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Y&R: Week of June 15-19, 2009

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I can see where people could enjoy the story. Only speaking for myself, I'm sorry that they've slighted Jill's losses. They didn't spend very much time showing her try to deal with Kay not being her mother. She's lost her money and power, which is what she has used for years as a shield. Imagine if Victor lost his fortune, his identity. They wouldn't have us laugh at him.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Jill has a story. The story is basically true to her character and that's good. I know they need a lighthearted contrast to the heavy story about Cane/Phillip. I did love the Jill/Kay/Nina scenes. I'm not trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I'm only saying I wish they would do more to explore, from Jill's point of view, in a serious manner, what she has lost, and her struggles to regain her identity.

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I don't think MAB is worse than LML only because LML seemed more disillusioned imo. MAB needs a good balance to all the negatives of her approach. There have been times under her that the show has been really good and to make it excellent she needs better balance. What is being highlighted at this point is the negatives of the show, there are fixes to be made but I don't necessarily think SHE IS THE WORSE thing for Y&R I just believe she needs better help

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She's more Vicky than AH is. Heather Tom is the first & best choice but if that ain't happening, something must be done. Among the many reasons I'm unhappy about CE leaving is that outside of Heather Tom, he's the only Victor kid to actually have serious chemistry with EB. Josh Morrow/EB aren't bad together but not special and AH/EB are just flat together. Even if MM does have chemistry with EB, the show is missing something by not having that dynamic Victor/Victoria connection. There's something inherently great about sexist Victor coming to terms with a daughter who can stand her ground against him. If we can't have HT, we need someone who can hold her own and even challenge EB. I bet Martha Byrne would be more than up for the challenge.

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