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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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I actually agree with you on this...and it doesn't just relate to the neglect of large parts of the canvas.

For example, I am still hung up on the forgetting, last year, of Victor's vasectomy. (And then the retcon of a "quiet reversal").

This is appalling for four reasons: First, MAB claims to know the show. Second, Minardi Slater knows the show, and she should have piped up. Third, Esser knows the show, and she should have piped up. Fourth, Braeden knows the character, and he should have piped up. (Fifth--Cooper, Thomas Scott and may others know Victor's history, and they should have piped up).

That this huge error slipped through, and distracted many people, like me, from the story because we couldn't accept the basic premises, speaks of poor management. Because I didn't believe Victor could impregnate a woman, I assumed Sabrina was conning. I thought maybe she was schtupping Adam to produce a genetically close offspring. Maybe she was in cahoots with Adam (and their enmity was for show). Then I thought Victor was feigning his adoration for Sabrina and baby because -- after all -- he knew the child couldn't be his. Heck, he'd put Michael Scott in the dungeon for the same reason.

I mention all this because that single act of mismanagement RUINED MAB's debut story.

I agree that some of the neglect of the broader canvas and the pacing issues speak of mismanagement.

What is remarkable to me is that, despite this mismanagement, we can have terrific episodes like today. All the character moments were great, and the end-of-episode shot was a total "ooooooooooh" moment. The show was great (for me) to watch...so it remarkable that so much goodness can spring up despite the problems.

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You know I would so love to be wrong about this. I would so love to find out that MAB has this great story planned for Lauren and Michael for the fall and I would love to eat humble pie.

Of course this is all speculation on my part, but I do know that Tracey Bregman wants to work more as I spoke to her personally. I do know that she has been written into only seven shows since the end of February and the last appearance was just insulting to TEB and her fans when they used her in one scene with Eden that lasted all of 40 secs. I know that she will not be seen again until August and I know that if Lauren was written properly she would not have been missing for six weeks when Kevin was on the run and in the hospital just like I know she would not ignore Summer who was in the hospital. The writing is on the wall because the writers have made a serious effort to keep Lauren off canvas. Why would they do this? Why would they suddenly minimize her to such an extent?

Maybe they will kill off Lauren and Fen to give Michael a story, but I can see them trying to write her off quietly to cause as little stir as possible. Plus, after killing off Ashley's baby and putting Summer in a coma, it might be a bit of overkill to kill of a mother and young son. They probably don't want the drama of a funeral.

But you are right, I am just speculating and inferring after watching soaps since I was 9 yrs old. I am upset and venting obviously and what sets me off is when people are like oh well, it's all about money and ignore the fact that these are characters we have come to care about. If this was night time, it would not phase me. I loved X-Files but knew it was time for the show to end. But I remember the first time I watched Lauren with my grandmother. She was making fun of Tracey Abbott at a pool party and me being a young teen, I was so upset for poor Tracey but at the same time got a kick out of Lauren and her cutting wit. I have watched her go through so much that it is hard to see her go out this way.

Fear not though because I think I am vented out, at least for the next few weeks.

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This is where I'm REALLY different from a lot of fans. i don't see the need to have people in a scene just because they should be there but unless they're needed - in this economic reality.i wish people had to make decisions on whether to have Lauren come in and have a cry with PHyllis with whter or not they will have to buy new costumes for the upcoming wedding or something like that.

It's belt-tightening.

Lauren/Victoria/JT are missed because back in the day when say Cassie died, the whole town would be there just about and regulars would be there just to be in the background. Y&R always had the budget to do that but they don't anymore.

I've said it before and i'll say it again - I only fault MAB for telling everyone Y&R is in the black and won't be affected like other soaps. I really think she needs to communicate that - cause just like the rest of the country/world - you can't have champagne and caviar every night.

I'd rather Y&R maintain its production values and not look like GL or ATWT, than to see peripheral characters that are sentimentally important but not essential.

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I want Lauren to stay forever! I want her front burner.

but if that is not in the cards because of money, or because she does not inspire these writers, then I want her set adrift. If the writers don't know what to do with her, then they should cut her lose.

I am not blase about this. I CARE. But I want decisive action one way or another.

When they neglect all these characters, they are acting like ATWT. Bob, Kim, Nancy, Lisa, etc...all criminally under-used. I don't want Y&R to be that way...but it is.

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I'm not sure where belt-tightening ends and lack of interest in relationships begins. They shouldn't have to pay big money to have Billy or Jack in more scenes with Ashley (can't they take a break from a few days of Jack mooning over Sharon), but they still haven't had any strong presence in the story. That means she is so cut off that it's hard to be invested in her.

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I am so with you. I know how much you love TEB and CLB. I guess I'm not a fan of the people but the show itself. We always think TPTB have the money and the means to do whatever - it's Hollywood, baby!

But when you have friends who work for the newly merged Endeavor and WME who used to have offices with skyline views now in cubes lucky to have a job period - I live in this town - I know that this is NO JOKE. I know you feel a loyalty to TEB - and God knows I love her too, though not as much as you, and I'm sure she's unhappy too! But I wish we could see what the alternative would look like - when more of the crew is let go or they hire less experienced production staff and their lighting and sound and feel of the show is just bright lights with fake canned music with people all having the same bedroom set. Stuff like that...that to me would be sacrilege. If the show can improve, get better and if we rally behind it now - while it still can thrive - rathe rthan wait till we get cancelled and nobody gives a damn and holds rallies at CBS....if you don't think that's a possibility it is.

