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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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If there's two soaps they could write, those are Y&R and B&B, because they are mostly under the Bell family control and they could have freedom to write there.

Exactly. The new viewers should adapt to what the soap is, the old viewers should be respected. Simple enough.

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I should have quoted the post I was referring to that would have made sense :lol: but too late now anyway :lol: , I'll move on.

In any event. I think the show is imperfectly balanced but at the same time there is the variation factor of the audience they cater to. They do have those character moments but it seems the younger audience love movments, plots and events. A bit of every beat is played at least it seems to me

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But, that's the thing... who said that a "younger audience" is actually watching the show? I hardly believe that the soap is gaining a lot of younglings who've never watched before. There's merely a flunctuation between old time viewers who stop watching and then start again....

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The level of paranoia going on other boards is so stupid. We have people regularly complaining about the lack of airtime for Eden and Noah, conspiracy theories about Tracey Bregman being fired and the Baldwins being completely fazed out with the exception of Kevin/Michael, and various other... I pray that CBS executives do not read any of that.

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Personally I live for the character moments and the character driven storytelling blended with the great production standards and great acting. The only thing I would ask is that they keep it modernized without taking away the magic Bell touch of the past

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The reason I like Patrick Mulcahey is because I think he would be able to infuse the show with more purpose and would be better able to write for a full ensemble (MAB/Sheffer/Hamner ignore characters for months). I think he could specifically work wonders on characters like the Fisher-Baldwins, Phyllis, and Chole - you know, popular characters that are without any purpose on this show and aren't strictly tied to a core family. Given that he's trained with Marland and was very close with Curlee, I think he would very much respect the core characteristics of this show, and the man is a genius at creating characters. I think we'd get a good classic soap under him, with perhaps some more edgy touches.

Mulcahey just isn't shining at B&B, the way he did at SB, GL, and GH. I think Y&R would be a lot more of what he would like to do. Please Billy, at least try my idea and maybe have Mulcahey submit a Bible or something. LOL!

I hear Mulcahey wrote Bibles for both GL and GH when he was at both shows, btw...

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I disagree. I just dont think they have gotten into the character yet. the brought her on, played the ebats that needed to be played, kept her in town, and slowly puling out the story. thats what i see.

just ebcause they dont pop off with the story like gangbusters within a month doesnt mean there is no story. Its there, the foundation is buliding.


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I loved Jack showing up at Jimmy's to try to talk some sense into Billy. there is so much irony in that. I cannot wait for the truth to come out about Billy/Sharon. Plus, I love that jack booked Gloria on a slow boat to nowhere and she still refused to give up her jewels. :lol:

I felt kind of bad for Neil today, even though I was rooting for Karen when she kicked him to the curb. I think because this whole Tyra mess seems so OOC. I just can't imagine Neil cheating in those circumstances. I really can't wait to get back into the corporate drama with Neil going up against Victor.

I sadly have to concede the point that the cast has to be trimmed, even though I tried to fight against the notion of getting rid of people just a few days ago. I can see now that things need to be tightened up a bit. Some stories are off screen for way too long. There really aren't a lot of people I want to go though. I would say Tyra, but then what will they do with Neil? Maybe Cane, but I'm really interested in this next beat of his story.

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I also loved the drunk-Nikki episode, where she just *talked* to Kay for half the episode.

No, no Alden. Y&R suffered incredible weekly ratings losses throughout her entire period. The only WORSE ratings period was those first months of MAB/JG (never before had Y&R declined at that absolute rate). Couple that with the horror-show that is B&B now...No!

Yes, I remember it too. But I'm sure folks think it is "risky"..."talky" shows don't have enough action.

I agree totally.

I love that quote. I love that quote!

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