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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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It is better than anything else on in daytime tho, but thats not why i like it. ITA what you are saying, thats how if elt about OLTL last year. was it the best of daytime? Sure. was it awfulk? Without a doubt. I actually like Y&R right now tho.

Kimsey :wub:

Anyone else? Really? I mean....


it could be MUCH worse...

thank you.

and i find nothing wrong with discussing your like or dislike. i just dont understand why some people feel the need to make others believe what they do. your thoughts and views and opinions are yours, and theirs are theirs. discuss,m debate, but dont force the issue.


I dont remember a lot of pre 2000 (aside from what i have via youtube and tapes) but i do honestly feel this is without a doubt the best this has been this decade.

I dont feel it is unraveling at all. I actually feel like they are getting whats working and keeping it going and tweaking what doesnt to try and fix it. I also feel like most actions have reactions and storylines will play out for a very long time. I like it. Perfect? Far from it. But still good, entertaining, soap opera.

I disagree.

I dont see CE or Adam going anywhere, anytime soon.


i know, me too.

I am totally gonna go all fanboy.. sorry! lol... I love Thad. As a person he is great. He has, as far as i know, always stopped for fans and is very personable. He is genuine too. He has never felt he was above soaps or anything like that, even when he found quite a bit of primetime work. I also think hes underrated as an actor. leading man? No. But the world isnt made up of just leading men. There needs to be supporting players too. and i feel Thad/JT is a perfect supporting player.

If you have no emotional investment and hate the show i have to ask.. why are you watching?

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:lol: :lol:

Is Mark hurt and like a child follows those who hate Sylph and agrees with them? I thought I'd never see the day!!!

The LMAOs are not even sincere, they're just there for you to "ridicule" Sylph and his theses. :lol:

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Good! I sure hope not. I admit it. I am swayed by a hot piece of soap peen. And I do NOT want Chris Engen's little furry ass to go.

Not to mention, the character of Adam (like his namesake Adam Carrington of Dynasty) is driving story. We need a bad-ass! A villain. We need Victor's SON. The only person who could arrogantly think he could hit Victor and get away with it! Thank goodness for Adam amid all the sycophants like Smugtoria, Nick, Nikki ("Thank you for letting me into the Ranch, Victor! And for talking to me without shouting!"), Estella ("Thank you for not totally firing me"), Rafe ("Thank you for not totally firing my aunt!"), JT ("Thank you for letting me be such an important part of da FAMILYzzzzzzzzzzzz") etc., etc.

The only concern I have is that Adam is isolated from other parts of the canvas. He should be bitching out Jack, romancing Heather, flirting with Mac (well, every Y&R guy has to) and sleeping with Colleen on the side. Work that blindness, Adam. "I can see with my hands..." etc.

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i agree.

i dont mind Adam's isolation from the world right now. hes a man on a mission.

but for the record... Mac/Adam?.. humm... could kinda be hawt. I could tots see Clem/Chris working it.

And colleen/Adam? again.. i could see it. id like it. i really wouldnt mind a JT/Victoria breakup where the family still liked JT (like what happened with Sam/Amanda on AW) and JT moved on into a quad with colleen/adam/heather/jt. because really... Vail & Thad? Hella sexy!!

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I hadn't thought of that. But you may well be right! Certainly MAB was anticipating a longer stay for Sabrina.

But what would have triggered Adam's sudden gaslighting of his stepmaw back then? That makes me wonder if Adam wasn't always supposed to be messed up and psycho. At least here we can sort of guess that he is pissed at Victor for abandoning him TWICE (once at birth, another after his fake-death when he kicked Adam out) and at Jack for making him take the fall for Diarygate.

And even with all that as a motive, I have to wonder: why Ashley? With Victor making goo-goo eyes at Nikki's photo, it's not like he's gonna care about Ashley sticking around after a while. And Jack will be miffed at best. He's all about Sharon and being a father to children who aren't his. Adam should have tried to strike at both of them directly.

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Once Billy Abbott returned to Genoa City, I got the feeling that TPTB didn't know what to do with Adam for some time. The idea to make him "evil" wasn't the original plan and I believe that some of his intended storylines were given to the very popular Billy Miller. Perhaps I am wrong though :)

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You know, ordinarily I would have said "no way!" CE was on the show a full year and a half before BM showed up. However, that scene last week where Billy went to grovel to Victor for a job and Victor basically shut the door in his face? I was like "Hey. Victor usually only does that to family members."

TPTB do love Miller, though, and it shows. :lol: I don't mind. I love him, too. I just hope they don't over-expose him.

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I just dont think they are awful, or even bad.

they are just OK. and i do agree thats an issue.

but then again i have whack tast because IMHO Jess Walton was awful yesterday. And people say Laura Wright needs to learn how to play subtle. Damn.

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You thought Chapman and Shackleford were better? They all played a broad sitcom...and I'm fine with that for an episode here and there. It had a lot more energy than Heinle.

Walton played something similarly broad with "the governor" earlier in the week. It was also over the top, but a bit of a laugh riot. That's fine with me...Jill had been such a mild non-entity for so long, I'm grateful for some ENERGY again.

That's part of why I like Amber and Kevin and Kay too. They command attention. They entertain.

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