I really feel you and I wish things like the pacing and the costumes and cast could be manged better but I'm telling u they're doing the best they can. And if you talk to TEB - ask her about how many crew no longer work there? Ask her how many cutbacks and changes have been made to the bible of the show that MAB plotted out carefully that was changed and cut out because there was no budget. It's a nightmare backstage to coordinate and adjust to the new way they do business every day.

And nobody likes it...but I do NOT think for one second, that anyone with the same budget and resources could do it better than MAB. That I know in my heart - as a true Y&R fan, just like u.

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You see this is where I think the show is being penny wise and pound foolish. You could easily throw in Lauren in some of these scenes comforting Phyllis and sitting with Summer since Phyllis can't. Just like she was there when Phyllis was on trial, in jail and thought Nick was dead. Have Lauren not only be there for Phyllis and Summer but remember watching her own son die and MAB not only gets the Lauren fans on her side, but plays up the character elements, gives a nod to history, and frankly makes the story better.

Then after Michael spent the whole July Fourth holiday with the Newmans dealing with Summer they should have had Michael go home and have a few scenes with Lauren. Being what they have been for years. Observers of the foibles of other couples/characters and the stable couple you can count on.

And all it costs is to pay Tracey Bregman for two days of work.

You can make the same case for characters like Paul showing up to talk to Nikki about bringing Summer home. Show him with Heather questioning why she is bringing these charges. Or even do this with characters I was never fond of, but have JT interact with Mac. Maybe share a drink where she talks about her feelings for Billy and her grandmother's health issues. He lived at the mansion and was a part of Mac's teen life and it wasn't all heart and flowers with Billy. He could remind her off those things.

I don't get why shows get so fixated on the plot driven drama when what has kept Y&R number one for so long was the character driven aspect of the show. And if they want this plot driven drama, at least pepper it with many of these small character moments.

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I wish they could publish a book on exec producing and budgeting a tv soap. It's just not that simple when you're already over budget. what if the Judith Chapman fans say well just give JC 2 days a week. Well just give my FAVORITE character this - it just doesn't work that way. I SO wished it did tho.

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You are not the first person to say I am too forgiving of Y&R. You're probably right...but I'm honest about it.

That said, I sincerely believe it is about money. With limited dollars, they have to make choices. And they have chosen to play certain vets (and neglect or kill off the others), and slowly load up the young 'uns (which--by itself--is not a problem, since it gives a show sustainability in future years). We're not as far apart as you think though. Like this:

I think because of money, and because they are not inspired by Lauren, the writers have pushed her off the stove. I think this is terrible. I feel the same about Paul Williams, JT, even the character of Victoria.

I have said several times I feel the cast needs to be pared. Almost no choice will be painless...but that doesn't mean a choice doesn't have to be made. Thus, I agree with you. Either PLAY Lauren, or write her off. This middle-position, twisting in the wind, is awful.

We are in total agreement here. I think this strategy is awful. Play her or cut her. Same for JT, Victoria, Paul, Gloria, Jeff, Michael, Colleen, Tyra, Ana...who else am I missing?

What am I missing? Why can't you have a small enough cast that they play 4 days a week?

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Carl - I wish you had to schedule working days on the set. Many of the veterans are on summer break. A lot of them shoot a bunch of scenes in advance so they go on vacation. I just wish each and every fan could see what goes on backstage and how these things work out. I know MAB would love to have the whole frickin cast holding a candlelight vigil over Summer if she could...

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If I understand this correctly... if Y&R implemented this while remaining an hour? You would have a LOT more of the Quad bed-hopping. For five hours a week. No matter how bad some think it is, that would be MUCH worse.

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Because people are on summer vacations and as some people have guessed because of MTS's contract fiasco they couldn't write her as the one Victor and Ashley suspected of gaslighting and the ensuing Paul/Nikki marriage. And then people were gone for vacation and certain reshoots couldn't be done.

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You know I am with you. I am lucky as I am a teacher and have some job stability, but i have a niece with two young children who want to move in with me and have leant money to three family members who are all hard working but have lost their jobs.

And you know what, if it was just about TEB or all these other jobs, I could buy this argument. Of course, they need to cut back and I am sure they have but TEB is not costing them much money because she is recurring and if they have so many issues with money why do they continue to bring on more and more characters when they are not needed now. And don't tell me they won't make a hard play for younger or name stars when they come free from other shows. It has been confirmed by a number of sources that Y&R is going hard after Gina Tognini. She won't come cheap but they are going after her. How does this play into all the financial difficulties? I would sympathize more i everytime I turned around I wasn't reading about another hire or Y&R getting into another bidding war over a name.

By the way, I am not personal friends with Tracey Bregman. I met her last summer at a small event and we chatted a bit. She was nothing but professional, very sweet and I was the one who brought up the fact I would like to see her more and she said she loved the show and would like to work more. She joked a bit at the fact I started watching her on Days when she was all of 15 or 16 and I was all of 9. I am at a site where some talk to her on facebook and not once has she complained about her treatment and has encouraged all of us to continue watching for the sake of the show. She has been a class act and I am sure she will be if she is let go.

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So, if ratings fall, viewer dissatisfaction continues to grow, will MAB and company be overthrown like Latham? As we know, Latham was not a Sony movie, it was a Barbara Bloom move that was supported by the Bell's and eventually Sony.

Can and will Steven Kent/Sony stage a coup to overthrow Maria Arena Bell and Company?

Some might say no, because all of daytime is threading downwards, but as the Latham firing proved, with Y&R, you never know.

Frankly, I wouldn't be opposed to a new regime, which is obvious. It might be worse, but I'm willing to take a chance.

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