breaking a version of the "story" and created the buzz. I'll be curious to see what gets said from the show and other actors as this plays out-shining a very different light maybe.

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I wasn't referring to the firing, although that was stupid. I was referring to his ban on Forbes March cutting his hair. It was stated by Forbes himself that Valentini refused to let him cut his hair. That was a pathetic tantrum thrown by someone who should know better.

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And you're only making her sound worse, lol. This is out there as "news" now, not just messageboard-rumormongering. So if she feels all internet users are crackpots, well, she's really stupid, lol. (I don't believe she is, but you're characterizing her that way).

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Um, marceline, many soap executive producers make the call on hair, makeup, and other cosmetic choices like that. They've been making Kassie DePaiva keep her hair blonde for years, too. It's a common practice with soap producers whether we like it or not. FV may have asked Forbes March to keep his hair long (gasp!) but there is nothing that indicates that a "pathetic tantrum" was involved. Or anything that points to where his personal grudges have gotten people fired. But it's easy for you to make [!@#$%^&*] up about the behind the scenes staff because no one likes them and they always do bad stuff, right? How far off from the truth can it be, so it doesn't really have to be the truth? Except that severely tarnishes any legitimate argument we might make in the future.

I've raged against many things ABC Daytime has done, but when I have, I've done it because there was clear evidence of fault. When some of us go after guys like Frons or FV or Bob Guza or Chuck Pratt or even Ron Carlivati, we like to have actual things to base it on, actual quotes from them, or actions they personally took, or stories they wrote. You just say things because they sound right according to your anger. Much like you've insinuated things about gay viewers, Kyle and Fish fans, and the gay staffers at OLTL regarding Patricia Mauceri's firing. You can't claim I don't care about "facts or truth" when they never seem to be a problem for you when you rant and rave about Valentini firing people over personal grudges or "gay ideology" based on...what?

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You see it as something bad. But when you look at things like the Jossip thread when Hinsey was fired, the Save GL Rally with one person, the ABC "boycott" and the fact that Nelson Branco admitted to twisting the Engen story for his own purposes, I can easily see why any actor would think the online soap audience is chock full of maniacs.

And this isn't "news" it's soaps. Nobody in any other part of the entertainment industry gives a rat's ass what happens on the soaps. There's no reason for her to say a damn thing. Hell, GL is going off the air and nobody cares.

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If Mauceri admitted she quit over personal religious opposition to playing a gay-positive scene, would you still defend her? Or would you understand why the show recast since it's their choice to have the character of Carlotta Vega be gay-friendly?

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I honestly don't think this kind of rumor is going to hurt her career. I think people who know her, people who cast her, won't hear anything about it, unless it's from her. Online community? The soap community is small, and with the current trends of main stream soap press, I don't think it will matter much.

But if she's this 'homophobe', I don't see her going scout for work around NYC... doesn't make sense to me- good luck working at all. I don't see a need for a lawyer.

Beyond rumor, I think we all can imagine what a workplace is like. There are going to be people you don't care for, don't like, regardless of their popularity; it doesn't take an evil mastermind to want to see an employee fired; but then again, it doesn't take a man in a cloak to be a homophobe. Everything we hear about this industry is second hand news and rumor. You throw "allegedly" around enough, who cares.

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