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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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Listen, Y&R is probably by far the most watchable soap on the air, IMO, and there's a lot that they're doing right. But there's still a lot of major issues to work out that MAB and team just can't handle. If Y&R in its current state (although very passable) should be used to judge all of daytime, something is very wrong with this whole genre. The whole genre is just so bad that it makes Y&R look better and more creative than it actually is.

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But, that's the point. I highly, highly, doubt there are new viewers! A few thousand every year? Not merely enough. We're cutting off the nose to spite the face, and other cliche stuff like that.

ETA: Not to mention, the new viewers probably started watching during LML and are now obsessing over couples and dogs.

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It's more than "not shining" at B&B. It is EYE-ROLLINGLY BAD. The WORST dialogue. His days are sometimes the STINKIEST.

I cannot imagine this, even though my only experience with him is B&B. I feel, if he had it, he must have lost it. MIND-NUMBINGLY AWFUL.

I can pick Mulcahey/Smith scripts out by a mile...they are just FLORID. Suddenly, there are these soliloquys...

Please, NO.

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Just saw the ending to Friday's US episode. :o

, my jaw dropped and then I just kept smiling. MAB is going there! Woohoo!!!!

I also was enjoying watching Adam have fun in gas lighting Ashley.

I even liked the vows for the wedding.

Pretty solid episode.

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Exactly. The new viewers whom the writers cater to (therefore, change the whole fabric of the show to satisfy) leave after a few months due to boredom/something better to do/realizing the show hasn't had an explosion in two weeks, and the older ones realize that there hasn't been a damn real moment on the show in months. BAM! Minus a million viewers.

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I wish it (the conversations) would happen for often than just once in a while. I think the last good conversation (Billy/Mac, Jack/Nick, Sharon/Phyllis) was Amanda Beall's episode on April 7th.

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