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ATWT: June Discussion Thread

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I've heard a rumor there is an actual opening. I don't know why...I can't even recall the last one, because all they ever use anymore is the titlecard. Wait---was the last one the cornfield-ish opening?

I think the logo's fine. I'd rather have an opening than the mid-show bumpers, if we're voting. I don't know why we lost our opening---even GL still has their opening.

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Yeah it doesn't make any sense. The new opening is that blue one. It's funny, in 10 years, Goutman has produced different 5 opening sequences. He should have just kept the 1993-1999 opening, it was timeless and it didn't need to be updated, ever.

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Yeah, Damian screwing Dusty over is worth seeing, even if both were arguing over Meg moments earlier. At least badass Damian is back.

Also, I don't mind Paul & Rosanna together...their scenes were cute.

I'm not sure what to think of Craig & Carly...it almost seems like they're trying to write Craig as the guy who understands her completely, but sadly, he can't save her.

I like Bonnie, but she could do soo much better than Dusty.

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I felt bad for Casey, even though he's a little doofus. I think I'd feel horrible too if my mom suddenly treated a complete stranger like a "son" and treated me like an outsider.

*eyeroll* I suppose Van fans drooled over his little glimpse of chest hair.

I get the feeling Larry's up to something. But even if Em's tubes are scarred, why can't she try and use some of her own eggs? They're still there---even if the hen's a little old.

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KMH is 42, according to imdb. Emily is supposed to be slightly older than Paul, and about the same age as Holden and Lily.

LOL...this is the same show where fifty-ish Kim gave birth to Chris as a late in life baby. I wish they would have just put in in terms of a woman's fertility at Em's presumed age, instead of just calling Em old.

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She looks pretty damn good for being 42! Poor KMH had to sit there and take just about half the cast calling her old. You're absolutely right, they should have put it in terms of a woman's fertility. I was starting to get offended by the way everyone was talking and I'm younger than that!

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*hangs head in shame* I know it's stupid, but anytime Henry can make Brad look like a complete ass, I giggle.

I don't know what to think about Carly's drinking. I'm glad I don't have to think she's actually sober and saying all that goofy crap to Craig. I still wish Jack was more involved. I'm glad Parker finally went to Jack, instead of covering for her. I love that the strain is beginning to show in the Jack/Janet marriage. And as much as I love Parker, I couldn't believe Janet when she said she "knew he wasn't a liar". Honey...he's done a LOT of lying in the past six months. (but I think it proves a point---Janet will say anything that serves her purpose, and right now, her purpose to convince everyone Carly will be fine.)

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The show wasn't half bad. The ending with Margo as the cliffhanger was great. Too bad it was rushed. Of course the previews spoil everything for next week. At least the previews had the good stuff that will be on next week and not the Meg drivel.

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I think I enjoy Casey more when he's not hamstrung clearing his every move with the ex-porn queen/meth addict.

And at least I could enjoy Carly turning on Craig on a dime, and the Carly/Ro and Ro/Parker stuff. Even Jack today, who was talking complete sense even as Craig spun his wheels defending Carly.

Janet made me gag---not that that's anything new.

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I watched live today for the first time in a long time.

Carly and Rosanna were good. I looked past Carly guzzling from the bottle at the end.

Cady McClain is one of the most beautiful women in daytime and I love her as Rosanna.

I was glad to see Parker being nice to his mama without a snarl on hs face.

What the heck has Julie Pinson done to her hair?

One of the best things about today:no Katie,Paul Meg and Dusty.

The end was a good cliffhanger even if everybody knew who Riley was the minute he first hit the screen!

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Carly and Rosanna are always nice to see.

Parker being concerned about her mother was nice too.

Amen to no Katie, Paul, Meg and Dusty...

Yeah I know Riley was Adam from day one. Nice cliffhanger though.

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