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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Katherine is finally here! OMG at her cutting John's hand off (which was pretty graphic LOL) and then stabbing him. :o But when 'Elena' kissed Damon I knew that had to be Katherine. I really liked Anna and was disappointed she got killed off. Okay so in this "Vampire Universe" all one has to do is have Vampire blood in their system and then die (what Jeremy is doing)? They don't need to get bitten? So I guess Tyler is a Warewolf, eh.

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I admit, I liked the finale (it wasn't anything brilliant, but I enjoyed it) the way I felt about the show in general--it was fun, the moody tone sucked me in, and, as backhanded as this sounds, I thought it was far better than it had any right to be (since they're alwasy compare, it's not even slightly a True Blood, but it sure is more interesting than Twilight). I did think one problem was how quickly every side character seemed to get killed off--we'd have a potentially interesting character introduced and he'd be killed off the next week.

So how long till we see the Mayor's son transform into a werewolf, BTW? Is it mandatory that every vampire project midway through introduces werewolves? Still I liked that they didn't hammer the point that that's what he was too obviously.

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I think it's unfair to say that it's better than it has any right to be. All this show did was prove that the silly, silly stigmas that hover around The CW and teen dramas are nonsense. It's possible for a CW show to be more than decent, and it's possible for a teen drama to be more than decent (without numerous references to the 80s, "realistic" characters who wear high waters and bifocals, and a cast of stereotypes).

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I like the show but am also tired of characters being killed off with lots of story left to tell.

What are the contracts and shooting schedules like? I want Ian Somerhalder to come on True Blood as Sookie's relative Claude, who is described as having Brad Pitt movie star looks and makes everyone in the vicinity so lustful they stand around panting like dogs!

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I like tht they are killed off.

People die, all the time, before their story is done. Furthermore these people live around and some are vampires. There is going to be a death toll. Thats part of the appeal. Building Viki up to kill her off was great. It set a tone. Almost anyone can go.

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WOAH, hold your horses. :P I've been a fan of a lot of UPN/WB programming (not so much CW so far), with Buffy and Veronica Mars topping my list. I didn't mean to imply that all--I read the first novel as a teenager (yes, before Twilight hit--my sis had them) and I remember it being AWFUL. If I think Alan Ball has taken Charlaine Harris' average, fun but slight Vampire novels and made a feast of them with True Blood, then in their way Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec had even less decent material to pull from for their show. The books are just awesomely crappy writing.

Sorry I wasn't clear.

That said, while I am a fan of much of his work, the fact Kevin Williamson hasn't had a great track record with tv shows (though I did find Wasteland and Glory Days guilty pleasures--even Hidden Palms), did make me think maybe this wouldn't be the surefire hit people thought. I was clearly wrong.

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Interestingly, apparently Ian was the one who needed the most work to really get his character--everyone talks about how craptastic his audition was.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way with the instant deaths. They bring in often interesting actors to do interesting characters and its gotten to the point now where I'd be surprised if one LASTED more than 2 eps. At first the fact nearly anyone is capable of being killed does give the show an edge--now it would be more surprising to have someone stick around... I get JP's point, and liked how it was done with Vicki, but I think the fact that now we have grown into thinking anyone WILL die is defeating the purpose.

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See, i disagree. becaquse Anna stuck around for quite awhile. Sure she ended up dying, thank god, but she went on so long i actually didnt think she would.

They bring on A LOT of people because they need all these people to further the story. But they dont really mater in the long run and im happy the show sues for a purpose then moves on. We know E, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy, & The Brothers wont die. Its a safe bet to assume jenna & Alaric wont die. Thats a good amount of regulars not to worry about.

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:lol: I had a feeling that was gonna sound bitchy, but I was too lazy to go back and edit it! Sorry, E. I think I misunderstood you, too, so yeah. Everything I've read about the books say that they are pretty cheesy and cliche but overall readable, if you like that sorta thing. Ljane kinda loves herself, so she's only slightly approved of the TV show, sorta in a smirking way ("I've seen the pilot...all I'll say is give it time, guys, give it time..." blah blah).

I agree, especially about Anna dying. I was tired of her from day one and whenever I sit down and watch the rest of the season, I can't wait to watch her die.

The only two deaths that I wish didn't happen were Lexi and Damon's ex-girlfriend who he and Elena saw when they went to Georgia. I really wanted more of them, and it would have been awesome if they'd been written as one characters (Damon's ex who takes none of his [!@#$%^&*] and is also Stefan's snarky BFF).

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